
Vocabulary (Review)

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Brendan: Welcome to Chineseclass101.com, the fastest, funniest and easiest way to learn Chinese. I’m Brendan.
Echo: Hi 大家好,我是Echo. (Hi dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
Brendan: And we are coming at you today with Lower Intermediate Series, Season 1, Lesson 2 – “ Parking a bike in Beijing.” This lesson is for all my fellow bicyclists out there.
Echo: And our dialogue today takes place in a bicycle parking lot.
Brendan: It’s a conversation between a cyclist and a security guard.
Echo: They’re strangers, but they’re speaking causal mandarin.
Brendan: Now, we’re going to take you to the dialogue in a moment, but before we do that, a reminder. If you want to make sure that you remember all of the vocabulary that we’re covering in these lessons, there’s no better way to do it than by using our online flash cards tool.
Echo: 没错,生词卡 (Méi cuò, shēngcí kǎ)
Brendan: To start using them, go to the premium Learning Center at Chineseclass101.com. Now, let’s go to the dialogue. So, this is actually more or less how it works in lot of places in Beijing when you go to park your bike.
A:不好意思,自行车应该放哪儿? (Bùhǎoyìsi, zìxíngchēyīnggāi fàng nǎr?)
B:放这儿吧。 (Fàng zhèr ba.)
A:没有偷自行车的吗? (Méiyǒu tōu zìxíngchēde ma?)
B:放这儿吧,没事儿。 (Fàng zhèr ba, méishìer.)
A:不会有小偷吧? (Bùhuì yǒu xiǎotōu ba?)
B:别担心,我给你看着。 (Bié dānxīn, wǒgěi nǐkàn zhe.)
Brendan: Once more, slowly.
A:不好意思,自行车应该放哪儿? (Bùhǎoyìsi, zìxíngchēyīnggāi fàng nǎr?)
B:放这儿吧。 (Fàng zhèr ba.)
A:没有偷自行车的吗? (Méiyǒu tōu zìxíngchēde ma?)
B:放这儿吧,没事儿。 (Fàng zhèr ba, méishìer.)
A:不会有小偷吧? (Bùhuì yǒu xiǎotōu ba?)
B:别担心,我给你看着。 (Bié dānxīn, wǒgěi nǐkàn zhe.)
Brendan: And now, with English translation.
A:不好意思,自行车应该放哪儿? (Bùhǎoyìsi, zìxíngchēyīnggāi fàng nǎr?)
A: Excuse me, where should I put my bike?
B:放这儿吧。 (Fàng zhèr ba.)
B: Just leave it here.
A:没有偷自行车的吗? (Méiyǒu tōu zìxíngchēde ma?)
A: But aren’t there thieves?
B:放这儿吧,没事儿。 (Fàng zhèr ba, méishìer.)
B: Don't worry. Just leave it here.
A:不会有小偷吧? (Bùhuì yǒu xiǎotōu ba?)
A: But what about thieves?
B:别担心,我给你看着。 (Bié dānxīn, wǒgěi nǐkàn zhe.)
B: Don't worry. I'll watch it for you.
Echo: Yes, a lot of places will have bicycle parking lots with people who work full time watching the bikes.
Brendan: Or, you know, just sitting there and collecting the money.
Echo: Right. They even dress like the police.
Brendan: Right. Or, some kind of really ghetto, not very convincing attempted aphelion to be police.
Echo: This is job.
Brendan: Yes, and, you know, when you park there, you pay 2 Yuan or 5 Yuan, they’ll watch your bike for you.
Echo: Well, they’re supposed to.
Brendan: Yes, supposed to is the keyword there.
Echo: Yes. Plus is still cheaper than the subway.
Brendan: Yes, but you really do want to remember to lock your bike.
Echo: 没错 (Méi cuò)
Brendan: Right. So, as you can tell, our lesson today is all about parking your bike. Now, let’s head over to the vocab section and pick up some related terms.
C: And now, the vocab section.
Echo: 停车 (tíngchē)
Brendan: “To park a vehicle”
Echo: 停车场 (tíngchēchǎng)
Brendan: “Parking lot”
Echo: 车棚 (chēpéng)
Brendan: “Bike shed”
Echo: 锁 (suǒ)
Brendan: “To lock”
Echo: 担心 (dānxīn)
Brendan: “To worry”
Echo: 钥匙 (yàoshi)
Brendan: “Key”
Echo: 红绿灯 (hónglǜdēng)
Brendan: “Traffic light”
Echo: 小偷 (xiǎotōu)
Brendan: “Thief”
Echo: 小偷 (xiǎotōu)
Brendan: All right. Now, let’s take a closer look at how some of these words are used.
Echo: 第一个词,自行车 (Dì yī gè cí, zìxíngchē)
Brendan: “Bicycle”. Now, we already know this word. But, let’s hear it again.
Echo: 自行车 (Zìxíngchē)
Brendan: So, you’re out, you’re riding your bicycle and you need a place to park it.
Echo: 自行车停车场 (Zìxíngchē tíngchē chǎng)
Brendan: Right. A “bicycle parking lot”.
Echo: 自行车停车场 (Zìxíngchē tíngchē chǎng)
Brendan: Now, 停车场 (Tíngchē chǎng) is literally “stop car 场(Chǎng)”.
Echo: Yes. 停车场 (Tíngchē chǎng)
Brendan: And we’ve seen that 场 (Chǎng) before.
Echo: It’s the same as in 广场. (Guǎngchǎng.)
Brendan: “A shopping market”
Echo: Or 市场 (Shìchǎng)
Brendan: “A market”. And 场 (Chǎng) really just means “a place”. Usually, a big place.
Echo: Right. 场 (Chǎng)
Brendan: So, “bicycle parking lot”.
Echo: 自行车停车场 (Zìxíngchē tíngchē chǎng)
Brendan: Now, there is another word from our vocab list that’s kind of buried in there.
Echo: 停车 (Tíngchē)
Brendan: Which just means “to park a car”.
Echo: 停车 (Tíngchē)
Brendan: Literally, it’s “to stop a car”.
Echo: 停车 (Tíngchē)
Brendan: Ok, what’s next?
Echo: Well 停车 (Tíngchē) in 自行车停车场 (Zìxíngchē tíngchē chǎng). You should remember to 锁 (Suǒ) your 自行车.(Zìxíngchē.)
Brendan: It’s really nice bit of Chinglish.
Echo: Yes.
Brendan: 锁 (Suǒ)
Echo: 一定要记住,锁 (Yīdìng yào jì zhù, suǒ)
Brendan: “To lock”. And, what is it you’re locking?
Echo: 锁自行车 (Suǒ zìxíngchē)
Brendan: Right. “To lock your bike”
Echo: Or, you can 锁门. (Suǒ mén.)
Brendan: Which is “locking the door”.
Echo: Like in this sentence: 走的时候别忘了锁门. (Zǒu de shíhòu bié wàngle suǒ mén.)
Brendan: “When you leave, don’t forget to lock the door.”
Echo: 走的时候别忘了锁门 (Zǒu de shíhòu bié wàngle suǒ mén)
Brendan: Now, kind of in that vain. The next word is really something that goes hand in hand with “to lock”.
Echo: Yes. 钥匙 (Yàoshi)
Brendan: Yes. “Key”
Echo: 钥匙 (Yàoshi)
Brendan: “Key”
Echo: 我忘了我把钥匙放哪了 (Wǒ wàngle wǒ bǎ yàoshi fàng nǎle)
Brendan: “I forget where I put my keys.”
Echo: 我忘了我把钥匙放哪了 (Wǒ wàngle wǒ bǎ yàoshi fàng nǎle)
Brendan: So, we’ve got two really useful words here, actually.
Echo: 锁 (Suǒ)
Brendan: “To lock” or “a lock”
Echo: 钥匙 (Yàoshi)
Brendan: “A key”, which opens the lock.
Echo: Yes, that’s a tough word to write.
Brendan: Well, it’s actually not that tough, but people forget how to write it. And I get a small mean joy out of reminding people how to write it. It’s small of me, I know.
Echo: So, remember it then. You will impress people.
Brendan: Yes. Now, we’ve covered “locking”.
Echo: 锁 (Suǒ)
Brendan: What’s “unlocking”?
Echo: 开锁 (Kāisuǒ)
Brendan: So, you open a lock.
Echo: 对,开锁 (Duì, kāisuǒ)
Brendan: “To unlock it”
Echo: 他丢了他的钥匙,不能开锁 (Tā diūle tā de yàoshi, bùnéng kāisuǒ)
Brendan: “He lost his keys and can’t open the lock.”
Echo: 他丢了他的钥匙,不能开锁 (Tā diūle tā de yàoshi, bùnéng kāisuǒ)
Brendan: “He lost his keys and can’t open the lock.”. And so, that’s our vocab section done. Now, we’re going to move on to the grammar section.

Lesson focus

Brendan: Now, what we want talk about today is basically a way of saying “No way.”. And, we see this in our dialogue in the sentence?
Echo: 不会有小偷吧? (Bù huì yǒu xiǎotōu ba?)
Brendan: Which literally is something like “Surely there won’t be thieves.”.
Echo: 不会有小偷吧? (Bù huì yǒu xiǎotōu ba?)
Brendan: Now, 小偷 (Xiǎotōu) we learned or in the vocab section. And it means “thief”.
Echo: 对不会有吧 (Duì bù huì yǒu ba)
Brendan: Now, let’s drop the 小偷 (Xiǎotōu) from that sentence. We end up with?
Echo: 不会有吧 (Bù huì yǒu ba)
Brendan: Right. “There won’t be something”
Echo: Yes. 不会有吧 (Bù huì yǒu ba)
Brendan: Yes. This is a very common pattern and what it is essentially is 不会 (Bù huì) something something 吧 (Ba)
Echo: 吧 (Ba). Right.
Brendan: What it means is “Something something surely cannot be the case”
Echo: Yes. 不会有小偷吧? (Bù huì yǒu xiǎotōu ba?)
Brendan: Yes. “Surely there won’t be thieves.”
Echo: Let’s care some other examples. 我的工资不会这么少吧? (Wǒ de gōngzī bù huì zhème shǎo ba?)
Brendan: “Surely my salary can’t be this little.”
Echo: 我的工资不会这么少吧? (Wǒ de gōngzī bù huì zhème shǎo ba?)
Brendan: “Surely my salary can’t be this little.”. This is what you say immediately after pay day.
Echo: Yes, to your boss.
Brendan: Yes.
Echo: 我的车不会丢吧 (Wǒ de chē bù huì diū ba)
Brendan: “Surely by bike can’t be lost.”
Echo: 我的车不会丢吧 (Wǒ de chē bù huì diū ba)
Brendan: “Surely my bike can’t be lost.”
Echo: Yes. In this sentence, I also show sad, like you’re kind of worried.
Brendan: Yes.
Echo: 你不会忘了锁车吧? (Nǐ bù huì wàngle suǒ chē ba?)
Brendan: “Surely you didn’t forget to lock the bike.”
Echo: 你不会忘了锁车吧? (Nǐ bù huì wàngle suǒ chē ba?)
Brendan: “Surely you didn’t forget to lock the bike.”. Oh, man. That bike isn’t coming back. That is one gone bike.
Echo: Even 你记得锁车. (Nǐ jìdé suǒ chē.)
Brendan: Yes.
Echo: 不好说 (Bù hǎoshuō)
Brendan: And, anyway, that’s our grammar pattern for today. If you want to express dismay, or express worry about something, this is the pattern you can use. 不会...吧 (Bù huì... Ba)
Echo:让我们再听最后一个句子: 水手不会怕水吧? (Ràng wǒmen zài tīng zuìhòu yīgè jùzi: Shuǐshǒu bù huì pà shuǐ ba?)
Brendan: Surely a sailor can’t be afraid of water.
Echo: Enn, 应该不会吧. (Yīnggāi bù huì ba.)


Brendan: One would hope. Now, that just about does it for today. If you have any questions or any comments about this lesson, please let us know.
Echo: You can write to us at contactus@Chineseclass101.com or leave us a comment on the site.
Brendan: And that’s all it takes. We’re looking…

