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Yinru: Hi everyone, I’m Yinru.
Yuriy: And I’m Yuriy. Welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. This is Lower intermediate Season 2 Lesson 24: Checking in at a Chinese Hotel. In this lesson, you’ll learn the pattern for comparing two equal, or same, things.
Yinru: If you remember, in the last lesson, Tom was planning to go to Hangzhou for a vacation.
Yuriy: Now, he has arrived at the hotel that he booked online, and is talking to the hotel staff at the front desk. Since they are guest and hotel staff member, they’re using formal Chinese. Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Tom: 你好,我办理入住。(nǐhǎo, wǒ bànlǐ rùzhù.)
酒店员工:好的。请出示您的身份证件。(JIǓDIÀNYUÁNGŌNG:hǎo de. qǐng chūshì nín de shēnfèn zhèngjiàn.)
Tom: 我订了三个晚上的标准房。(wǒ dìng le sān ge wǎnshang de biāozhǔn fáng.)
酒店员工:不好意思先生,标准房现在在打扫,还需要一个小时。您不介意的话,有一个大床房可以入住。(JIǓDIÀNYUÁNGŌNG:bùhǎoyìsi xiānsheng, biāozhǔn fáng xiànzài zài dǎsǎo, hái xūyàoyíge xiǎoshí. nín bú jièyì dehuà, yǒu yíge dàchuáng fáng kěyǐ rùzhù.)
Tom: 大床房和标准房是一样大吗?(dàchuáng fáng hé biāozhǔn fáng shì yíyàng dà ma?)
酒店员工:是的,而且是一样的价钱,也有免费早餐。(JIǓDIÀNYUÁNGŌNG :shì de, érqiě shì yíyàng de jiàqian, yě yǒu miǎnfèi zǎocān.)
Yuriy: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Tom: 你好,我办理入住。(nǐhǎo, wǒ bànlǐ rùzhù.)
酒店员工:好的。请出示您的身份证件。(JIǓDIÀNYUÁNGŌNG:hǎo de. qǐng chūshì nín de shēnfèn zhèngjiàn.)
Tom: 我订了三个晚上的标准房。(wǒ dìng le sān ge wǎnshang de biāozhǔn fáng.)
酒店员工:不好意思先生,标准房现在在打扫,还需要一个小时。您不介意的话,有一个大床房可以入住。(JIǓDIÀNYUÁNGŌNG:bùhǎoyìsi xiānsheng, biāozhǔn fáng xiànzài zài dǎsǎo, hái xūyàoyíge xiǎoshí. nín bú jièyì dehuà, yǒu yíge dàchuáng fáng kěyǐ rùzhù.)
Tom: 大床房和标准房是一样大吗?(dàchuáng fáng hé biāozhǔn fáng shì yíyàng dà ma?)
酒店员工:是的,而且是一样的价钱,也有免费早餐。(JIǓDIÀNYUÁNGŌNG :shì de, érqiě shì yíyàng de jiàqian, yě yǒu miǎnfèi zǎocān.)
Yuriy: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Tom: 你好,我办理入住。(nǐhǎo, wǒ bànlǐ rùzhù.)
Yuriy: Excuse me, I’d like to check in please.
酒店员工:好的。请出示您的身份证件。(JIǓDIÀNYUÁNGŌNG:hǎo de. qǐng chūshì nín de shēnfèn zhèngjiàn.)
Yuriy: Yes, sir. Please show me your ID.
Tom: 我订了三个晚上的标准房。(wǒ dìng le sān ge wǎnshang de biāozhǔn fáng.)
Yuriy: I booked a standard room for three nights.
酒店员工:不好意思先生,标准房现在在打扫,还需要一个小时。您不介意的话,有一个大床房可以入住。(JIǓDIÀNYUÁNGŌNG:bùhǎoyìsi xiānsheng, biāozhǔn fáng xiànzài zài dǎsǎo, hái xūyàoyíge xiǎoshí. nín bú jièyì dehuà, yǒu yíge dàchuáng fáng kěyǐ rùzhù.)
Yuriy: I’m sorry, sir. The standard rooms are being cleaned, and it’ll be another hour before they are available. If you don't mind, there's a king room available now.
Tom: 大床房和标准房是一样大吗?(dàchuáng fáng hé biāozhǔn fáng shì yíyàng dà ma?)
Yuriy: Is the king room the same size as the standard room?
酒店员工:是的,而且是一样的价钱,也有免费早餐。(JIǓDIÀNYUÁNGŌNG :shì de, érqiě shì yíyàng de jiàqian, yě yǒu miǎnfèi zǎocān.)
Yuriy: Yes, it’s the same price too, and it also comes with free breakfast.
Yinru: Reserving hotel rooms is really easy nowadays.
Yuriy: You just need to go online and find the one you like.
Yinru: 是的.(Shì de.)When I was searching online recently for hotels, I noticed a new type of hotel that looks interesting.
Yuriy: I think I know what you’re talking about. Is it an apartment hotel, with hotel-style services and apartment-style management?
Yinru: Yeah! What I like most about these hotels is that it feels like home, and you can make your own meals in the room.
Yuriy: That’s great if you don’t like the local food.
Yinru: Also, I read that if you rent those rooms for a long period, say three months, they’ll give you a better deal.
Yuriy: Is it more expensive than a regular hotel if you’re just staying for a couple of days?
Yinru: I think the price is about the same.
Yuriy: By the way, what’s the usual time for checking in and checking out of hotels in China?
Yinru: Usually it’s noon, both for a check-in and check-out. And if you can’t check in before six in the evening, hotels will usually ask you to pay in advance for one night.
Yuriy: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Yuriy: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is:
Yinru: 办理入住 (Bànlǐ rùzhù)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: to check in
Yinru: 办理入住(Bànlǐ rùzhù) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 办理入住(Bànlǐ rùzhù) [natural native speed]
Yuriy: Next:
Yinru: 出示 (Chūshì)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: to present, to show
Yinru: 出示(Chūshì) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 出示 (Chūshì) [natural native speed]
Yuriy: Next:
Yinru: 身份证件(Shēnfèn zhèngjiàn) [natural native speed]
Yuriy: identification
Yinru: 身份证件(Shēnfèn zhèngjiàn) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 身份证件(Shēnfèn zhèngjiàn) [natural native speed]
Yuriy: Next:
Yinru: 标准房 (Biāozhǔn fáng)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: standard room
Yinru: 标准房(Biāozhǔn fáng) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 标准房(Biāozhǔn fáng) [natural native speed]
Yuriy: Next:
Yinru: 打扫 (Dǎsǎo) [natural native speed]
Yuriy: to clean
Yinru: 打扫 (Dǎsǎo) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 打扫 (Dǎsǎo) [natural native speed]
Yuriy: Next:
Yinru: 介意 (Jièyì)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: to mind
Yinru: 介意 (Jièyì) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 介意 (Jièyì) [natural native speed]
Yuriy: Next:
Yinru: 大床房 (Dà chuáng fáng)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: king room
Yinru: 大床房 (Dà chuáng fáng) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 大床房 (Dà chuáng fáng) [natural native speed]
Yuriy: Next:
Yinru: 一样 (Yīyàng)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: same
Yinru: 一样 (Yīyàng)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 一样 (Yīyàng)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: Next:
Yinru: 价钱 (Jiàqián)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: price
Yinru: 价钱 (Jiàqián)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 价钱 (Jiàqián)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: And Last:
Yinru: 免费 (Miǎnfèi)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: free
Yinru: 免费 (Miǎnfèi)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Yinru: 免费 (Miǎnfèi)[natural native speed]
Yuriy: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Yinru: First up is 办理入住(Bànlǐ rùzhù) which is a word that you need to pay attention to when you use it.
Yuriy: It means “to check in,” right?
Yinru: In our conversation, yes, it means “to check in to a hotel.” And it’s only used for hotels.
Yuriy: So checking in at an airport would use a different word?
Yinru: Right. Checking in at an airport in Chinese is 办理登机手续.(Bànlǐ dēng jī shǒuxù.) For example, 请提前一个小时办理登机手续.(Qǐng tíqián yīgè xiǎoshí bànlǐ dēng jī shǒuxù)
Yuriy: It means, “Please check in an hour early,” for a flight.
Yinru: Our next word, 免费 or 免费的 (Miǎnfèi or miǎnfèi de)meaning “free” or “free of charge.” It’s an adjective, which you can use by itself or before a noun.
Yuriy: You can also add a verb after it to say that “doing something is free.”
Yinru: 家人之间发短信是免费的.(Jiārén zhī jiān fā duǎnxìn shì miǎnfèi de.)
Yuriy: “It’s free to text family members.”
Yinru: 饭店提供免费的代客泊车服务.(Fàndiàn tígōng miǎnfèi de dài kè bó chē fúwù.)
Yuriy: “The hotel provides a free valet parking service.”
Yinru: Now let’s look at an example when it’s used before a verb. 我们酒店的客房可以免费上网.(Wǒmen jiǔdiàn de kèfáng kěyǐ miǎnfèi shàngwǎng.)
Yuriy: This means, “You can use the Internet for free in our guest rooms.”
Yinru: 上网 (Shàngwǎng) is a verb meaning to “use or get on the Internet.”
Yuriy: Okay, now onto the grammar.

Lesson focus

Yuriy: In this lesson, you’ll learn the pattern for comparing two equal things, or when you want to say that two things are the same.
Yinru: To do this, you use 和...一样.(Hé... Yīyàng.)
Yuriy: In the last lesson, we talked about an unequal comparison, when two things were not the same. This lesson’s phrase is much easier.
Yinru: 一样 (Yīyàng) is an adjective meaning “the same.” 和...一样 (Hé... Yīyàng)means “the same as.”
Yuriy: Let’s look at some sample sentences.
Yinru: 你的手机和我的手机一样.(Nǐ de shǒujīhéwǒ de shǒujī yīyàng.)
Yuriy: “Your cell phone is the same as mine.”
Yinru: 我们的裤子款式一样, 颜色不一样.(Wǒmen de kùzi kuǎnshì yīyàng, yánsè bù yīyàng.)
Yuriy: “Our pants have the same design but a different color.” You can also put an adjective between the two objects of comparison.
Yinru: For this you use 和...一样(Hé... Yīyàng), plus the adjective.
Yuriy: So for “as tall as me,” you can say...
Yinru: 和我一样高.(Hé wǒ yīyàng gāo.) Place the adjective 高 (Gāo)after 一样.(Yīyàng.)
Yuriy: The sequence in Chinese is a little different than in English.
Yinru: 对. (Duì.)Let’s look at some more complete sentences. 你和我哥哥一样大.(Nǐ hé wǒ gēgē yīyàng dà.)
Yuriy: “You’re the same age as my brother.”
Yinru: 广东话和汉语一样难.(Guǎngdōng huà hé hànyǔ yīyàng nán.)
Yuriy: “Cantonese is as difficult as Mandarin.”
Yinru: By the way, did you know that Cantonese is actually a dialect of Chinese? But I can hardly understand any Cantonese.
Yuriy: It seems that there’s a unique dialect for every city in China. It would be difficult for people to communicate without a standard dialect.
Yinru: That’s why many people learn Mandarin, 普通话,(Pǔtōnghuà,) standard Chinese.
Yuriy: With Mandarin, you can easily travel to mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, and even Singapore and Malaysia. Okay, let’s get back to our sample sentences.
Yinru: The last sample sentence used 和...一样,(Hé... Yīyàng,) plus an adjective. 她在这里生活的时间和我在这里生活的时间一样长.(Tā zài zhèlǐ shēnghuó de shíjiān hé wǒ zài zhèlǐ shēnghuó de shíjiān yīyàng zhǎng.)
Yuriy: This means “She has lived here as long as I have.”
Yinru: Some Chinese prefer to use 跟...一样 (Gēn... Yīyàng),instead of 和... 一样(Hé... Yīyàng). These patterns are the same and interchangeable. 他们是一样的.(Tāmen shì yīyàng de.)
Yuriy: And they’re both used quite often in daily language. Here’s an example.
Yinru: 我想的跟你想的一样.(Wǒ xiǎng de gēn nǐ xiǎng de yīyàng.)
Yuriy: “We thought the same thing.”
Yinru: 她跟我想象的一样可爱.(Tā gēn wǒ xiǎngxiàng de yīyàng kě'ài.)
Yuriy: “She is as cute as I imagined.”


Yuriy: Well, that’s all for this lesson. Thanks for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time. Bye!
Yinru: 再见.(Zàijiàn.)

