
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Chinese Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 13 - A Pregnancy Announcement.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Dehua: And I'm Dehua.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Chinese about having a baby. 学友 (xué yǒu) finds out he and his wife are going to have a baby, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Dehua: 重大消息!我要有宝宝了! (zhòng dà xiāo xi ! wǒ yào yǒu bǎo bao le ! )
Eric: Meaning - "Big news! I'm having a baby!" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
学友: 重大消息!我要有宝宝了! (zhòng dà xiāo xi ! wǒ yào yǒu bǎo bao le ! )
(clicking sound)
涛: 你终于要做爸爸了! (nǐ zhōng yú yào zuò bà ba le ! )
若兰: 起好名字了吗? (qǐ hǎo míng zì le mɑ ? )
丽: 真是个好消息! (zhēn shì gè hǎo xiāo xi ! )
晓明: 我要做哥哥了,哈! (wǒ yào zuò gē ge le , hā ! )
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
学友: 重大消息!我要有宝宝了! (zhòng dà xiāo xi ! wǒ yào yǒu bǎo bao le ! )
Eric: "Big news! I'm having a baby!"
(clicking sound)
涛: 你终于要做爸爸了! (nǐ zhōng yú yào zuò bà ba le ! )
Eric: "You're finally going to be a father!"
若兰: 起好名字了吗? (qǐ hǎo míng zì le mɑ ? )
Eric: "Have you picked a name yet?"
丽: 真是个好消息! (zhēn shì gè hǎo xiāo xi ! )
Eric: "What great news!"
晓明: 我要做哥哥了,哈! (wǒ yào zuò gē ge le , hā ! )
Eric: "I'm going to be a big brother, ha!"
Eric: Listen again to 学友 (xué yǒu)'s post.
Dehua: 重大消息!我要有宝宝了! (zhòng dà xiāo xi ! wǒ yào yǒu bǎo bao le ! )
Eric: "Big news! I'm having a baby!"
Dehua: (SLOW) 重大消息!我要有宝宝了! (zhòng dà xiāo xi ! wǒ yào yǒu bǎo bao le ! ) (Regular) 重大消息!我要有宝宝了! (zhòng dà xiāo xi ! wǒ yào yǒu bǎo bao le ! )
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "big news."
Dehua: 重大消息 (zhòng dà xiāo xi )
Eric: You can use it when talking about an important message in order to draw everyone's attention. The message can be a good thing or a bad thing, but is a good thing in most cases. Listen again- "big news" is...
Dehua: (SLOW) 重大消息 (zhòng dà xiāo xi ) (REGULAR) 重大消息 (zhòng dà xiāo xi )
Eric: Then comes the phrase - "I'm having a baby."
Dehua: 我要有宝宝了
Eric: It has the adverb
Dehua: 要
Eric: the modal particle and
Dehua: 了
Eric: Which, together, imply an action that will happen in the future. Listen again- "I'm having a baby" is...
Dehua: (SLOW) 我要有宝宝了 (REGULAR) 我要有宝宝了
Eric: All together, "Big news! I'm having a baby!"
Dehua: 重大消息!我要有宝宝了! (zhòng dà xiāo xi ! wǒ yào yǒu bǎo bao le ! )
Eric: In response, 学友 (xué yǒu)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: His college friend, 涛 (tāo), uses an expression meaning - "You're finally going to be a father!"
Dehua: (SLOW) 你终于要做爸爸了! (nǐ zhōng yú yào zuò bà ba le ! ) (REGULAR) 你终于要做爸爸了! (nǐ zhōng yú yào zuò bà ba le ! )
Dehua: 你终于要做爸爸了! (nǐ zhōng yú yào zuò bà ba le ! )
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling excited.
Eric: His neighbor, 若兰 (ruò lán), uses an expression meaning - "Have you picked a name yet?"
Dehua: (SLOW) 起好名字了吗? (qǐ hǎo míng zì le mɑ ? ) (REGULAR) 起好名字了吗? (qǐ hǎo míng zì le mɑ ? )
Dehua: 起好名字了吗? (qǐ hǎo míng zì le mɑ ? )
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling warmhearted.
Eric: His high school friend, 丽 (lì), uses an expression meaning - "What great news!"
Dehua: (SLOW) 真是个好消息! (zhēn shì gè hǎo xiāo xi ! ) (REGULAR) 真是个好消息! (zhēn shì gè hǎo xiāo xi ! )
Dehua: 真是个好消息! (zhēn shì gè hǎo xiāo xi ! )
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling optimistic.
Eric: His nephew, 晓明 (xiǎo míng), uses an expression meaning - "I'm going to be a big brother, ha!"
Dehua: (SLOW) 我要做哥哥了,哈! (wǒ yào zuò gē ge le , hā ! ) (REGULAR) 我要做哥哥了,哈! (wǒ yào zuò gē ge le , hā ! )
Dehua: 我要做哥哥了,哈! (wǒ yào zuò gē ge le , hā ! )
Eric: Use this expression to show you are happy to hear that you are going to have a nephew.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about having a baby, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Dehua: 再见。 (zài jiàn)

