Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hēi , dàjiā hǎo , wǒ jiào Mǎ Yànrú .Hi everybody! I’m Mǎ Yànrú.
Welcome to ChineseClass101.com’s “Sān fēnzhōng Hànyǔ”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Chinese.
In the last lesson we learned how to count money. Did you go shopping? Or, did you practice at home?
In this lesson, we're going to learn some useful tips for talking about your schedule - for example, if a friend asks you "What are you doing this weekend?"
Let’s start!
To ask this question, you say:
Nǐ zhège zhōumò gàn shénme ?
[slowly] Nǐ zhège zhōumò gàn shénme ?
Let’s break it down.
nǐ is how you say “you.”
zhège means “this”
zhōumò is "weekend"
"gàn " is "to do" .And shénme → is "what".
All together again, it’s
Nǐ zhège zhōumò gàn shénme ?
What if you’re not asking about this weekend?
Asking about a different time period is as easy as replacing zhège zhōumò.
Tomorrow is míngtiān . So you can also say nǐ míngtiān gàn shénme ? What are you doing tomorrow? Or, you could also put in a weekday, like xīngqī yī ,"Monday" or xīngqītiān , which is "Sunday".
Nǐ xīngqī yī gàn shénme ?
Nǐ xīngqītiān gàn shénme ?
So now, if someone asks *you* nǐ míngtiān gàn shénme ? , or "What are you doing tomorrow?", how can you answer?
Here's an example: Wǒ qù xuéxiào . "I'm going to school." Wǒ is the word for I. qù means "going to", and xuéxiào means "school". Feel free to replace "school" with any other location!
Now it’s time for Yanru’s Tips.
In some situations, the question Nǐ shì zuò shénme de ? can also mean more generally "What do you do?" or "What is your job?"
This is a really common question you can ask, or that you might be asked the first time you meet someone.
In this lesson we learned how to talk about your schedule. Next time we are going to talk about how to tell people your nationality.
I'll be waiting for you in the next sān fēnzhōng Hànyǔ lesson.
Zài jiàn !

