
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Brendan: Welcome to Chineseclass101.com, the fastest, easiest and funniest way to learn Chinese! I’m Brendan!
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo. (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
Brendan: And we’re here today with Lower Intermediate Series, Season ., Lesson 12 – “How to make friends in China”. In this lesson, we’re going to learn how to cheat the G-man in China.
Echo: This conversation takes place in a cab.
Brendan: And it’s between two friends returning from dinner.
Echo: And our speakers are friends, so they’re speaking casual mandarin as always.
Brendan: Now, we’re going to take you to the dialogue in just a second, but before we do that, a reminder. If you’d like to practice your spoken mandarin, casual otherwise, you can get in touch with us, we have got a staff of trained professional tutors…
Echo: Right!
Brendan: Who are standing by, waiting to help you with custom one on one tutoring plans.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
Brendan: Ok! Let’s get to the dialogue!
A:晚饭的发票你留着呢吗?(Wǎnfàn de fāpiào nǐ liúzhe ne ma?)
B:没,我把它扔了。(Méi, wǒ bǎ tā rēng le.)
A:什么!你干嘛把它扔掉啊?我需要发票。(Shénme! Nǐ gànmá bǎ tā rēngdiàoā? wǒ xūyào fāpiào.)
B:要发票做什么?(Yào fāpiào zuò shénme?)
A:我要把它们给我的老板。(Wǒ yào bǎ tāmen gěi wǒ de lǎobǎn.)
A:如果我不给他发票,他就不给我发工资!(Rúguǒ wǒ bù gěi tā fāpiào, Tā jiù bù gěi wǒ fā gōngzī!)
Brendan: Once more, slowly.
A:晚饭的发票你留着呢吗?(Wǎnfàn de fāpiào nǐ liúzhe ne ma?)
B:没,我把它扔了。(Méi, wǒ bǎ tā rēng le.)
A:什么!你干嘛把它扔掉啊?我需要发票。(Shénme! Nǐ gànmá bǎ tā rēngdiàoā? wǒ xūyào fāpiào.)
B:要发票做什么?(Yào fāpiào zuò shénme?)
A:我要把它们给我的老板。(Wǒ yào bǎ tāmen gěi wǒ de lǎobǎn.)
A:如果我不给他发票,他就不给我发工资!(Rúguǒ wǒ bù gěi tā fāpiào, Tā jiù bù gěi wǒ fā gōngzī!)
Brendan: And now, with English translation.
A:晚饭的发票你留着呢吗?(Wǎnfàn de fāpiào nǐ liúzhe ne ma?)
A: Did you hang on the receipt from dinner?
B:没,我把它扔了。(Méi, wǒ bǎ tā rēng le.)
B: No I threw it away.
A:什么!你干嘛把它扔掉啊?我需要发票。(Shénme! Nǐ gànmá bǎ tā rēngdiàoā? wǒ xūyào fāpiào.)
A: No! Why did you threw it away? I need receipts.
B:要发票做什么?(Yào fāpiào zuò shénme?)
B: What you need receipts for?
A:我要把它们给我的老板。(Wǒ yào bǎ tāmen gěi wǒ de lǎobǎn.)
A: I need to give them to my boss.
B: Why?
A:如果我不给他发票,他就不给我发工资!(Rúguǒ wǒ bù gěi tā fāpiào, Tā jiù bù gěi wǒ fā gōngzī!)
A: If I don't give him receipts, he won’t give my pay!
Echo: Yes!
Brendan: You’re the insider. Can you tell us what’s really happening here?
Echo: Well, a lot of companies pay tax based on how much they pay their staff.
Brendan: Which means that they want to keep salaries low.
Echo: Right! So, they only pay people a little bit of money each month.
Brendan: So, why the receipts?
Echo: Because if people bring in receipts, it isn’t salary.
Brendan: Right! It’s an expense.
Echo: Right! A lot of state owned companies do this, too, surprisingly.
Brendan: Yes, I’ve actually been paid this way, too, as a freelancer. And that was because I was translating and there is a film production company paying me, needed more receipts to pay their own staff.
Echo: Anyway, remember to ask for the receipt.
Brendan: Yes, even if you can’t use it, you’ve probably got a Chinese friend who can use it.
Echo: Yes!
Brendan: And if you don’t know how, then you’re going to need our vocabulary section for today.
Echo: That’s right!
Echo: 发票 (fāpiào)
Brendan: “Receipt”
Echo: 交给 (jiāogěi)
Brendan: “To hand something over to somebody”
Echo: 老板 (lǎobǎn)
Brendan: “Boss”
Echo: 支出 (zhīchū)
Brendan: “Expense”
Echo: 收入 (shōurù)
Brendan: “Income”
Echo: 重要 (zhòngyào)
Brendan: “Important”
Echo: 工资 (gōngzī)
Brendan: “Salary”
Echo: 刮 (guā)
Brendan: “To scratch”
Echo: 合同 (hétong)
Brendan: “Contract”
Echo: 合同 (hétong)
Brendan: Anyway, let’s take a closer at the usage for some of the words we just covered.
Echo: Right! The first word is 发票。(Fāpiào.)
Brendan: Yes! The famous, the indispensable, the ubiquitous 发票。(Fāpiào.)
Echo: Yes, 发票。(Fāpiào.)
Brendan: Now, this is kind of like a receipt.
Echo: Right! 收据。(Shōujù)
Brendan: Except it isn’t. It’s different in a crucial way. Now, this is used to track taxes in China.
Echo: Right! You mostly get it in restaurants.
Brendan: Right! They’re legally required to give you a receipt.
Echo: 你吃饭时要发票了吗?(Nǐ chīfàn shí yào fāpiàole ma?)
Brendan: “Did you ask for a receipt at dinner?”
Echo: 你吃饭时要发票了吗?(Nǐ chīfàn shí yào fāpiàole ma?)
Brendan: Now, the government uses this to raise money. So, they want people to ask for a 发票 (Fāpiào), they want to make sure that restaurants are handing out these things, so they report to the government how much they’re making.
Echo: Right! It has a price area, you have to 刮.(Guā.)
Brendan: Right! It’s almost like a lottery ticket. And that’s how they get people to ask for these things.
Echo: Right! 刮。(Guā)
Brendan: “To scratch off”
Echo: 你刮发票了吗?(Nǐ guā fāpiàole ma?)
Brendan: “Have you scratched off your receipt?”
Echo: 你刮发票了吗?你赢过钱吗?(Nǐ guā fāpiàole ma? Nǐ yíngguò qián ma?)
Brendan: I got like five Yuan once…
Echo: Well, that’s not bad.
Brendan: Yes, it’s better than usual.
Echo: Our next word is 工资。(Gōngzī.)
Brendan: Now, this means “salary” or “payment for work”.
Echo: Right! 老板给你工资了吗?(Lǎobǎn gěi nǐ gōngzīle ma?)
Brendan: “Has your boss given you your pay?”
Echo: 老板给你工资了吗?(Lǎobǎn gěi nǐ gōngzīle ma?) Right! In China, lot of people need to 把发票交给老板–(Bǎ fāpiào jiāo gěi lǎobǎn–) “to get paid”.
Brendan: “To hand over 发票 (Fāpiào) to their boss.”
Echo: Right! 把发票交给老板。(Bǎ fāpiào jiāo gěi lǎobǎn.)
Brendan: And, as we mentioned, this is actually a way of getting around taxes.
Echo: Right! Because business don’t pay tax on 支出.(Zhīchū.)
Brendan: “Expenses”
Echo: 支出 (Zhīchū)
Brendan: But they need 发票 (Fāpiào)to show that they spent that money.
Echo: Right! So, a lot of people use 发票 (Fāpiào) to get more 收入。(Shōurù.)
Brendan: Or “income”.
Echo: 收入。(Shōurù.)
Brendan: “Income”
Echo: So, I have 收入 (Shōurù.)and 支出。(Zhīchū)
Brendan: “Income” and “expenses”.
Echo: 收入和支出。你的收入大于你的支出吗?(Shōurù hé zhīchū. Nǐ de shōurù dàyú nǐ de zhīchū ma?)
Brendan: “Is your income more than your expenses?”
Echo: 你的收入大于你的支出吗?(Nǐ de shōurù dàyú nǐ de zhīchū ma?) So, a lot of wars about money.
Brendan: It’s that kind of lesson? Now, we’ve got the kind of receipt we’re talking about “to scratch off tax receipt”.
Echo: 发票 (Fāpiào)
Brendan: Then we’ve got the regular boring receipt.
Echo: 收据 (Shōujù)
Brendan: We’ve got the word for “to scratch”.
Echo: 刮 (Guā)
Brendan: “Salary”
Echo: 工资 (Gōngzī)
Brendan: “Expenses”
Echo: 支出 (Zhīchū)
Brendan: And “income”.
Echo: 收入 (Shōurù)
Brendan: All crucial vocabulary for talking about, you know, the ways we put food on the table. And with that, let’s go on to the grammar section.

Lesson focus

Echo: Our focus today is on the 如果,就。(Rúguǒ, jiù.)
Brendan: That is “If… then”.
Echo: 如果,就。(Rúguǒ, jiù.)
Brendan: Now, this is just like the English pattern…
Echo: Yes!
Brendan: “If… then”. Or, like computer programming for that matter.
Echo: In our dialogue we heard 如果我不给他发票,他就不给我发工资。(Rúguǒ wǒ bù gěi tā fāpiào, tā jiù bù gěi wǒ fā gōngzī.)
Brendan: “If I don’t give him receipts, then he won’t give me my salary.”
Echo: 如果我不给他发票。(Rúguǒ wǒ bù gěi tā fāpiào.)
Brendan: “If I don’t give him receipts…”
Echo: 他就不给我发工资。(Tā jiù bù gěi wǒ fā gōngzī.)
Brendan: “then he won’t give me my salary.”
Echo: Right! Or 如果你现在还不出发,就会迟到的。(Rúguǒ nǐ xiànzài hái bù chūfā, jiù huì chídào de.)
Brendan: “If you don’t leave now, then you’ll be late.”
Echo: 如果你现在还不出发,就会迟到的。(Rúguǒ nǐ xiànzài hái bù chūfā, jiù huì chídào de.)Yes, this is actually pretty easy.
Brendan: Yes, it’s just like the English pattern. The second clause happens only if the first clause does.
Echo: Right! There are sometimes we can leave out 就。(Jiù.)
Brendan: Now, here’s an example. If you’re not sure whether or not the first condition is true, you can drop 就。
Echo: Let’s hear an example. 如果你没有要发票,现在回去拿。(Rúguǒ nǐ méiyǒu yào fāpiào, xiànzài huíqù ná.)
Brendan: “If you didn’t ask for the receipt, go get it now.”
Echo: 如果你没有要发票,现在回去拿。(Rúguǒ nǐ méiyǒu yào fāpiào, xiànzài huíqù ná.)
Brendan: Now, in this case, whoever’s saying this sentence, doesn’t know whether or not the person asks for receipts.
Echo: So, we drop 就.(Jiù.) We don’t know if the first case it’s true. 如果,就 (Rúguǒ, jiù) in most cases.
Brendan: “If… then”
Echo: 如果,就。(Rúguǒ, jiù)
Brendan: But, if we’re talking about something that’s happening not in the future, but in the past, like in that example we just had, and if we’re not sure whether or not the first part is true…
Echo: Then we can drop 就。(Jiù.)


Brendan: And that’s our grammar point for today. But, a reminder. If you really want to make sure that the vocabulary words from this lesson and from other lessons stick…
Echo: Please check out the vocabulary list provided with each lesson.
Brendan: You can click on any word to automatically add it to your personal word bank.
Echo: Words added to your word bank can be made into flashcards used to quiz yourself.
Brendan: It’s a great way to really reinforce all of the things that you’ve picked up in this lesson. And you could give it a try at Chineseclass101.com!
Echo: That’s right!
Brendan: If you have any questions…
Echo: As always, you can leave the comment on the site or write to us at contactus@Chineseclass.0..com
Brendan: And we’ll get back to you as soon as we can! From Beijing, I’m Brandon!

