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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Chinese Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 24 - At Christmas.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Dehua: And I'm Dehua.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Chinese about Christmas greetings. 静 (jìng) celebrates Christmas with her family, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Dehua: 转眼又是一年。圣诞快乐! (zhuǎn yǎn yòu shì yī nián 。 shèng dàn kuài lè ! )
Eric: Meaning - "Another year has gone by in the blink of an eye. Merry Christmas!" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
静: 转眼又是一年。圣诞快乐! (zhuǎn yǎn yòu shì yī nián 。 shèng dàn kuài lè ! )
(clicking sound)
丽: 漂亮的雪景! (piào li ng de xuě jǐng ! )
新新: 可惜我在南方,看不到雪。 (kě xī wǒ zài nán fāng , kàn bù dào xuě 。 )
涛: 谁能陪我一起过? (shuí néng péi wǒ yī qǐ guò ? )
志强: 同乐同乐! (tóng lè tóng lè ! )
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
静: 转眼又是一年。圣诞快乐! (zhuǎn yǎn yòu shì yī nián 。 shèng dàn kuài lè ! )
Eric: "Another year has gone by in the blink of an eye. Merry Christmas!"
(clicking sound)
丽: 漂亮的雪景! (piào li ng de xuě jǐng ! )
Eric: "Beautiful snow!"
新新: 可惜我在南方,看不到雪。 (kě xī wǒ zài nán fāng , kàn bù dào xuě 。 )
Eric: "It's a pity that I can't see snow here in the south."
涛: 谁能陪我一起过? (shuí néng péi wǒ yī qǐ guò ? )
Eric: "Who wants to celebrate Christmas with me?"
志强: 同乐同乐! (tóng lè tóng lè ! )
Eric: "Let's celebrate together!"
Eric: Listen again to 静 (jìng)'s post.
Dehua: 转眼又是一年。圣诞快乐! (zhuǎn yǎn yòu shì yī nián 。 shèng dàn kuài lè ! )
Eric: "Another year has gone by in the blink of an eye. Merry Christmas!"
Dehua: (SLOW) 转眼又是一年。圣诞快乐! (zhuǎn yǎn yòu shì yī nián 。 shèng dàn kuài lè ! ) (Regular) 转眼又是一年。圣诞快乐! (zhuǎn yǎn yòu shì yī nián 。 shèng dàn kuài lè ! )
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "Another year has gone by in the blink of an eye."
Dehua: 转眼又是一年 (zhuǎn yǎn yòu shì yī nián )
Eric: This expression is often used when someone thinks that time has gone by very quickly. "Another year" can be replaced with "another week", "another month", and so on. Listen again- "Another year has gone by in the blink of an eye" is...
Dehua: (SLOW) 转眼又是一年 (zhuǎn yǎn yòu shì yī nián ) (REGULAR) 转眼又是一年 (zhuǎn yǎn yòu shì yī nián )
Eric: Then comes the phrase - "Merry Christmas."
Dehua: 圣诞快乐 (shèng dàn kuài lè )
Eric: There are not many Christians in China but celebrating Christmas has become increasingly popular. Many customs such as exchanging gifts are very similar to Western celebrations. In large cities, there are commercial Christmas decorations, signs, and other symbolic items everywhere during December. Listen again- "Merry Christmas" is...
Dehua: (SLOW) 圣诞快乐 (shèng dàn kuài lè ) (REGULAR) 圣诞快乐 (shèng dàn kuài lè )
Eric: All together, "Another year has gone by in the blink of an eye.. Merry Christmas!"
Dehua: 转眼又是一年。圣诞快乐! (zhuǎn yǎn yòu shì yī nián 。 shèng dàn kuài lè ! )
Eric: In response, 静 (jìng)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: Her husband's high school friend, 丽 (lì), uses an expression meaning - "Beautiful snow!"
Dehua: (SLOW) 漂亮的雪景! (piào li ng de xuě jǐng ! ) (REGULAR) 漂亮的雪景! (piào li ng de xuě jǐng ! )
Dehua: 漂亮的雪景! (piào li ng de xuě jǐng ! )
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling optimistic.
Eric: Her high school friend, 新新 (xīn xīn), uses an expression meaning - "It's a pity that I can't see snow here in the south."
Dehua: (SLOW) 可惜我在南方,看不到雪。 (kě xī wǒ zài nán fāng , kàn bù dào xuě 。 ) (REGULAR) 可惜我在南方,看不到雪。 (kě xī wǒ zài nán fāng , kàn bù dào xuě 。 )
Dehua: 可惜我在南方,看不到雪。 (kě xī wǒ zài nán fāng , kàn bù dào xuě 。 )
Eric: Use this expression to show you’re jealous.
Eric: Her college friend, 涛 (tāo), uses an expression meaning - "Who wants to celebrate Christmas with me?"
Dehua: (SLOW) 谁能陪我一起过? (shuí néng péi wǒ yī qǐ guò ? ) (REGULAR) 谁能陪我一起过? (shuí néng péi wǒ yī qǐ guò ? )
Dehua: 谁能陪我一起过? (shuí néng péi wǒ yī qǐ guò ? )
Eric: Use this expression to show you’re feeling frivolous.
Eric: Her supervisor, 志强 (zhì qiáng), uses an expression meaning - "Let's celebrate together!"
Dehua: (SLOW) 同乐同乐! (tóng lè tóng lè ! ) (REGULAR) 同乐同乐! (tóng lè tóng lè ! )
Dehua: 同乐同乐! (tóng lè tóng lè ! )
Eric: Use this expression to be old fashioned.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about Christmas greetings, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Dehua: 再见。 (zài jiàn)

