
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Intermediate season 2, Lesson 24. What is the Cause of China’s Air Pollution?
Chloe: 大家好。(Dàjiā hǎo.)I’m Chloe.
Becky: Hi everyone, I’m Becky, and welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. This is Intermediate Season 2, Lesson 24 - What is the Cause of China's Air Pollution?
Chloe: 这节课我们来了解一下中国的空气污染。(Zhè jié kè wǒmen lái liǎo jiè yīxià zhōngguó de kōngqì wūrǎn.)
Becky: The conversation takes place at a press conference.
Chloe: 在这段对话里,记者正在向环境部长提问。(Zài zhè duàn duìhuà li, jìzhě zhèngzài xiàng huánjìng bùzhǎng tíwèn.)
Becky: The speakers are at a formal location. So they will be using formal Chinese. Okay let’s listen to the conversation.
(A: Bùzhǎng xiānshēng, qǐngwèn guānyú zuìjìn zhōngguó dà fànwéi chíxù de wù mái tiānqì, zhèngfǔ zhǔnbèi chūtái shénme cuòshī jìnxíng zhìlǐ?)
(B: Wǒmen zhǔnbèi chūtái xiāngguān guīdìng jiǎnshǎo jūmín lù biān shāokǎo hé ránfàng biānpào. Guānzhù kōngqì zhí liàng, dàjiā rén rén yǒu zé ma.)
(A: Tīng shuō kōngqì wūrǎn wèntí hé sījiā chē shǐyòng de qìyóu zhìliàng yǒu guānxì, nín tóngyì zhè zhǒng shuōfǎ ma?)
(B: Duì, suǒyǐ wǒmen gǔlì bǎixìng chéngzuò gōnggòng jiāotōng chūxíng, jiǎnshǎo shǐyòng sījiā chē.)
(A: Wǒ de yìsi shì shuō, wǒguó de kōngqì wūrǎn wèntí shìfǒu hé qìyóu zhìliàng bù hégé yǒuguān?)
(B: Zhège wèntí wǒmen shàng bù qīngchu, yǒudài yánjiū, wǒ méi fǎ huídá. Xià yīgè wèntí.)
Becky: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
(A: Bùzhǎng xiānshēng, qǐngwèn guānyú zuìjìn zhōngguó dà fànwéi chíxù de wù mái tiānqì, zhèngfǔ zhǔnbèi chūtái shénme cuòshī jìnxíng zhìlǐ?)
(B: Wǒmen zhǔnbèi chūtái xiāngguān guīdìng jiǎnshǎo jūmín lù biān shāokǎo hé ránfàng biānpào. Guānzhù kōngqì zhí liàng, dàjiā rén rén yǒu zé ma.)
(A: Tīng shuō kōngqì wūrǎn wèntí hé sījiā chē shǐyòng de qìyóu zhìliàng yǒu guānxì, nín tóngyì zhè zhǒng shuōfǎ ma?)
(B: Duì, suǒyǐ wǒmen gǔlì bǎixìng chéngzuò gōnggòng jiāotōng chūxíng, jiǎnshǎo shǐyòng sījiā chē.)
(A: Wǒ de yìsi shì shuō, wǒguó de kōngqì wūrǎn wèntí shìfǒu hé qìyóu zhìliàng bù hégé yǒuguān?)
(B: Zhège wèntí wǒmen shàng bù qīngchu, yǒudài yánjiū, wǒ méi fǎ huídá. Xià yīgè wèntí.)
Becky: Now. Let’s hear with English translation.
(A: Bùzhǎng xiānshēng, qǐngwèn guānyú zuìjìn zhōngguó dà fànwéi chíxù de wù mái tiānqì, zhèngfǔ zhǔnbèi chūtái shénme cuòshī jìnxíng zhìlǐ?)
A: Mr. Minister, what is the government's action on the recent large-scale haze condition?
(B: Wǒmen zhǔnbèi chūtái xiāngguān guīdìng jiǎnshǎo jūmín lù biān shāokǎo hé ránfàng biānpào. Guānzhù kōngqì zhí liàng, dàjiā rén rén yǒu zé ma.)
B: We are going to introduce relevant provisions to reduce residents doing roadside barbecues and setting off firecrackers. We’re concerned about air quality, and it’s everyone’s responsibility.
(A: Tīng shuō kōngqì wūrǎn wèntí hé sījiā chē shǐyòng de qìyóu zhìliàng yǒu guānxì, nín tóngyì zhè zhǒng shuōfǎ ma?)
A: It has been said that the air pollution problems are caused by the quality of gasoline, do you agree with this?
(B: Duì, suǒyǐ wǒmen gǔlì bǎixìng chéngzuò gōnggòng jiāotōng chūxíng, jiǎnshǎo shǐyòng sījiā chē.)
B: Yes, so we encourage people to use public transportation and reduce the use of cars.
(A: Wǒ de yìsi shì shuō, wǒguó de kōngqì wūrǎn wèntí shìfǒu hé qìyóu zhìliàng bù hégé yǒuguān?)
A: What I mean is, are China's air pollution problems and substandard quality of gasoline related?
(B: Zhège wèntí wǒmen shàng bù qīngchu, yǒudài yánjiū, wǒ méi fǎ huídá. Xià yīgè wèntí.)
B: We're not sure. We’ll look into it, so no comment. Next question.
Becky: It’s clear that air pollution is related to the quality of gasoline. I mean according to the Minister’s attitude.
Chloe: 我同意你的看法。你看,这个记者提出空气污染和私家车使用的汽油有关这个问题后,这个部长就开始打太极了。他只是从鼓励减少私家车使用这个角度回答了问题,并没有正面回答到问题的核心。(Wǒ tóngyì nǐ de kànfǎ. Nǐ kàn, zhège jìzhě tíchū kōngqì wūrǎn hé sījiā chē shǐyòng de qìyóu yǒuguān zhège wèntí hòu, zhège bùzhǎng jiù kāishǐ dǎ tàijíle. Tā zhǐshì cóng gǔlì jiǎnshǎo sījiā chē shǐyòng zhège jiǎodù huídále wèntí, bìng méiyǒu zhèngmiàn huídá dào wèntí de héxīn.)
Becky: Right, from his first answer, we can see he was kind of reluctant to answer this question.
Chloe: 其实第一个回答还好,就是打官腔,跟你绕圈子,不直接回答。但记者指出不想跟他绕圈子后,他也不绕了,直接把记者给pass掉!(Qíshí dì yī gè huídá hái hǎo, jiùshì dǎ guānqiāng, gēn nǐ ràoquānzi, bù zhíjiē huídá. Dàn jìzhě zhǐchū bùxiǎng gēn tā ràoquānzi hòu, tā yě bù ràole, zhíjiē bǎ jìzhě gěi pass diào!)
Becky: Yeah. He failed to sidestep the question so he passed it. That’s why I think there must be a problem. Okay now let’s move on to the vocab. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is
Chloe: 持续 (chíxù)
Becky: To continue, to last.
Chloe: 持续 (chíxù)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 雾霾 (wùmái)
Becky: Haze.
Chloe: 雾霾 (wùmái)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 出台 (chūtái)
Becky: To publish a regulation or policy et cetera.
Chloe: 出台 (chūtái)
Becky: Next.
Chloe: 措施 (cuòshī)
Becky: Measure.
Chloe: 措施 (cuòshī)
Becky: Next.
Chloe: 治理 (zhìlǐ)
Becky: To administer, to manage.
Chloe: 治理 (zhìlǐ)
Becky: Next.
Chloe: 燃放 (ránfàng)
Becky: To set off, to fire.
Chloe: 燃放 (ránfàng)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 质量 (zhìliàng)
Becky: Quality.
Chloe: 质量 (zhìliàng)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 鼓励 (gǔlì)
Becky: To encourage.
Chloe: 鼓励 (gǔlì)
Becky: And last
Chloe: 有待 (yǒudài)
Becky: Remain.
Chloe: 有待 (yǒudài)
Becky: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Chloe: 我们今天学习的第一个词是持续。(Wǒmen jīntiān xuéxí de dì yī gè cí shì chíxù.)
Becky: This word is a verb. It means “to last” or “to continue.”
Chloe: 对,除了动词以外,其实持续也可以作副词 (Duì, chúle dòngcí yǐwài, qíshí chíxù yě kěyǐ zuò fùcí)
Becky: When it's an adverb, it means "continued" or "sustained."
Chloe: 对,我们先来看几个持续作动词时的例子。比如,地震持续了将近五分钟。(Duì, wǒmen xiān lái kàn jǐ gè chíxù zuò dòngcí shí de lìzi. Bǐrú, dìzhèn chíxùle jiāngjìn wǔ fēnzhōng.)
Becky: "The earthquake lasted for nearly five minutes."
Chloe: 展览要持续到下个月。(Zhǎnlǎn yào chíxù dào xià gè yuè.)
Becky: "The exhibition continues until next month."
Chloe: 楼上的派对一直持续到凌晨才结束。(Lóu shàng de pàiduì yīzhí chíxù dào língchén cái jiéshù.)
Becky: "There was a party upstairs until midnight."
Chloe: 好,下面我们再来看看持续作副词时的例子。这几年物价持续上升,工资却不涨。(Hǎo, xiàmiàn wǒmen zàilái kàn kàn chíxù zuò fùcí shí de lìzi. Zhè jǐ nián wùjià chíxù shàngshēng, gōngzī què bù zhǎng.)
Becky: "In recent years, there has been a steady rise in prices, but the wages have remained the same."
Chloe: 销售额持续增长。(Xiāoshòu é chíxù zēngzhǎng.)
Becky: "There's a steady increase in sales."
Chloe: 警方的调查还在持续进行中。(Jǐngfāng de diàochá hái zài chíxù jìnxíng zhōng.)
Becky: "The police investigation is ongoing." Okay, so what's the next word?
Chloe: 下一个词是尚。它是一个比较书面的词,日常口语里一般用得比较少。但是大家经常会在报纸或者电视新闻里遇到它。(Xià yīgè cí shì shàng. Tā shì yīgè bǐjiào shūmiàn de cí, rìcháng kǒuyǔ lǐ yībān yòng dé bǐjiào shǎo. Dànshì dàjiā jīngcháng huì zài bàozhǐ huòzhě diànshì xīnwén lǐ yù dào tā.)
Becky: It's an adverb that means "still" or "yet."
Chloe: 好,我们来看一些相关的例子。比如,此事尚未解决。(Hǎo, wǒmen lái kàn yīxiē xiāngguān de lìzi. Bǐrú, cǐ shì shàngwèi jiějué.)
Becky: "This matter remains to be settled."
Chloe: 现在就断定他会失败还为时尚早。(Xiànzài jiù duàndìng tā huì shībài hái wéi shíshàng zǎo.)
Becky: "It's still too early to assert that he would fail."
Chloe: 中美会谈尚处于探索阶段。(Zhōng měi huìtán shàng chǔyú tànsuǒ jiēduàn.)
Becky: "The China-U.S discussion is still in an exploratory stage."
Chloe: 好,最后一个例子。鹿死谁手尚难预料。(Hǎo, zuìhòu yīgè lìzi. Lùsǐshéishǒu shàng nán yùliào.)
Becky: It’s still hard to tell who will emerge victorious. Listeners, remember this word. It will help your Chinese writing. Okay, now on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Becky: In this lesson, you will learn about?
Chloe: 今天我们学习的语法是由“是否”引导的从句。(Jīntiān wǒmen xuéxí de yǔfǎ shì yóu “shìfǒu” yǐndǎo de cóngjù.)
Becky: This pattern means "whether or not", "whether” or “if" in English.
Chloe: 没错。是否就是是不是,对不对的意思,它是一个书面用语。是否引导的从句可以在句子中作主语,谓语或者宾语。(Méi cuò. Shìfǒu jiùshì shì bùshì, duì bùduì de yìsi, tā shì yīgè shūmiàn yòngyǔ. Shìfǒu yǐndǎo de cóngjù kěyǐ zài jùzi zhōng zuò zhǔyǔ, wèiyǔ huòzhě bīnyǔ.)
Becky: The clause that this pattern introduced can be a subject, predicate, or object in a sentence. Can you give us some examples?
Chloe: 好,没问题。当是否作主语的时候,一般引导的是一个问句。比如说,是否有数据来支持这个结论?(Hǎo, méi wèntí. Dāng shìfǒu zuò zhǔyǔ de shíhòu, yībān yǐndǎo de shì yīgè wèn jù. Bǐrú shuō, shìfǒu yǒu shùjù lái zhīchí zhège jiélùn?)
Becky: "Is there any data to support this conclusion?"
Chloe: 是否这就是最后的答案?(Shìfǒu zhè jiùshì zuìhòu de dá'àn?)
Becky: "Is this the final answer?"
Chloe: 好,再来看一下它引导的从句作谓语时的情况。那位名人是否觉得狗仔队侵犯了他的隐私?(Hǎo, zàilái kàn yīxià tā yǐndǎo de cóngjù zuò wèiyǔ shí de qíngkuàng. Nà wèi míngrén shìfǒu juédé gǒuzǎi duì qīnfànle tā de yǐnsī?)
Becky: "Does the celebrity find the paparazzi is intruding in his private life?"
Chloe: 是否引导的从句作宾语的情况其实是最为普遍的。比如说,我还在考虑是否跳槽。(Shìfǒu yǐndǎo de cóngjù zuò bīnyǔ de qíngkuàng qíshí shì zuìwéi pǔbiàn de. Bǐrú shuō, wǒ hái zài kǎolǜ shìfǒu tiàocáo.)
Becky: "I'm still considering whether to change jobs or not."
Chloe: 警察询问路过的人是否目击了这起事故。(Jǐngchá xúnwèn lùguò de rén shìfǒu mùjíle zhè qǐ shìgù.)
Becky: "The police asked people who passed by if they had witnessed the accident."
Chloe: 我们不确定是否还要继续经营这家公司。(Wǒmen bù quèdìng shìfǒu hái yào jìxù jīngyíng zhè jiā gōngsī.)
Becky: "We're not sure whether or not we still want to run this company."


Becky: Okay that’s it for this lesson. Attention perfectionists! You are about to learn how to perfect your pronunciation.
Chloe: Lesson review audio tracks.
Becky: Increase fluency and vocabulary fast with the short effective audio tracks.
Chloe: Super simple to use. Listen to the Chinese word or phrase.
Becky: Then repeat it out loud in a loud, clear voice.
Chloe: You will speak with confidence knowing that you are speaking Chinese like the locals.
Becky: Go to chineseclass101.com and download the review audio tracks right on the lessons page today. Be sure to check the lesson notes to reinforce what you’ve learned in this lesson. Thanks for listening and we will see you next time. Bye everyone.
Chloe: 今天的课就到这里,我们下次见。拜拜!(Jīntiān de kè jiù dào zhèlǐ, wǒmen xià cì jiàn. Bàibài!)

