
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Intermediate, season 2, Lesson 22. Invest Your Money Carefully in China.
Chloe: 大家好 (Dàjiā hǎo), I am Chloe.
Becky: Hi everyone, I am Becky and welcome back to chineseclass101.com. This is intermediate, season 2, Lesson 22. Invest Your Money Carefully in China.
Chloe: 这节课我们来了解一下怎么拉客户。(Zhè jié kè wǒmen lái liǎo jiè yīxià zěnme lā kèhù.)
Becky: The conversation takes place at an investor’s office.
Chloe: 我们将会听到网站员工和投资人的一段对话。(Wǒmen jiāng huì tīng dào wǎngzhàn yuángōng hé tóuzī rén de yīduàn duìhuà.)
Becky: The speakers are talking about investments. So they will be using formal Chinese. Let’s listen to the conversation.
(A: Wǒmen de wǎngzhàn shìyòng yú suǒyǒu rén, kèhù shùliàng juéduì yǒu bǎozhàng.)
(B: Nǐmen wǎngzhàn dōu yǒu shé me gōngnéng? Néng tígōng shénme fúwù?)
(A: Xuǎn chē, gòuchē, qìchē bǎoyǎng, wǒmen tígōng yītiáo lóng fúwù. Xiǎng mǎi chē de, yǐjīng yǒu chē de, dōu xūyào wǒmen de wǎngzhàn.)
(B: Zhè gēn 4S diàn yǒu shé me qūbié ya?)
(A: Yǒu a, wǒmen shì wǎngzhàn, tāmen shì shítǐ diàn ya. Wǒmen duō fāngbiàn kuàijié.)
(B: Ēn, yǒudiǎn er dàolǐ.)
(A: Suǒyǐ nín gěi wǒmen tóuzī shì wěn zhuàn bù péi de.)
(B: Gěi wǒ kàn yīxià nǐmen de wǎngyè.)
A:哦.. 这个,还需要一个月,现在网站还在设计中。
(A: Ó.. Zhège, hái xūyào yīgè yuè, xiànzài wǎngzhàn hái zài shèjì zhōng.)
(B: Zhè…)
(A: Bùguò, nín fàngxīn, tóuzī wǒmen juéduì shì zhèngquè de xuǎnzé.)
Becky: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
(A: Wǒmen de wǎngzhàn shìyòng yú suǒyǒu rén, kèhù shùliàng juéduì yǒu bǎozhàng.)
(B: Nǐmen wǎngzhàn dōu yǒu shé me gōngnéng? Néng tígōng shénme fúwù?)
(A: Xuǎn chē, gòuchē, qìchē bǎoyǎng, wǒmen tígōng yītiáo lóng fúwù. Xiǎng mǎi chē de, yǐjīng yǒu chē de, dōu xūyào wǒmen de wǎngzhàn.)
(B: Zhè gēn 4S diàn yǒu shé me qūbié ya?)
(A: Yǒu a, wǒmen shì wǎngzhàn, tāmen shì shítǐ diàn ya. Wǒmen duō fāngbiàn kuàijié.)
(B: Ēn, yǒudiǎn er dàolǐ.)
(A: Suǒyǐ nín gěi wǒmen tóuzī shì wěn zhuàn bù péi de.)
(B: Gěi wǒ kàn yīxià nǐmen de wǎngyè.)
A:哦.. 这个,还需要一个月,现在网站还在设计中。
(A: Ó.. Zhège, hái xūyào yīgè yuè, xiànzài wǎngzhàn hái zài shèjì zhōng.)
(B: Zhè…)
(A: Bùguò, nín fàngxīn, tóuzī wǒmen juéduì shì zhèngquè de xuǎnzé.)
Becky: Now. Let’s hear with English translation.
(A: Wǒmen de wǎngzhàn shìyòng yú suǒyǒu rén, kèhù shùliàng juéduì yǒu bǎozhàng.)
A: Our site targets all people. The number of customers is absolutely secure.
(B: Nǐmen wǎngzhàn dōu yǒu shé me gōngnéng? Néng tígōng shénme fúwù?)
B: What kind of function does your website have? What kind of service does it provide?
(A: Xuǎn chē, gòuchē, qìchē bǎoyǎng, wǒmen tígōng yītiáo lóng fúwù. Xiǎng mǎi chē de, yǐjīng yǒu chē de, dōu xūyào wǒmen de wǎngzhàn.)
A: We offer a one-stop service, including car selection, purchase, and maintenance. Our website is useful for people who want to buy a car, as well as those who already have a car.
(B: Zhè gēn 4S diàn yǒu shé me qūbié ya?)
B: Is there any difference between this and the 4S shops?
(A: Yǒu a, wǒmen shì wǎngzhàn, tāmen shì shítǐ diàn ya. Wǒmen duō fāngbiàn kuàijié.)
A: Of course. We are a website. They are the actual store. We are more convenient.
(B: Ēn, yǒudiǎn er dàolǐ.)
B: That's true.
(A: Suǒyǐ nín gěi wǒmen tóuzī shì wěn zhuàn bù péi de.)
A: So it is a sure win if you invest with us.
(B: Gěi wǒ kàn yīxià nǐmen de wǎngyè.)
B: Show me the website.
A:哦.. 这个,还需要一个月,现在网站还在设计中。
(A: Ó.. Zhège, hái xūyào yīgè yuè, xiànzài wǎngzhàn hái zài shèjì zhōng.)
A: Oh... the site is still being designed. It needs another month.
(B: Zhè…)
B: So…
(A: Bùguò, nín fàngxīn, tóuzī wǒmen juéduì shì zhèngquè de xuǎnzé.)
A: But don't you worry, investing in us is the absolute right choice.
Becky: I think it would be a little risky to invest without seeing what the website looks like exactly. The promise of the website sales is attractive though.
Chloe: 我也这么觉得,这客户拉的,网站都还没设计出来呢,不过你别说,很多拉客户,拉投资的都这样,先把你忽悠的掏了钱再说。(Wǒ yě zhème juédé, zhè kèhù lā de, wǎngzhàn dōu hái méi shèjì chūlái ne, bùguò nǐ bié shuō, hěnduō lā kèhù, lā tóuzī de dōu zhèyàng, xiān bǎ nǐ hūyou de tāole qián zàishuō.)
Becky: That’s true but you know, sweet words always work, at least they work on me.
Chloe: 那是Becky你的耳根子软。真要是投资的话,还是得综合分析各方面情况后才能做决定。不然,你的钱就打水漂了。(Nà shì Becky nǐ de ěrgēn zi ruǎn. Zhēn yàoshi tóuzī dehuà, háishì dé zònghé fēnxī gè fāngmiàn qíngkuàng hòu cáinéng zuò juédìng. Bùrán, nǐ de qián jiù dǎ shuǐ piàole.)
Becky: I agree. We know sales people need to visit their clients and talk them into purchases or investments, but is that enough to make a deal?
Chloe: 当然不够了,在中国,做生意有两点很重要:一要有关系,中国是个关系社会,有关系的话,无论你做什么往往都能事半功倍。二要会喝酒,中国的酒文化相当有名,很多中国人都喜欢喝酒谈生意,在酒桌上喝高兴了,这生意多半也就谈成了,事实上,很多生意都是在酒桌上谈成的。(Dāngrán bùgòule, zài zhōngguó, zuò shēngyì yǒu liǎng diǎn hěn zhòngyào: Yī yào yǒu guānxì, zhōngguó shìgè guānxì shèhuì, yǒu guānxì dehuà, wúlùn nǐ zuò shénme wǎngwǎng dōu néng shìbàngōngbèi. Èr yào huì hējiǔ, zhōngguó de jiǔ wénhuà xiāngdāng yǒumíng, hěnduō zhōngguó rén dōu xǐhuān hējiǔ tán shēngyì, zài jiǔ zhuō shàng hē gāoxìngle, zhè shēngyì duōbàn yě jiù tán chéngle, shìshí shàng, hěnduō shēngyì dōu shì zài jiǔ zhuō shàng tán chéng de.)
Becky: I see. If you have 关系(Guānxì) and you can drink, then you will do your business smoothly in China. Okay now let’s move on to the vocab. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is
Chloe: 功能 (gōngnéng)
Becky: Function
Chloe: 功能 (gōngnéng)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 客户 (kèhù)
Becky: Customer, client.
Chloe:客户 (kèhù)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 保障 (bǎozhàng)
Becky: Secure.
Chloe: 保障 (bǎozhàng)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 提供 (tígōng)
Becky: To provide.
Chloe: 提供 (tígōng)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 区别 (qūbié)
Becky: Difference.
Chloe: 区别 (qūbié)
Becky: Next.
Chloe: 投资 (tóuzī)
Becky: To invest.
Chloe: 投资 (tóuzī)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 保养 (bǎoyǎng)
Becky: Maintenance.
Chloe: 保养 (bǎoyǎng)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 快捷 (kuàijié)
Becky: Quick, shortcut.
Chloe: 快捷 (kuàijié)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 绝对 (juéduì)
Becky: Absolute, absolutely.
Chloe: 绝对 (juéduì)
Becky: And last.
Chloe: 选择 (xuǎnzé)
Becky: Choice.
Chloe: 选择 (xuǎnzé)
Becky: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Chloe: 我们今天要学习的第一个词是动词:提供。(Wǒmen jīntiān yào xuéxí de dì yī gè cí shì dòngcí: Tígōng.)
Becky: It means to provide, to offer or to supply and it’s a transitive verb.
Chloe: 没错,所以它直接可以和名词放在一起使用。我们来看几个例子:向受灾地区提供援助。(Méi cuò, suǒyǐ tā zhíjiē kěyǐ hé míngcí fàng zài yīqǐ shǐyòng. Wǒmen lái kàn jǐ gè lìzi: Xiàng shòuzāi dìqū tígōng yuánzhù.)
Becky: To give aid to a disaster area.
Chloe: 为消费者提供新产品。(Wèi xiāofèi zhě tígōng xīn chǎnpǐn.)
Becky: To supply consumers with new products.
Chloe: 酒店提供免费早餐。(Jiǔdiàn tígōng miǎnfèi zǎocān.)
Becky: The hotel offers free breakfast.
Chloe: 政府给大学提供科研基金。(Zhèngfǔ gěi dàxué tígōng kēyán jījīn.)
Becky: The government provides universities with funds for scientific research. Okay what’s our next word?
Chloe: 下一个要学习的词是:绝对。绝对可以做形容词,也可以做副词。(Xià yīgè yào xuéxí de cí shì: Juéduì. Juéduì kěyǐ zuò xíngróngcí, yě kěyǐ zuò fùcí.)
Becky: And it means absolute or absolutely depending on the context.
Chloe: 没错。我们来看几个例子就明白了,先来看绝对作形容词的时候:曼联队以四比零的绝对优势领先。(Méi cuò. Wǒmen lái kàn jǐ gè lìzi jiù míngbáile, xiān lái kàn juéduì zuò xíngróngcí de shíhòu: Mànlián duì yǐ sì bǐ líng de juéduì yōushì lǐngxiān.)
Becky: Manchester United built up an absolute four to nothing lead.
Chloe: 曼联的球迷应该很高兴看到这个结果。好,再来一句:他是这场比赛的绝对胜者。(Mànlián de qiúmí yīnggāi hěn gāoxìng kàn dào zhège jiéguǒ. Hǎo, zàilái yījù: Tā shì zhè chǎng bǐsài de juéduì shèng zhě.)
Becky: He is the absolute winner of this match.
Chloe: 下一句:新产品很快占据了市场绝对份额。(Xià yījù: Xīn chǎnpǐn hěn kuài zhànjùle shìchǎng juéduì fèn'é.)
Becky: The new product soon achieved absolute dominance in the market.
Chloe: 最后一个我们学物理的时候应该学到过叫:运动是绝对的,而静止是相对的。(Zuìhòu yīgè wǒmen xué wùlǐ de shíhòu yīnggāi xué dàoguò jiào: Yùndòng shì juéduì de, ér jìngzhǐ shì xiāngduì de.)
Becky: Motion is absolute while stagnation is relative. Great, what about the adverb examples?
Chloe: 比如说:我绝对不会做损害公司利益的事。(Bǐrú shuō: Wǒ juéduì bù huì zuò sǔnhài gōngsī lìyì de shì.)
Becky: I will never do anything that would harm the interest of my company.
Chloe: 我认为这是绝对必要的。(Wǒ rènwéi zhè shì juéduì bìyào de.)
Becky: I think it’s absolutely necessary.
Chloe: 这些武器都是绝对致命的。(Zhèxiē wǔqì dōu shì juéduì zhìmìng de.)
Becky: All these weapons are absolutely lethal.
Chloe: 最后一句:士兵必须绝对服从长官的命令。(Zuìhòu yījù: Shìbīng bìxū juéduì fúcóng cháng guān de mìnglìng.)
Becky: A soldier must give unquestioning obedience to the orders of his officers. So if the word is put with a noun, it means absolute. Otherwise it means absolutely. Okay now on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Chloe: 今天我们要学习一个简单的语法,怎么用多这个词来表示强调,加强句子的语气。(Jīntiān wǒmen yào xuéxí yīgè jiǎndān de yǔfǎ, zěnme yòng duō zhège cí lái biǎoshì qiángdiào, jiāqiáng jùzi de yǔqì.)
Becky: In this lesson, you will learn how to use it to emphasize. I remember this word. Didn’t it mean many or much?
Chloe: 对(Duì),Becky你记得没错。我们之前学过的多是一个形容词表示数量大,比如:我有很多时间。(Nǐ jìdé méi cuò. Wǒmen zhīqián xuéguò de duō shì yīgè xíngróngcí biǎoshì shùliàng dà, bǐrú: Wǒ yǒu hěnduō shíjiān.)
Becky: I have plenty of time.
Chloe: 请多多帮忙。(Qǐng duōduō bāngmáng.)
Becky: Please give me all the help you can.
Chloe: 他喝多了。(Tā hē duōle.)
Becky: He has drunk too much.
Chloe: 我们来回忆一下听到的对话,那个网站的人说有一句:我们多方便快捷。在这句话里,多的用法和我们刚才举的例子不同,它在这里作副词,后面跟形容词,它表示感叹或者修饰后面的形容词,使句子的语气变得更加强烈。这么说大家可能觉得会有点抽象,还是给大家举几个例子感受一下吧。(Wǒmen lái huíyì yīxià tīng dào de duìhuà, nàgè wǎngzhàn de rén shuō yǒu yījù: Wǒmen duō fāngbiàn kuàijié. Zài zhè jù huà li, duō de yòngfǎ hé wǒmen gāngcái jǔ de lìzi bùtóng, tā zài zhèlǐ zuò fùcí, hòumiàn gēn xíngróngcí, tā biǎoshì gǎntàn huòzhě xiūshì hòumiàn de xíngróngcí, shǐ jùzi de yǔqì biàn dé gèngjiā qiángliè. Zhème shuō dàjiā kěnéng juédé huì yǒudiǎn chōuxiàng, háishì gěi dàjiā jǔ jǐ gè lìzi gǎnshòu yīxià ba.)
Becky: Yeah it’s a little bit abstract. Some examples would be helpful.
Chloe: 比如说:多可爱的小狗啊。(Bǐrú shuō: Duō kě'ài de xiǎo gǒu a.)
Becky: What an adorable puppy!
Chloe: 在这句话里,多是副词,可爱是形容词,多放在可爱的前面强调小狗非常可爱,特别可爱,表达出对它的喜欢。再来看一句:小两口多幸福啊。(Zài zhè jù huà li, duō shì fùcí, kě'ài shì xíngróngcí, duō fàng zài kě'ài de qiánmiàn qiángdiào xiǎo gǒu fēicháng kě'ài, tèbié kě'ài, biǎodá chū duì tā de xǐhuān. Zàilái kàn yījù: Xiǎo liǎngkǒu duō xìngfú a.)
Becky: What a happy young couple!
Chloe: Becky 你来分析一下呢。(Nǐ lái fēnxī yīxià ne.)
Becky: No problem. In this sentence, our adverb was put before the adjective happy to emphasize that the young couple is happy.
Chloe: 没错,我们再返回来看对话中的例句:我们多方便快捷。在这句话里“多”这个强调了我们网站的服务方便又快捷,其他的没法跟我们比,如果换成“我们方便快捷”语气就平淡多了。(Méi cuò, wǒmen zài fǎn huílái kàn duìhuà zhōng de lìjù: Wǒmen duō fāngbiàn kuàijié. Zài zhè jù huà li “duō” zhège qiángdiàole wǒmen wǎngzhàn de fúwù fāngbiàn yòu kuàijié, qítā de méi fǎ gēn wǒmen bǐ, rúguǒ huàn chéng “wǒmen fāngbiàn kuàijié” yǔqì jiù píngdàn duōle.)


Becky: Yeah it’s easy to tell the difference in tones. Listeners, if you want to put emphasis on an adjective, try this word. It’s simple and easy and more importantly, it will help your sentences sound native and natural. Okay that’s it for this lesson.
Becky: Listeners, can you understand Chinese TV shows, movies or songs?
Chloe: How about friends and loved ones conversations in Chinese?
Becky: If you want to know what’s going on, we have a tool to help.
Chloe: Line by line audio.
Becky: Listen to the lesson conversations line by line and learn to understand natural Chinese fast.
Chloe: It’s simple really!
Becky: With a click of a button, listen to each line of the conversation.
Chloe: Listen again and again and tune your ear to natural Chinese.
Becky: Rapidly understand natural Chinese with this powerful tool.
Chloe: Find this feature on the lesson page in the lesson material section at chineseclass101.com
Becky: Thanks for listening and we will see you next time. Bye everyone.
Chloe: 今天的课就到这里,我们下次见。(Jīntiān de kè jiù dào zhèlǐ, wǒmen xià cì jiàn.) Bye bye.

