
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to chineseclass101.com. I am David.
Echo: Hi,大家好,我是Echo. (Hi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
David: And we are here today with intermediate, season 2, Lesson 3. Finding a Room to Share in China.
Echo: 合租 (Hézū)
David: Right. In this lesson, Echo’s obsession with real estate continues.
Echo: 没错,在我们的“买房”和“租房”之后这又是一种租房子的方式。很多年轻人为了省钱选择“合租”。(Méi cuò, zài wǒmen de “mǎifáng” hé “zūfáng” zhīhòu zhè yòu shì yī zhǒng zū fángzi de fāngshì. Hěnduō niánqīng rén wéi le shěng qián xuǎnzé “hézū”.)
David: Yeah and this is not as depressing as the last two dialogues. Right, so this is after lunch Echo writes this dialogue and she is full when she is feeling happy. It has got a happy ending right?
Echo: Okay.
David: Okay anyway.
Echo: 我们今天的这个对话里是有一个人要出租他另外一间卧室,然后有一个人来看这个房子。(Wǒmen jīntiān de zhège duìhuà li shì yǒuyī gèrén yào chūzū tā lìngwài yī jiàn wòshì, ránhòu yǒuyī gèrén lái kàn zhège fángzi.)
David: Right. So it’s about sharing a department. This is casual Mandarin as always. Let’s get to the dialogue.
(A: Zhè tào fángzi hézū ma?)
(B: Duì, wǒ hé zhōngjiè qiān hétong, hézūrén hé wǒ qiān hétong.)
(A: Nín xiǎng chūzū de shì cìwò ma?)
(B: Méicuò, zhǔwò shì wǒ de fángjiān, cìwò yīqiānbā yī ge yuè, shuǐdiànfèi wǒmen jūntān.)
(A: En, hái tǐng huásuàn de.)
(B: Nǐ kàn, wǒmen gōngyòng de dìfāng miànjī yě bù xiǎo, zhège xiǎoqū de huánjìng yě hěn hǎo.)
(A: Hǎo, nà wǒ jiù zū le.)
David: Once more, a little bit slower.
(A: Zhè tào fángzi hézū ma?)
(B: Duì, wǒ hé zhōngjiè qiān hétong, hézūrén hé wǒ qiān hétong.)
(A: Nín xiǎng chūzū de shì cìwò ma?)
(B: Méicuò, zhǔwò shì wǒ de fángjiān, cìwò yīqiānbā yī ge yuè, shuǐdiànfèi wǒmen jūntān.)
(A: En, hái tǐng huásuàn de.)
(B: Nǐ kàn, wǒmen gōngyòng de dìfāng miànjī yě bù xiǎo, zhège xiǎoqū de huánjìng yě hěn hǎo.)
(A: Hǎo, nà wǒ jiù zū le.)
David: And now, with English translation.
(A: Zhè tào fángzi hézū ma?)
A: Are you sharing this apartment?
(B: Duì, wǒ hé zhōngjiè qiān hétong, hézūrén hé wǒ qiān hétong.)
B: Right, I sign the contract with the real estate agent, and then the subletter signs it with me.
(A: Nín xiǎng chūzū de shì cìwò ma?)
A: And it's the second bedroom you want to rent out?
(B: Méicuò, zhǔwò shì wǒ de fángjiān, cìwò yīqiānbā yī ge yuè, shuǐdiànfèi wǒmen jūntān.)
B: That's right. The master bedroom's my room. The secondary bedroom is eighteen-hundred
a month. We share the water and electric bills.
(A: En, hái tǐng huásuàn de.)
A: Hmm, sounds cost-efficient.
(B: Nǐ kàn, wǒmen gōngyòng de dìfāng miànjī yě bù xiǎo, zhège xiǎoqū de huánjìng yě hěn hǎo.)
B: Look, the area of our public-shared space is not small, and this compound has a good environment too.
(A: Hǎo, nà wǒ jiù zū le.)
A: OK, I'll take it then.
David: Right, so it’s a happy ending Echo, right?
Echo: 你干嘛这么惊讶?(Nǐ gàn ma zhème jīngyà?)
David: Or maybe it’s a story right. They were kicked out of their apartment and forced to rent the smaller bedroom. Anyway, let’s get on to our vocab which is about sub-lending stuff.
Echo: 合租 (hézū)
David: To share.
Echo: 中介 (zhōngjiè)
David: Real estate agent.
Echo: 出租 (chūzū)
David: To rent out.
Echo: 主卧 (zhǔ wò)
David: Master bedroom.
Echo: 次卧 (cìwò)
David: Second bedroom.
Echo: 均摊
David: To share equally.
Echo: 划算 (huásuàn)
David: Cost efficient.
Echo: 公用 (gōngyòng)
David: Public.
Echo: 公用 (gōngyòng)
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words and phrases. Our first word is
Echo: 主卧 (Zhǔ wò)
David: Master bedroom.
Echo: 然后和它配套的还有“次卧”。(Ránhòu hé tā pèitào de hái yǒu “cì wò”.)
David: Right and this is not Times bedroom or number bedroom.
Echo: 对,因为我们都知道“次”还有一个意思,它是一个measure words, 对吧,就是比如说一次,两次,我去过两次中国。(Duì, yīnwèi wǒmen dōu zhīdào “cì” hái yǒu yīgè yìsi, tā shì yīgè measure words, duì ba, jiùshì bǐrú shuō yīcì, liǎng cì, wǒ qùguò liǎng cì zhōngguó.)
David: Yeah. So here it’s just – it’s not the main one. It’s
Echo: 主,次 (Zhǔ, cì)
David: Right. So if you have a second bedroom and a third bedroom, the second and third are both.
Echo: 次卧 (Cì wò)
David: Right.
Echo: 比如说这个公寓有一个主卧,两个次卧。(Bǐrú shuō zhège gōngyù yǒu yīgè zhǔ wò, liǎng gè cì wò.)
David: Right. So it’s a three bedroom apartment. I wanted to highlight the word for real estate agent here.
Echo: 中介。这个“中介”也可以表示人。(Zhōngjiè. Zhège “zhōngjiè” yě kěyǐ biǎoshì rén.)
David: It’s anything, a person, an organization.
Echo: 或者也可以是中介这个公司。(Huòzhě yě kěyǐ shì zhōngjiè zhège gōngsī.)
David: And it’s not necessarily just real estate. It literally means someone who is kind of in the middle doing business.
Echo: 没错 (Méi cuò)
David: It literally means someone who is introducing things in the middle.
Echo: 没错,中介,中间的介绍。(Méi cuò, zhōngjiè, zhōngjiān de jièshào.)
David: Right.
Echo: 所以我们可以有比如说”房屋中介“,”房地产中介“。(Suǒyǐ wǒmen kěyǐ yǒu bǐrú shuō” fángwū zhōngjiè “,” fángdìchǎn zhōngjiè “.)
David: Yeah. A real estate middleman.
Echo: 对,还有这种叫”婚恋中介“。(Duì, hái yǒu zhè zhǒng jiào” hūnliàn zhōngjiè “.)
David: Right.
Echo: 现在非常流行在中国。(Xiànzài fēicháng liúxíng zài zhōngguó.)
David: In matters of love, the intermediaries.
Echo: 嗯,对,这个婚恋中介就是介绍这个想结婚的男女,对吧。(Ń, duì, zhège hūnliàn zhōngjiè jiùshì jièshào zhège xiǎng jiéhūn de nánnǚ, duì ba.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 下一个词,我们可以看一下”均摊“。(Xià yīgè cí, wǒmen kěyǐ kàn yīxià” jūntān “.)
David: To share equally.
Echo: 均摊,就是”均“是”平均“的意思,”摊“就是”分摊“。(Jūntān, jiùshì” jūn “shì” píngjūn “de yìsi,” tān “jiùshì” fēntān “.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 我们以前看过这个字,”摊“就是”小摊子“,”乱摊子“ (Wǒmen yǐqián kànguò zhège zì,” tān “jiùshì” xiǎo tānzi “,” luàn tānzi “)
David: Yeah it’s something that’s spread out on the ground.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Usually people are selling stuff on top of a blanket or something.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 就是比如说”摆小摊“。(Jiùshì bǐrú shuō” bǎi xiǎo tān “.)
David: Yeah. So in this case though it means you know you are spreading things in an equal fashion.
Echo: 对,在这个地方是一个动词”均摊“,平均分摊费用。(Duì, zài zhège dìfāng shì yīgè dòngcí” jūntān “, píngjūn fēntān fèiyòng.)
David: Right.
Echo: 比如说你可以邀请你的朋友们,比如说一起去饭馆,比如庆祝谁的生日,但是呢,你可以提前说好,我们的费用大家均摊。(Bǐrú shuō nǐ kěyǐ yāoqǐng nǐ de péngyǒumen, bǐrú shuō yīqǐ qù fànguǎn, bǐrú qìngzhù shéi de shēngrì, dànshì ne, nǐ kěyǐ tíqián shuō hǎo, wǒmen de fèiyòng dàjiā jūntān.)
David: Right. It’s a very polite way of saying it.
Echo: 对,就是非常非常客气的。(Duì, jiùshì fēicháng fēicháng kèqì de.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 我们中国就是有好多这种,用很客气的方法说出一些这个跟费用有关系的。(Wǒmen zhōngguó jiùshì yǒu hǎoduō zhè zhǒng, yòng hěn kèqì de fāngfǎ shuō chū yīxiē zhège gēn fèiyòng yǒu guānxì de.)
David: So it’s the polite way of saying AA制 basically.
Echo: 嗯,没错。(Ń, méi cuò.)
David: Okay.
Echo: 在我们结束我们的这个”vocabulary section”之前,有一个词我还想特别提到就是“划算”。(Zài wǒmen jiéshù wǒmen de zhège”vocabulary section” zhīqián, yǒu yīgè cí wǒ hái xiǎng tèbié tí dào jiùshì “huásuàn”.)
David: Cost efficient.
Echo: 这个词非常非常有用。经常你可以听到,就是在一些中国人的对话里经常会听到“啊,这个不划算”,或者“这个很划算”。(Zhège cí fēicháng fēicháng yǒuyòng. Jīngcháng nǐ kěyǐ tīng dào, jiùshì zài yīxiē zhōngguó rén de duìhuà li jīngcháng huì tīng dào “a, zhège bù huásuàn”, huòzhě “zhège hěn huásuàn”.)
David: Yes 划算 (Huásuàn) is definitely, it’s good to be 划算。(Huásuàn.)
Echo: 对,一般物美价廉的东西我们说“很划算”。(Duì, yībān wùměi jià lián de dōngxī wǒmen shuō “hěn huásuàn”.)
David: Yeah and the nice thing about this word too is you are not implying that the quality is bad. A lot of other words for instance, if you are talking…
Echo: 便宜 (Piányí)
David: Well I mean that’s cheap but if you are talking about like the price performance ratio
Echo: 性价比 (Xìngjiàbǐ)
David: You are implying that the quality is – it’s not as good as it could be, right. It’s just it’s worth the money. This, you are not implying the quality is bad.
Echo: 没错,“划算”其实就是一个物美价廉的口语的说法,有的时候我们也会说“划得来”,“划不来”,就是把这个“算”也省掉了。(Méi cuò,“huásuàn” qíshí jiùshì yīgè wùměi jià lián de kǒuyǔ de shuōfǎ, yǒu de shíhòu wǒmen yě huì shuō “huádélái”,“huábùlái”, jiùshì bǎ zhège “suàn” yě shěng diàole.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 很简单的说法,比如说“这件衣服50块划不来。” (Hěn jiǎndān de shuōfǎ, bǐrú shuō “zhè jiàn yīfú 50 kuài huábùlái.”)
David: Yeah it’s not worth ¥50. Okay and with that, let’s get to our grammar section. It’s grammar time.

Lesson focus

Echo: 今天我们的这个语法点是... (Jīntiān wǒmen de zhège yǔfǎ diǎn shì…)
David: It’s not grammar, it’s numbers really, right.
Echo: 其实,但是经常这是一个老大难的问题,因为很多的数字都很复杂。(Qíshí, dànshì jīngcháng zhè shì yīgè lǎodà nàn de wèntí, yīnwèi hěnduō de shùzì dōu hěn fùzá.)
David: Yeah we are not going to teach you how to say numbers again. You know at this level but there are these edge cases that continue to confuse people.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Let’s take a look at our dialogue at this sentence.
Echo: 次卧1800一个月。(Cì wò 1800 yīgè yuè.)
David: Right. At this point, you know that’s a 1800.
Echo: 最好知道,要不然你可能需要回去。(Zuì hǎo zhīdào, yào bùrán nǐ kěnéng xūyào huíqù.)
David: Right. If you are pulling a 1008 out of your pocket, you are making a mistake.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò)
David: So the basic rule that we’ve already covered is
Echo: 一千八,就是如果在“一千”和“八”中间没有任何的东西,这个“八”的意思是“八百”。(Yīqiān bā, jiùshì rúguǒ zài “yīqiān” hé “bā” zhōngjiān méiyǒu rènhé de dōngxī, zhège “bā” de yìsi shì “bābǎi”.)
David: Yeah. After the specifier, you kind of you default to the next biggest number. Right, so for instance, 120 is
Echo: 一百二 (Yībǎi èr)
David: 180 is
Echo: 一百八 (Yībǎi bā)
David: And 15000 is
Echo: 一万五 (Yī wàn wǔ)
David: Right. So we’ve got the 一万 (Yī wàn) there and we are saying, it’s got to be…
Echo: 五千 (Wǔqiān)
David: It’s got to be 五千. We are just not supposed to say the 千 (Qiān)
Echo: 除非你在这个中间加点别的东西。(Chúfēi nǐ zài zhège zhōngjiān jiādiǎn bié de dōngxī.)
David: Yes. When it gets confusing for people is when you want to break that and it’s not 15000, it’s 10,500.
Echo: 这时候你就要加一个“零”。一万零五百。而且最后的那个五一定要加上它的单位。一万零五百,你不能说“一万零五”。(Zhè shíhòu nǐ jiù yào jiā yīgè “líng”. Yī wàn líng wǔbǎi. Érqiě zuìhòu dì nàgè wǔyī dìng yào jiā shàng tā de dānwèi. Yī wàn líng wǔbǎi, nǐ bùnéng shuō “yī wàn líng wǔ”.)
David: Yeah. We are going to get to that because that’s different. So if you are breaking this order, you’ve got to introduce this 零. Okay, so again let’s go over those numbers. If we have 102.
Echo: 一百零二 (Yībǎi líng èr)
David: 108
Echo: 一百零八 (Yībǎi líng bā)
David: 10,500
Echo: 一万零五百 (Yī wàn líng wǔbǎi)
David: Right and Echo, in that last case, you have to specify the 百 (Bǎi).
Echo: 没错,不要忘了说那个“百”,或者是“一万零五十”。(Méi cuò, bùyào wàngle shuō nàgè “bǎi”, huòzhě shì “yī wàn líng wǔshí”.)
David: Right and the reason for that is that if you wanted to say 10,005
Echo: 这个是“一万零五”。(Zhège shì “yī wàn líng wǔ”.)
David: Right. You still only have that 10.
Echo: 对,你不能说“一万零零零五”。(Duì, nǐ bùnéng shuō “yī wàn líng líng líng wǔ”.)
David: Yes.
Echo: 没有人这么说。(Méiyǒu rén zhème shuō.)
David: Yes. If you start repeating the 零 it’s the mark of the amateurity and that’s why the end of the numbers you have to specify.
Echo: 没错,一万零五百,一万零五十,一万零五。(Méi cuò, yī wàn líng wǔbǎi, yī wàn líng wǔshí, yī wàn líng wǔ.)
David: Right. So this is, it’s a small point. It’s a subtle point but it catches people especially when you are giving change and you owe someone 101 Renminbi.
Echo: 对,你应该给他“一百零一”块。(Duì, nǐ yīnggāi gěi tā “yībǎi líng yī” kuài.)
David: Yeah and then when you take this and you extend it up to the 万 (Wàn) and the 百万 (Bǎi wàn) and the 千万 (Qiān wàn), it can get
Echo: 都是一样的道理。(Dōu shì yīyàng de dàolǐ.)
David: It can get confusing but the rules are the same.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: So this rule which works with smaller numbers also works with bigger numbers too.
Echo: 嗯,没错。(Ń, méi cuò.)
David: Yeah and don’t repeat the 零. That’s…
Echo: 对,只要一个零就够了。(Duì, zhǐyào yīgè líng jiù gòule.)
David: Just one.
Echo: 一不要忘了“零”,而不要忘了再“零”后加上那个单位。(Yī bùyào wàngle “líng”, ér bùyào wàngle zài “líng” hòu jiā shàng nàgè dānwèi.)


David: Yeah and with that, we are at the end of our podcast. As always, we want to remind you, if you don’t have an account yet, you can get one really easily.
Echo: 直接到我们的网站上注册我们的账户。(Zhíjiē dào wǒmen de wǎngzhàn shàng zhùcè wǒmen de zhànghù.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 只需要5秒钟。(Zhǐ xūyào 5 miǎo zhōng.)
David: You just need – any email address will do. We just need to email your password to you. With that though, we are at the end of our show. Thank you for listening and if you have any questions, let us know on the site or by email.
Echo: 对,给我们写到 (Duì, gěi wǒmen xiě dào) Contact us at chineseclass101.com
David: From Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是Echo. (Wǒ shì Echo)
David: Thanks for listening and we will see you on the site.
Echo: 网上见吧 Bye bye. (Wǎngshàng jiàn ba Bye bye.)

