
Vocabulary (Review)

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Welcome to Can-Do Chinese by ChineseClass101.com.
Hi! 大家好,我是你们的老师李殷如。
Hi everyone! I’m your teacher, Yinru Li.
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to give your phone number in Chinese.
This is Mark Lee, he is at city hall.
The city hall clerk asks his phone number by saying, “Please give me your phone number,”
Now, listen to the full conversation, and focus on the response.
City Hall Clerk: 请把你的电话号码给我。(Qǐng bǎ nǐ de diànhuà hàomǎ gěi wǒ.)
Mark Lee: 我的电话号码是 123 4567 8910。(Wǒ de hàomǎ shì yāo èr sān , sì wǔ liù qī, bā jiǔ yāo líng.)
Now, listen one more time to the response.
Mark Lee: 我的电话号码是 123 4567 8910。(Wǒ de hàomǎ shì yāo èr sān , sì wǔ liù qī, bā jiǔ yāo líng.)
Now, listen one more time with the English translation.
Mark Lee: 我的电话号码是 123 4567 8910。(Wǒ de hàomǎ shì yāo èr sān , sì wǔ liù qī, bā jiǔ yāo líng.)
My phone number is 123 4567 8910.
Now, let’s take a closer look at the request and the response.
First the request. The clerk asks his phone number by saying, 请把你的电话号码给我。(Qǐng bǎ nǐ de diànhuà hàomǎ gěi wǒ.)
请把你的电话号码给我。(Qǐng bǎ nǐ de diànhuà hàomǎ gěi wǒ.) means “Please give me your phone number.”
Now, the key word here is 电话号码, this word right here.
The first part 电话, means “phone” or "telephone"
and the second part 号码, means “number”
So together, 电话号码 means “phone number”
And before 电话号码, 你的 means “your”
So together, 你的电话号码 means "your phone number"
So the rest of the sentence...
请把...(什么)...给我 means “to give (something) to me”.
So the first word, 请, is a polite word, meaning “please.”
And 把...(什么)...给我 is a phrase meaning “to give (something) to me”.
So the whole sentence is 请把你的电话号码给我。
“Please give me your phone number.”
Now, let’s take a closer look at the response.
我的电话号码是 123 4567 8910。
The first word, 我的 means “my”
And do you remember this word?
电话号码, same here, meaning "phone number"
And together, 我的电话号码 means "my phone number"
And the next word, 是 meaning “is”
So we put these three parts together, we have 我的电话号码是... means “My phone number is...”
Please remember this pattern because you will use it in your task.
Now, it's Mark’s phone number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
One more time. It is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0.
Notice that this phone number doesn't have any hyphens to separate them, this is often the case for Chinese cell phone numbers. You don't need a hyphen to separate a phone number in written language or spoken language.
The most common way to break down a cell phone number is simply put a pause between sections.
And usually we have the first three digits as the first section, then the next four digits, and then the last four digits.
So like here, we say 123, pause, 4567, pause, 8910.
So another cultural insight here, notice this number 1 in our dialogue is pronounced as “yāo” instead of “yī”, which is the usual and most common way to say the number one. Because the pronunciation of “yī” sounds very similar to the pronunciation of the number 7, which is “qī.”
“yī” and “qī” sounds kind of similar, so this could be confusing, especially when you are talking over the phone or speaking fast.
So when we're giving phone numbers, the number 1 is often pronounced as “yāo”.
For instance, the medical emergency number in China is 120 (yāo èr líng).
To call the police department, you dial 110 (yāo yāo líng).
And to call the fire department, you dial 119 (yāo yāo jiǔ).
So all the 1 here are pronounced as “yāo”.
Now, let’s look at some more examples.
These are two Chinese phone numbers.
111 2233 2233
111 0044 0044
Now, remember the word for "my"?
And remember the word for “telephone number“?
And do you remember the word for “is”?
So these are pieces to the key sentence pattern “My phone number is….,” which is 我的电话号码是
Now let's try saying these phone number, giving these phone number using this pattern.
Ok? Let's try the first one.
我的电话号码是 111 2233 2233。
Listen one more time and repeat.
Ok, for this one, how do you say “My phone number is (this)"?
The correct response is:
我的电话号码是 111 0044 0044。
Listen one more time and repeat.
Now, let's practice using these phone numbers:
123 4567 8911
555 6677 6677
Remember the request by the clerk, “Please give me your phone number.”
Remember this request. In this practice section, you’ll respond after the clerk’s request.
Now, imagine you’re Mark.
Your phone number is “123 4567 8911”, which is 123 4567 8911.
After the clerk’s request, use the sentence pattern to say, “My phone number is“ 123 4567 8911.
The correct response is:
我的电话号码是 123 4567 8911。
Listen again and repeat.
我的电话号码是 123 4567 8911。
Let’s try one more.
Imagine you're Ben.
Your phone number is “555 6677 6677.”
Your phone number, again, is “555 6677 6677.”
The correct response:
我的电话号码是 555 6677 6677。
Listen again and repeat.
我的电话号码是 555 6677 6677。
This is the end of this lesson. Question or comment? Let us know.
Remember these Can-Do lessons are about learning practical language skills. Once you have mastered the content in this lesson, prove it.
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And don’t forget the lesson notes for this lesson while you’re there. I will see you in the next lesson, 我们下节课再见。 Bye-bye!

