Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hēi , dàjiā hǎo , wǒ jiào Mǎ Yànrú .Hi everybody! I’m Yànrú Mǎ.
Welcome to ChineseClass101.com’s “Sān fēnzhōng Hànyǔ”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Chinese.
In the last lesson, we learned the numbers from one to ten. Have you forgotten? Here I'll tell you again:
yī , èr ,sān ,sì ,wǔ ,liù ,qī ,bā ,jiǔ ,shí
And now let’s continue from eleven.
[slowly] shíyī.
[slowly] shíèr.
[slowly] shísān.
[slowly] shísì.
[slowly] shíwǔ.
[slowly] shíliù.
[slowly] shíqī.
[slowly] shíbā.
[slowly] shíjiǔ.
And finally we have:
[slowly] èrshí.
Okay, now repeat after me. I'll say the numbers and give you time to repeat each one.
11. shíyī
12. shíèr
13. shísān
14. shísì
15. shíwǔ
16. shíliù
17. shíqī
18. shíbā
19. shíjiǔ
20. èrshí
These numbers may seem harder to remember, but they are actually very simple. Just take the numbers you learned in the last lesson and put a shí in front of them. So saying eleven is like saying ten - one. Saying twelve is like saying ten - two. and so forth. Then, when you get to twenty, you just say two - ten. Isn’t that easy?
Let’s not stop at 20! Counting from ten to one-hundred is super easy! Now I'll give you the tens:
Memorizing these numbers is incredibly easy! Notice that all ‘teens’ starts with shí, and all ‘tens’ end with shí. Do you remember what shí means? Of course, it is the word for 10! So actually all you have to remember are numbers from one to ten.
Then, for one-hundred, you have to learn one new word: bǎi. What do you put in front of it? yī!, which is one. So it really is like saying *one* - *hundred*.
The last thing to learn in this lesson is how to form compound numbers above twenty. This is super easy!
Take the tens and simply add the numbers you learned in the previous lesson.
Let’s try it out.
How would you say “fifty-six” in Chinese? Let’s take it step-by-step. "Fifty" is wǔshí , and then add "six", liù.
Wǔshíliù! It’s done! Isn’t that easy?
Let’s make another number, for instance, "ninety-eight."
Take "ninety", jiǔshí, and add "eight", bā:
Now it’s time for Yanru’s tips.
After only two lessons, you are now able to count to one-hundred in Chinese! But do you know how to say years, like 1950? You might think it would be long and difficult, but actually, it’s super easy. You don’t have to say shíjiǔ-wǔshí which is 19-50 or yīqiān-jiǔbǎi-wǔshí which is 1000-900-50. All you need to do is say it number by number, just like telephone numbers. So it could be 1-9-5-0. yī jiǔ wǔ líng. And then nián, which means year. yī jiǔ wǔ líng nián.
In the next lesson we are going to put your number knowledge to use! Do you have all the skills you need to go shopping in China? If not, I'll be waiting for you in our next “Sān fēnzhōng Hànyǔ lesson.
Zài jiàn!

