
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Chinese Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 4 - Sharing a Song.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Dehua: And I'm Dehua.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Chinese about sharing music or videos. 静 (jìng) shares a song she just heard at a party, posts a video of it, and leaves this comment:
Dehua: 分享一首老歌。 (fēn xiǎng yì shǒu lǎo gē 。 )
Eric: Meaning - "Sharing an old song." Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
静: 分享一首老歌。 (fēn xiǎng yì shǒu lǎo gē 。 )
(clicking sound)
若兰: 有点伤感。 (yǒu diǎn shāng gǎn 。 )
新新: 喜欢歌词。 (xǐ huān gē cí 。 )
丽: 好像是一个电影的插曲。 (hǎo xiàng shì yí gè diàn yǐng de chā qǔ 。 )
晓明: 真老土! (zhēn lǎo tǔ !)
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
静: 分享一首老歌。 (fēn xiǎng yì shǒu lǎo gē 。 )
Eric: "Sharing an old song."
(clicking sound)
若兰: 有点伤感。 (yǒu diǎn shāng gǎn 。 )
Eric: "Sounds a bit sad."
新新: 喜欢歌词。 (xǐ huān gē cí 。 )
Eric: "I like the lyrics."
丽: 好像是一个电影的插曲。 (hǎo xiàng shì yí gè diàn yǐng de chā qǔ 。 )
Eric: "Seems like a movie soundtrack."
晓明: 真老土! (zhēn lǎo tǔ !)
Eric: "Really old-fashioned!"
Eric: Listen again to 静 (jìng)'s post.
Dehua: 分享一首老歌。 (fēn xiǎng yì shǒu lǎo gē 。 )
Eric: "Sharing an old song."
Dehua: (SLOW) 分享一首老歌。 (fēn xiǎng yì shǒu lǎo gē 。 ) (Regular) 分享一首老歌。 (fēn xiǎng yì shǒu lǎo gē 。 )
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "share” or “sharing.”
Dehua: 分享 (fēn xiǎng)
Eric: This word means “sharing something intangible,” like knowledge or music. In other words, you want other people to listen to this song. Chinese like to share their favorite books, songs and movies on social media platforms in order to share their emotions. Listen again- "Sharing" is...
Dehua: (SLOW) 分享 (fēn xiǎng) (REGULAR) 分享 (fēn xiǎng)
Eric: Then comes the phrase - "an old song."
Dehua: 一首老歌 (yì shǒu lǎo gē )
Eric: Here, we have…
Eric: Which is a compound word made up of a numeral and a classifier. Classifiers are frequently used in the Chinese language when a noun is qualified by a numeral. It is normally necessary to insert an appropriate classifier between the numeral and the noun when a phrase like "one song" is translated into Chinese. The Chinese equivalent for "one song" is..
Dehua: 一首歌.
Eric: It literally means “one”, the classifier, and “song”. Listen again- "an old song" is...
Dehua: (SLOW) 一首老歌 (yì shǒu lǎo gē ) (REGULAR) 一首老歌 (yì shǒu lǎo gē )
Eric: All together, "Sharing an old song."
Dehua: 分享一首老歌。 (fēn xiǎng yì shǒu lǎo gē 。 )
Eric: In response, 静 (jìng)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: Her neighbor, 若兰 (ruò lán), uses an expression meaning - "Sounds a bit sad."
Dehua: (SLOW) 有点伤感。 (yǒu diǎn shāng gǎn 。 ) (REGULAR) 有点伤感。 (yǒu diǎn shāng gǎn 。 )
Dehua: 有点伤感。 (yǒu diǎn shāng gǎn 。 )
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling sensitive.
Eric: Her high school friend, 新新 (xīn xīn), uses an expression meaning - "I like the lyrics."
Dehua: (SLOW) 喜欢歌词。 (xǐ huān gē cí 。 ) (REGULAR) 喜欢歌词。 (xǐ huān gē cí 。 )
Dehua: 喜欢歌词。 (xǐ huān gē cí 。 )
Eric: Use this expression to show your interest.
Eric: Her boyfriend's high school friend, 丽 (lì), uses an expression meaning - "Seems like a movie soundtrack."
Dehua: (SLOW) 好像是一个电影的插曲。 (hǎo xiàng shì yí gè diàn yǐng de chā qǔ 。 ) (REGULAR) 好像是一个电影的插曲。 (hǎo xiàng shì yí gè diàn yǐng de chā qǔ 。 )
Dehua: 好像是一个电影的插曲。 (hǎo xiàng shì yí gè diàn yǐng de chā qǔ 。 )
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling optimistic.
Eric: Her nephew, 晓明 (xiǎo míng), uses an expression meaning - "Really old-fashioned!"
Dehua: (SLOW) 真老土! (zhēn lǎo tǔ !) (REGULAR) 真老土! (zhēn lǎo tǔ !)
Dehua: 真老土! (zhēn lǎo tǔ !)
Eric: Use this expression to be funny and teasing.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about sharing music or videos, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Dehua: 再见。 (zài jiàn)

