
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Intermediate, season 2, Lesson 25. Is Food From China Safe to Eat?
Chloe:大家好。(Dàjiā hǎo.) I’m Chloe.
Becky:Hi everyone, I’m Becky, and welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. This is Intermediate Season 2, Lesson 25 - Is Food from China Safe to Eat?
Chloe:这节课我们来关注一下中国的食品安全问题。(Zhè jié kè wǒmen lái guānzhù yīxià zhōngguó de shípǐn ānquán wèntí.)
Becky:In this last lesson of the series, the conversation takes place at a professor’s office.
Chloe:我们将听到的是一个记者就食品安全问题对一位教授进行的采访 (Wǒmen jiāng tīng dào de shì yīgè jìzhě jiù shípǐn ānquán wèntí duì yī wèi jiàoshòu jìnxíng de cǎifǎng)
Becky: The journalist is interviewing the professor. Therefore the speakers will be using formal Chinese. Okay let’s listen to the conversation.
(A: Sūn jiàoshòu, guānyú bǎixìng duì wǒguó de shípǐn ānquán wèntí de gùlǜ, nín zěnme kàn?)
(B: Qíshí dàjiā bùyòng tài dānxīn, zhèngfǔ chūtáile hěnduō xiāngguān fǎguī, dōu zài bǎozhèng wǒmen chī dào fàngxīn de shípǐn.)
(A: Kěshì jīngguò dú nǎifěn, dú dàmǐ, zhuǎnjīyīn yùmǐ zhèxiē shìjiàn yǐhòu, rénmen hěn nán chóngxīn jiànlì duì shípǐn hángyè de xìnrèn.)
(B: Qíshí měi gè guójiā zài fāzhǎn de guòchéng zhōng, dōu jīnglìguò lèisì de shípǐn ānquán wèntí.)
(A: Nín de yìsi shì?)
(B: Nǐ kàn, qiánduàn shíjiān ōuzhōu hái chūxiànle mǎròu chōngdāng niúròu de shìqíng, měiguó yěyǒu sùchéng jī de wèntí. Fādá guójiā fāzhǎnle nàme duōnián, hái cúnzài zhèyàng de wèntí.)
(A: Suǒyǐ, jīngguò zhuānjiā de zhuānyè fēnxī, guānzhòng kěyǐ kàn dào, wǒmen zài rìcháng shēnghuó zhōng bùbì kǒnghuāng.)
(B: Méicuò, bùyào ràng zhèxiē fùmiàn xīnwén yǐngxiǎngle wǒmen zhèngcháng de shēnghuó.)
Becky: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
(A: Sūn jiàoshòu, guānyú bǎixìng duì wǒguó de shípǐn ānquán wèntí de gùlǜ, nín zěnme kàn?)
(B: Qíshí dàjiā bùyòng tài dānxīn, zhèngfǔ chūtáile hěnduō xiāngguān fǎguī, dōu zài bǎozhèng wǒmen chī dào fàngxīn de shípǐn.)
(A: Kěshì jīngguò dú nǎifěn, dú dàmǐ, zhuǎnjīyīn yùmǐ zhèxiē shìjiàn yǐhòu, rénmen hěn nán chóngxīn jiànlì duì shípǐn hángyè de xìnrèn.)
(B: Qíshí měi gè guójiā zài fāzhǎn de guòchéng zhōng, dōu jīnglìguò lèisì de shípǐn ānquán wèntí.)
(A: Nín de yìsi shì?)
(B: Nǐ kàn, qiánduàn shíjiān ōuzhōu hái chūxiànle mǎròu chōngdāng niúròu de shìqíng, měiguó yěyǒu sùchéng jī de wèntí. Fādá guójiā fāzhǎnle nàme duōnián, hái cúnzài zhèyàng de wèntí.)
(A: Suǒyǐ, jīngguò zhuānjiā de zhuānyè fēnxī, guānzhòng kěyǐ kàn dào, wǒmen zài rìcháng shēnghuó zhōng bùbì kǒnghuāng.)
(B: Méicuò, bùyào ràng zhèxiē fùmiàn xīnwén yǐngxiǎngle wǒmen zhèngcháng de shēnghuó.)
Becky: Now. Let’s hear with English translation.
(A: Sūn jiàoshòu, guānyú bǎixìng duì wǒguó de shípǐn ānquán wèntí de gùlǜ, nín zěnme kàn?)
A: Professor Sun, what do you think about the Chinese people's concerns of food safety problems?
(B: Qíshí dàjiā bùyòng tài dānxīn, zhèngfǔ chūtáile hěnduō xiāngguān fǎguī, dōu zài bǎozhèng wǒmen chī dào fàngxīn de shípǐn.)
B: Actually, we should not worry too much. The government has introduced many regulations to ensure that the food we eat is safe.
(A: Kěshì jīngguò dú nǎifěn, dú dàmǐ, zhuǎnjīyīn yùmǐ zhèxiē shìjiàn yǐhòu, rénmen hěn nán chóngxīn jiànlì duì shípǐn hángyè de xìnrèn.)
A: But after incidents like tainted milk, poisonous rice, and transgenic corn, it is difficult to re-establish trust in the food industry.
(B: Qíshí měi gè guójiā zài fāzhǎn de guòchéng zhōng, dōu jīnglìguò lèisì de shípǐn ānquán wèntí.
B: In fact, every country has experienced similar food safety issues in the process of development.
(A: Nín de yìsi shì?)
A: What do you mean?
(B: Nǐ kàn, qiánduàn shíjiān ōuzhōu hái chūxiànle mǎròu chōngdāng niúròu de shìqíng, měiguó yěyǒu sùchéng jī de wèntí. Fādá guójiā fāzhǎnle nàme duōnián, hái cúnzài zhèyàng de wèntí.)
B: You see, not long ago, there was the horse meat scandal in Europe. The United States also had the chicken scandal. So even developed countries have problems like us.
(A: Suǒyǐ, jīngguò zhuānjiā de zhuānyè fēnxī, guānzhòng kěyǐ kàn dào, wǒmen zài rìcháng shēnghuó zhōng bùbì kǒnghuāng.)
A: So, after professional analysis, the audience can see that we do not have to panic about our everyday life.
(B: Méicuò, bùyào ràng zhèxiē fùmiàn xīnwén yǐngxiǎngle wǒmen zhèngcháng de shēnghuó.)
B: Yes, do not let that negative news affect your normal life.
Becky:The professor doesn’t sound worried about food safety at all!
Chloe:是啊,那个教授很淡定。不过说实话,食品安全问题还是很让人担心的。(Shì a, nàgè jiàoshòu hěn dàndìng. Bùguò shuō shíhuà, shípǐn ānquán wèntí háishì hěn ràng rén dānxīn de.)
Becky:Yeah, I’ve heard that residents of the booming cities and a growing number of rural regions are questioning the safety of the water they drink and the food they eat. I also heard there’s a foreign milk powder rush in China now.
Chloe:对,奶粉这个问题已经存在很长一段时间了。自从 08年的三鹿事件之后,大家就差不多对国产奶粉失去了信心。现在很多父母都想方设法托亲戚朋友从国外买奶粉之类的婴儿食品。有的国家和地区甚至因为被中国消费者大量购买奶粉而造成缺货。(Duì, nǎifěn zhège wèntí yǐjīng cúnzài hěn zhǎng yīduàn shíjiānle. Zìcóng 08 nián de sān lù shìjiàn zhīhòu, dàjiā jiù chàbùduō duì guóchǎn nǎifěn shīqùle xìnxīn. Xiànzài hěnduō fùmǔ dōu xiǎngfāngshèfǎ tuō qīnqī péngyǒu cóng guówài mǎi nǎifěn zhī lèi de yīng'ér shípǐn. Yǒu de guójiā hé dìqū shènzhì yīnwèi bèi zhōngguó xiāofèi zhě dàliàng gòumǎi nǎifěn ér zàochéng quē huò.)
Becky:Oh, that’s too bad. Maybe the Chinese authorities should do something about it.
Chloe:就像那个教授说的,政府有出台一些规定,不过都没有起到令人满意的效果。(Jiù xiàng nàgè jiàoshòu shuō de, zhèngfǔ yǒu chūtái yīxiē guīdìng, bùguò dōu méiyǒu qǐ dào lìng rén mǎnyì de xiàoguǒ.)
Becky:Yeah, I think there’s still a long way for China to go. Okay now let’s move on to the vocab.
Becky: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is
Chloe: 其实 (qíshí)
Becky: In fact, actually.
Chloe: 其实, 其实. (qíshí, qíshí)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 顾虑 (gùlǜ)
Becky: Misgiving, worry.
Chloe: 顾虑, 顾虑. (gùlǜ, gùlǜ)
Becky: Next.
Chloe: 行业 (hángyè)
Becky: Industry.
Chloe: 行业, 行业. (hángyè, hángyè)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 建立 (jiànlì)
Becky: To establish.
Chloe: 建立, 建立. (jiànlì, jiànlì)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 经历 (jīnglì)
Becky: To experience, to go through.
Chloe: 经历, 经历. (jīnglì, jīnglì)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 类似 (lèisì)
Becky: Similar.
Chloe: 类似, 类似. (lèisì, lèisì)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 分析 (fēnxī)
Becky: Analysis.
Chloe: 分析, 分析. (fēnxī, fēnxī)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 不必 (búbì)
Becky: Not have to, need not.
Chloe: 不必, 不必. (búbì, búbì)
Becky: And last
Chloe: 影响 (yǐngxiǎng)
Becky: To affect, to influence.
Chloe: 影响, 影响. (yǐngxiǎng, yǐngxiǎng)
Becky:Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Chloe:今天要学的第一个词是“建立”。(Jīntiān yào xué de dì yī gè cí shì “jiànlì”.)
Becky:It’s a verb.
Chloe:对,“建立”是一个动词。“建”的意思是“to build”, 而“立”的意思则是“up”。(Duì,“jiànlì” shì yīgè dòngcí.“Jiàn” de yìsi shì “to build”, ér “lì” de yìsi zé shì “up”.)
Becky:And when these two characters are put together, it means “to build,” “to establish,” “to set up,” or “to found.”
Chloe:“建立”这个词既可以和表示具体物体的名词放在一起使用,也可以和抽象的概念搭配。比如说,建立一所学校。(Jiànlì” zhège cí jì kěyǐ hé biǎoshì jùtǐ wùtǐ de míngcí fàng zài yīqǐ shǐyòng, yě kěyǐ hé chōuxiàng de gàiniàn dāpèi. Bǐrú shuō, jiànlì yī suǒ xuéxiào.)
Becky:"to establish a school"
Chloe:建立一家公司 (Jiànlì yījiā gōngsī)
Becky:"to found a company"
Chloe:建立一座工厂 (Jiànlì yīzuò gōngchǎng)
Becky:"to establish a factory"
Chloe:建立一个国家 (Jiànlì yīgè guójiā)
Becky:"to establish a country"
Chloe:建立政府 (Jiànlì zhèngfǔ)
Becky:"to set up a government." So these are cases where the verb is paired with a specific object.
Chloe:没错。下面来看一些跟抽象名词搭配的用法。建立外交关系。(Méi cuò. Xiàmiàn lái kàn yīxiē gēn chōuxiàng míngcí dāpèi de yòngfǎ. Jiànlì wàijiāo guānxì.)
Becky:"to establish diplomatic relations"
Chloe:建立信心 (Jiànlì xìnxīn)
Becky:"to build up confidence"
Chloe:建立联系 (Jiànlì liánxì)
Becky:to establish ties
Chloe:建立新的秩序 (Jiànlì xīn de zhìxù)
Becky:"to establish a new order." These are examples of non-object words. Okay, what’s our next word?
Chloe:下一个要学习的词是“经历”。这个词可以作动词,也可以作名词。(Xià yīgè yào xuéxí de cí shì “jīnglì”. Zhège cí kěyǐ zuò dòngcí, yě kěyǐ zuò míngcí.)
Becky:When it's a verb, it means “to go through” or “to experience.”
Chloe:没错。比如说,这个国家经历了一场改革。(Méi cuò. Bǐrú shuō, zhège guójiā jīnglìle yī chǎng gǎigé.)
Becky:"This country has gone through a period of transformation."
Chloe:人生不可能一帆风顺,总会经历挫折。(Rénshēng bù kěnéng yīfānfēngshùn, zǒng huì jīnglì cuòzhé.)
Becky:"Life isn’t always easy, and it’s common for people to experience setbacks."
Chloe:爱听中文歌的朋友可能听过这样一句歌词,叫不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。(Ài tīng zhōngwén gē de péngyǒu kěnéng tīngguò zhèyàng yījù gēcí, jiào bù jīnglì fēngyǔ, zěn néng jiàn cǎihóng.)
Becky:"I know these lyrics! They mean “After the storm comes the rainbow."
Chloe:是的,这句歌词都很有名,它告诉我们想要取得成功就不能害怕困难和挫折,要勇于战胜它们。好了,回到我们的关键词上。当“经历”作名词的时候,它表示 (Shì de, zhè jù gēcí dōu hěn yǒumíng, tā gàosù wǒmen xiǎng yào qǔdé chénggōng jiù bùnéng hàipà kùnnán hé cuòzhé, yào yǒngyú zhànshèng tāmen. Hǎole, huí dào wǒmen de guānjiàn cí shàng. Dāng “jīnglì” zuò míngcí de shíhòu, tā biǎoshì)“experience”。来看几个例子。他这人经历多,见识广。(Lái kàn jǐ gè lìzi. Tā zhè rén jīnglì duō, jiànshì guǎng.)
Becky:"He's a man of broad knowledge and experience."
Chloe:我们有着共同的经历。(Wǒmen yǒuzhe gòngtóng de jīnglì.)
Becky:"We share a common experience."
Chloe:运动员们向我们讲述了他们在北京奥运会上的经历。(Yùndòngyuánmen xiàng wǒmen jiǎngshùle tāmen zài běijīng àoyùnhuì shàng de jīnglì.)
Becky:"The athletes told us about their experiences at the Beijing Olympic Games." Alright, now our last word for this lesson is…
Chloe 影响 (Yǐngxiǎng)
Becky:Like the previous word, it’s a verb and a noun.
Chloe:对,它也是动词名词两者皆可。(Duì, tā yěshì dòngcí míngcí liǎng zhě jiē kě.)
Becky:What does it mean when it is a verb?
Chloe:影响作动词的时候表示 (Yǐngxiǎng zuò dòngcí de shíhòu biǎoshì)“to influence” or “to affect”。比方说,影响健康 (Bǐfāng shuō, yǐngxiǎng jiànkāng)
Becky:"to affect one’s health"
Chloe:影响学习 (Yǐngxiǎng xuéxí)
Becky:"to interfere with one’s study"
Chloe:影响心情 (Yǐngxiǎng xīnqíng)
Becky:"to affect one’s moods." When it's a noun, it means “influence,” “impact,” or “effect.”
Chloe:没错。影响在作名词的时候也有很多常见的搭配。比如,产生影响。(Méi cuò. Yǐngxiǎng zài zuò míngcí de shíhòu yěyǒu hěnduō chángjiàn de dāpèi. Bǐrú, chǎnshēng yǐngxiǎng.)
Becky:"to produce an effect"
Chloe:社会影响 (Shèhuì yǐngxiǎng)
Becky:"social influence"
Chloe:影响不好 (Yǐngxiǎng bù hǎo)
Becky:"bad influence"
Chloe:对环境的影响 (Duì huánjìng de yǐngxiǎng)
Becky:"the effect on the environment." This word can also be used in passive terms, right?
Chloe:是的,没错。比如我们经常可以在天气预报里听到这样的话,受天气影响。(Shì de, méi cuò. Bǐrú wǒmen jīngcháng kěyǐ zài tiānqì yùbào lǐ tīng dào zhèyàng dehuà, shòu tiānqì yǐngxiǎng.
Becky:"to be influenced by the weather"
Chloe:我们都知道中国传统文化受到了孔子学说的影响 (Wǒmen dōu zhīdào zhōngguó chuántǒng wénhuà shòudàole kǒngzǐ xuéshuō de yǐngxiǎng)
Becky:"Traditional Chinese culture has been influenced by Confucianism."
Chloe:而我们这些中国的80后90后则更多的受到西方文化的影响 (Ér wǒmen zhèxiē zhōngguó de 80 hòu 90 hòu zé gèng duō de shòudào xīfāng wénhuà de yǐngxiǎng)
Becky:"The post-80s and post-90s in China are more under the influence of Western culture." I see, but Chinese culture is also influencing the West! Okay, now onto the grammar.

Lesson focus

Becky:In this lesson, you’ll learn about...
Chloe:这节课我们要学习的是怎样使用介词“对”。(Zhè jié kè wǒmen yào xuéxí de shì zěnyàng shǐyòng jiècí “duì”.)
Becky:It’s a common preposition in Chinese.
Chloe:是的,它是一个常用介词,使用频率非常高。(Shì de, tā shì yīgè chángyòng jiècí, shǐyòng pínlǜ fēicháng gāo.)
Becky:Then it must be important. In what situation do we use this preposition?
Chloe:当你想要引出一个对象的时候,你就需要用“对”这个词来表达。(Dāng nǐ xiǎng yào yǐnchū yīgè duìxiàng de shíhòu, nǐ jiù xūyào yòng “duì” zhège cí lái biǎodá.)
Becky:Do you mean when we want to introduce an object, we can use this word?
Chloe:没错,是这样的。(Méi cuò, shì zhèyàng de.)
Becky:Are there any similar words in English?
Chloe:我们知道英语中有很多介词,比如说 (Wǒmen zhīdào yīngyǔ zhòng yǒu hěnduō jiècí, bǐrú shuō)“to,” “for,” “about,” “of,” or “towards”等等,在很多情况下,这些词都和我们今天要学习的“对”这个词有类似的作用。也就是说,当这些英语里的介词的作用是指出受到作用的对象的时候,我们都可以用“对”这个词来对应它们。(děng děng, zài hěnduō qíngkuàng xià, zhèxiē cí dōu hé wǒmen jīntiān yào xuéxí de “duì” zhège cí yǒu lèisì de zuòyòng. Yě jiùshì shuō, dāng zhèxiē yīngyǔ lǐ de jiècí de zuòyòng shì zhǐchū shòudào zuòyòng de duìxiàng de shíhòu, wǒmen dōu kěyǐ yòng “duì” zhège cí lái duìyìng tāmen.)
Becky:So it can cover prepositions like “to,” “for,” “about,” “of,” or “towards” when the object is something or someone that we act towards.
Chloe:你说的没错。我们先来看一个例子。在课文里,记者说了这么一句话:“孙教授, 关于百姓对我国的食品安全问题的顾虑,您怎么看?” 在这个句子里,“对”引出了百姓们顾虑的对象,也就是食品安全问题。(Nǐ shuō de méi cuò. Wǒmen xiān lái kàn yīgè lìzi. Zài kèwén lǐ, jìzhě shuōle zhème yījù huà:“Sūn jiàoshòu, guānyú bǎixìng duì wǒguó de shípǐn ānquán wèntí de gùlǜ, nín zěnme kàn?” Zài zhège jùzi lǐ,“duì” yǐn chū liǎo bǎixìngmen gùlǜ de duìxiàng, yě jiùshì shípǐn ānquán wèntí.)
Becky:In this sentence, what the Chinese people worry about is food safety, so food safety is the object. And we use the preposition to introduce it. It’s getting clearer now. Can you give us more examples?
她对工作奉献了一切。(Dāngrán méi wèntí. Wǒmen gāngcái jiǎng dào “duì” zhège cí kěyǐ duìyìng yīngyǔ zhòng de gè zhǒng jiècí, xiàmiàn wǒmen jiù fēnbié lái jǔ yīxiē lìzi. Shǒuxiān, wǒmen lái kàn jiècí “duì” xiāngdāng yú yīngyǔ zhòng de “to” de shíhòu de lìjù.
Tā duì gōngzuò fèngxiànle yīqiè.)
Becky:"She has dedicated everything to her work."
Chloe:你想对我说什么?(Nǐ xiǎng duì wǒ shuō shénme?)
Becky:"What do you want to say to me?"
Chloe:接下来我们来看当“对”相当于英语中的 “for”的时候的例句。
司机应该对这起交通事故负责。(Jiē xiàlái wǒmen lái kàn dāng “duì” xiāngdāng yú yīngyǔ zhòng de “for” de shíhòu de lìjù.
Sījī yìng gāi duì zhè qǐ jiāotōng shìgù fùzé.)
Becky:"The driver should be responsible for this accident."
Chloe:这项任务对我来说不过是小菜一碟。(Zhè xiàng rènwù duì wǒ lái shuō bu guò shì xiǎocài yī dié.)
Becky:"This task is a piece of cake for me."
Chloe:下面是当“对”相当于(Xiàmiàn shì dāng “duì” xiāngdāng yú)“about”的时候。
刘先生对川菜很在行。(de shíhòu.
Liú xiānshēng duì chuāncài hěn zài háng.)
Becky:"Mr. Liu knows a lot about Sichuan cuisine."
Chloe:他对自己过错感到抱歉。(Tā duì zìjǐ guòcuò gǎndào bàoqiàn.)
Becky:"He feels sorry about his mistake."
Chloe:除此之外,我们还可以把“对”和英语中的(Chú cǐ zhī wài, wǒmen hái kěyǐ bǎ “duì” hé yīngyǔ zhòng de)“of” “with” “towards”等介词做对应。 比如说, 政府对房价的调整。(Děng jiècí zuò duìyìng. Bǐrú shuō, zhèngfǔ duì fángjià de tiáozhěng.)
Becky:This means “the government’s adjustment of housing prices.”
Chloe:我对京剧的喜爱 (Wǒ duì jīngjù de xǐ'ài)
Becky:This means “my love of Beijing opera.”
Chloe:教授对学生很严厉。(Jiàoshòu duì xuéshēng hěn yánlì.)
Becky:"The professor is strict with his students."
Chloe:我们对这件事的态度一致。(Wǒmen duì zhè jiàn shì de tàidù yīzhì.)
Becky:"We have the same attitude towards this issue."
Chloe:有一点需要注意的是,有时候我们在英语里不用介词也可以引出动作的对象,但是在中文里我们还是有可能根据具体情况加上介词“对”。我给大家举两个例子。第一个, 这项新技术对我们的生活会有什么影响?(Yǒu yīdiǎn xūyào zhùyì de shì, yǒu shíhòu wǒmen zài yīngyǔ lǐ bùyòng jiècí yě kěyǐ yǐnchū dòngzuò de duìxiàng, dànshì zài zhōngwén lǐ wǒmen háishì yǒu kěnéng gēnjù jùtǐ qíngkuàng jiā shàng jiècí “duì”. Wǒ gěi dàjiā jǔ liǎng gè lìzi. Dì yī gè, zhè xiàng xīn jìshù duì wǒmen de shēnghuó huì yǒu shé me yǐngxiǎng?)
Becky:"How will this new technology affect our lives?"
Chloe:第二个,你要是对我使用暴力的话我就报警。(Dì èr gè, nǐ yàoshi duì wǒ shǐyòng bàolì dehuà wǒ jiù bàojǐng.)
Becky:This means “If you behave with any aggression, I’ll call the police.” So even if we don’t have any prepositions in an English sentence, we may still have to put the preposition in the Chinese sentence. Otherwise the sentence will be incomplete. Be careful listeners!
Chloe:没错,大家一定要注意这一点。(Méi cuò, dàjiā yì dìng yào zhùyì zhè yīdiǎn.)


Becky:Okay, that’s it for this lesson, and this series. As always, be sure to check the lesson notes, and leave us a comment on the lesson page. We hope you enjoyed this series and found it useful, and we’ll see you in another series. Bye everyone!
Chloe:今天的课就到这里,我们下次见。拜拜!(Jīntiān de kè jiù dào zhèlǐ, wǒmen xià cì jiàn. Bàibài!)

