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Lesson Transcript

John Reyna: Chinese Slang Expressions Using Colors, Part 1
John Reyna: Hi everyone, and welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. I'm John Reyna.
Dehua: And I'm Dehua!
John Reyna: This is Must-Know Chinese Slang Words and Phrases, Season 1, Lesson 1. In this lesson, you'll learn chinese slang expressions using characters related to colors.
John Reyna: Learn "colorful" Chinese expressions to make your language fun and vivid!
John Reyna: The expressions you'll be learning in this lesson are:
Dehua: 背黑锅 (bēihēiguō)
Dehua: 黄油手 (huángyóu shǒu)
Dehua: 绿帽子 (lǜmàozi)
Dehua: 白马王子 (báimǎ wángzǐ)
John Reyna: Dehua, what's our first expression?
Dehua: 背黑锅 (bēihēiguō)
John Reyna: literally meaning "carry black pan." But when it's used as a slang expression, it means "take the blame for others."
Dehua: 背黑锅 (bēihēiguō)
John Reyna: Listeners, please repeat.
Dehua: 背黑锅 (bēihēiguō)
John Reyna: Use this slang expression when you talk about someone who takes responsibilities for other's wrong-doings.
John Reyna: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Dehua: 你犯了错,为什么要我背黑锅? (Nǐ fànle cuò, wèishéme yào wǒ bēihēiguō?)
John Reyna: "You made the mistake; why let me take the blame?"
Dehua: 你犯了错,为什么要我背黑锅? (Nǐ fànle cuò, wèishéme yào wǒ bēihēiguō?)
John Reyna: Okay, what's the next expression?
Dehua: 黄油手 (huángyóu shǒu)
John Reyna: This literally means "butter hand." But when it's used as a slang expression, it means "goalkeeper who let the ball slip into the goal."
Dehua: 黄油手 (huángyóu shǒu)
John Reyna: Listeners, please repeat.
Dehua: 黄油手 (huángyóu shǒu)
John Reyna: Use this slang expression when you talk about a goalkeeper who touches the ball but fails to catch it.
John Reyna: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Dehua: 这个守门员真是个黄油手! (Zhège shǒuményuán zhēnshi gè huángyóu shǒu!)
John Reyna: "This goalkeeper has such butter hands!"
Dehua: 这个守门员真是个黄油手! (Zhège shǒuményuán zhēnshi gè huángyóu shǒu!)
John Reyna: Okay, what's our next expression?
Dehua: 绿帽子 (lǜmàozi)
John Reyna: literally meaning "green hat." As a slang expression, it means "a male being cheated on in a relationship."
Dehua: 绿帽子 (lǜmàozi)
John Reyna: Listeners, please repeat.
Dehua: 绿帽子 (lǜmàozi)
John Reyna: Use this slang expression when you talk about a woman cheating on her partner, or a man who is being cheated on.
John Reyna: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Dehua: 她给她的老公戴了绿帽子。 (Tā gěi tā de lǎogōng dàile lǜmàozi.)
John Reyna: "She cheated on her husband."
Dehua: 她给她的老公戴了绿帽子。 (Tā gěi tā de lǎogōng dàile lǜmàozi.)
John Reyna: Okay, what's the last expression?
Dehua: 白马王子 (báimǎ wángzǐ)
John Reyna: Which literally means "white horse prince." As a slang expression, it means "ideal lover, Prince Charming."
Dehua: 白马王子 (báimǎ wángzǐ)
John Reyna: Listeners, please repeat.
Dehua: 白马王子 (báimǎ wángzǐ)
John Reyna: Use this slang expression when you talk about a man who is someone’s ideal man.
John Reyna: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Dehua: 他是很多女生心中的白马王子。 (Tā shì hěnduō nǚshēng xīnzhōng de báimǎ wángzǐ.)
John Reyna: "He is the ideal lover in the hearts of many girls."
Dehua: 他是很多女生心中的白马王子。 (Tā shì hěnduō nǚshēng xīnzhōng de báimǎ wángzǐ.)
John Reyna: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the expressions you just learned? I’ll describe four situations, and you’ll choose the right expression to use in your reply. Are you ready?
John: A football player scored due to the failure of the goalkeeper.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Dehua: 黄油手 (huángyóu shǒu)
John Reyna: "goalkeeper who let the ball slip into the goal"
John: A team is blaming a member for a mistake made by someone else.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Dehua: 背黑锅 (bēihēiguō)
John Reyna: "take the blame for others"
John: Two girls are talking about their ideal man.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Dehua: 白马王子 (báimǎ wángzǐ)
John Reyna: "ideal lover; Prince Charming"
John: People are gossiping about a woman cheating on her husband.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Dehua: 绿帽子 (lǜmàozi)
John Reyna: "a male being cheated on in a relationship"


John Reyna: There you have it; you've mastered four Chinese Slang Expressions! We have more vocab lists available at ChineseClass101.com so be sure to check them out. Thanks, everyone, and see you next time!
Dehua: 下回見 (xià huí jiàn).

