
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

DAVID: Welcome to ChineseClass101.com. I'm David.
Amber: 大家好,我是安伯。(Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì ān bó.)
DAVID: And we’re here today with Upper Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 11 - Listen to your Chinese personal trainer.
Amber: 对,这节课是关于锻炼的。(Duì, zhè jié kè shì guānyú duànliàn de.)
DAVID: Right, it’s about exercising.
Amber: 锻炼。(Duànliàn.)
DAVID: So we’ve got a dialogue here that’s between someone who’s new to the gym and their personal trainer.
Amber: 对。(Duì.)
DAVID: Okay? This is casual Mandarin, as always, let’s get to the dialogue.
Amber: 现在听对话吧!(Xiànzài tīng duìhuà ba!)
A: 好,现在去跑步。(Hǎo, xiànzài qù pǎobù.)
B: 我累了。可以休息吗?(Wǒ lèi le. Kěyǐ xiūxi ma?)
A: 别停,跑步机在这儿。(Bié tíng, pǎobùjī zài zhèr.)
B: 我都出汗了。(Wǒ dōu chūhàn le.)
A: 你想减肥,就听我的。(Nǐ xiǎng jiǎnféi, jiù tīng wǒ de.)
B: 好......我们继续锻炼。(Hǎo... wǒmen jìxù duànliàn.)
A: OK, now go run.
B: I'm tired. Can I have a rest?
A: Don't stop, here is the treadmill.
B: I'm already sweating.
A: If you want to lose weight, listen to me.
B: OK, let's continue to exercise.
DAVID: So this lesson is about losing weight, it’s about going to the gym…
Amber: 唔,去健身房。(Wú, qù jiànshēnfáng.)
DAVID: Yeah, you know, I think that this trainer may not be an expert though.
Amber: 为什么?(Wèishéme?)
DAVID: I mean it’s not very helpful, is it? “Okay, go get on the treadmill. I'm going to stay here.” Anyway, our vocabulary today, it’s all about going to the gym and working out, in case you have a trainer yourself.
Amber: 减肥。(Jiǎnféi.)
DAVID: To lose weight.
Amber: 减 肥, 减肥, 锻炼。(Jiǎnféi, jiǎnféi, duànliàn.)
DAVID: To exercise.
Amber: 锻 炼,锻炼,跑步。(Duànliàn, duànliàn, pǎobù.)
DAVID: To run.
Amber:跑 步, 跑步, 累。(Pǎobù, pǎobù, lèi.)
DAVID: Tired.
Amber: 累, 累, 休息。(Lèi, lèi, xiūxí.)
DAVID: To rest.
Amber: 休 息, 休息, 跑步机。(Xiūxí, xiūxí, pǎobù jī.)
DAVID: Treadmill.
Amber: 跑 步 机, 跑步机, 出汗。(Pǎobù jī, pǎobù jī, chū hàn.)
DAVID: To sweat.
Amber: 出 汗,出汗, 继续。(Chū hàn, chū hàn, jìxù.)
DAVID: To continue.
Amber: 继 续, 继续。(Jìxù, jìxù.)
DAVID: Let’s have a closer look some of these words and phrases. The first word we want to highlight is the word “to exercise”.
Amber: 锻炼。(Duànliàn.)
DAVID: To exercise.
Amber: 锻炼。(Duànliàn.)
DAVID: Let’s hear that slowly.
Amber: 锻炼。(Duànliàn.)
DAVID: Now, there’s another word we told you earlier, which also means to exercise.
Amber: 运动。(Yùndòng.)
DAVID: Right. Amber, what’s the difference?
Amber: 锻炼是更正式。(Duànliàn shì gēng zhèngshì.)
DAVID: Right. It’s a bit more formal. It’s also in a gym.
Amber: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
DAVID: Whereas…
Amber: 运动。(Yùndòng.)
DAVID: Is more for sports.
Amber: 没错, 你可以在外面跑步什么的。(Méi cuò, nǐ kěyǐ zài wàimiàn pǎobù shénme de.)
DAVID: Right. So you’re running outside, you’re…
Amber: 运动。(Yùndòng.)
DAVID: And if you’re running on a…
Amber: 跑步机。(Pǎobù jī.)
DAVID: Then you’re…
Amber: 锻炼。(Duànliàn.)
DAVID: Let’s hear some examples.
Amber: 我去外面运动。(Wǒ qù wàimiàn yùndòng.)
DAVID: I'm going to exercise outside.
Amber: 我去外面运动。(Wǒ qù wàimiàn yùndòng.)
DAVID: I'm going to exercise outside.
Amber: 或者我们可以说 我在跑步机上锻炼。(Huòzhě wǒmen kěyǐ shuō wǒ zài pǎobù jīshàng duànliàn.)
DAVID: I'm exercising on the running machine.
Amber: 我在跑步机上锻炼。(Wǒ zài pǎobù jīshàng duànliàn.)
DAVID: Let’s take a look at that word - "the treadmill”, “the running machine”.
Amber: 跑步机。(Pǎobù jī.)
DAVID: That’s literally the word for running, “to run”.
Amber: 跑步。(Pǎobù.)
DAVID: And then the word for “machine”.
Amber: 机。(Jī.)
DAVID: Treadmill.
Amber: 跑步机。(Pǎobù jī.)
DAVID: I'm going to run on the treadmill.
Amber: 我去跑步机上跑步。(Wǒ qù pǎobù jīshàng pǎobù.)
DAVID: Right. “I'm going to run on the treadmill”.
Amber: 我去跑步机上跑步。(Wǒ qù pǎobù jīshàng pǎobù.)
DAVID: Right.
Amber: 很好记,其实就是跑步的机器。(Hěn hǎo jì, qíshí jiùshì pǎobù de jīqì.)
DAVID: And the word for lots of machines are verbs plus this 机 (Jī) as in 机器.(Jīqì.)
Amber: 对,比如说收音机。(Duì, bǐrú shuō shōuyīnjī.)
DAVID: Radio.
Amber: 录音机。(Lùyīnjī.)
DAVID: Right, that would be “a recording device”.
Amber: 对。(Duì.)
DAVID: Our next word is “to sweat”.
Amber: 出汗。(Chū hàn.)
DAVID: To sweat.
Amber: 出汗。(Chū hàn.)
DAVID: This literally means “to come out sweat”.
Amber: 对, 汗出来。(Duì, hàn chūlái.)
DAVID: Right. Now, when you’ve worked out for a while and you’re sweating, you’re also going to get tired.
Amber: 累。(Lèi.)
DAVID: Tired.
Amber: 累。(Lèi.)
DAVID: I'm very tired.
Amber: 我很累。(Wǒ hěn lèi.)
DAVID: Quick reminder, this is physically tired, it’s not sleepy.
Amber: 对,没错。(Duì, méi cuò.)
DAVID: Right. If you’re sleepy, you’re another adjective.
Amber: 没错, 困。(Méi cuò, kùn.)
DAVID: Right. Both of them are fourth tone though. Remember, when you work out you get tired.
Amber: 累。(Lèi.)
DAVID: And with that, let’s move on to our grammar section.

Lesson focus

M2: It’s grammar time!
DAVID: Our grammar section today is about a common pattern we can use with an adverb.
Amber: 都什么什么了。(Dōu shénme shénmeliǎo.)
DAVID: Right. If you remember, in our last lesson we taught you this adverb.
Amber: 根本。(Gēnběn.)
DAVID: Which means “fundamentally”, “at heart”.
Amber: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
DAVID: And we taught you to put this adverb in front of verbs.
Amber: 比如说 我根本不知道。(Bǐrú shuō wǒ gēnběn bù zhīdào.)
DAVID: “I didn’t know at all,” right? “I really didn’t know.”
Amber: 唔,没错, 没错, 我根本不知道。(Wú, méi cuò, méi cuò, wǒ gēnběn bù zhīdào.)
DAVID: Right. So in this structure, the character…
Amber: 都。(Dōu.)
DAVID: Is also an adverb. We’re going to put this in front of verbs.
Amber: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
DAVID: And then we’re going to add this particle.
Amber: 了。(Le.)
DAVID: Right. And this has a special meaning. Let’s take a look at this sentence from our dialogue.
Amber: 我都出汗了。(Wǒ dōu chū hànle.)
DAVID: I'm already sweating.
Amber: 我都出汗了。(Wǒ dōu chū hànle.)
DAVID: Or, literally, “I’ve sweated so much, I'm all wet.”
Amber: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
DAVID: In previous lessons, we’ve learned that this 都 (Dōu) means “all”, right? So if you look at it literally, it doesn’t make sense.
Amber: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
DAVID: I all to sweat lot.
Amber: 对, 因为只有我一个人,怎么是 “all” 了! (Duì, yīnwèi zhǐyǒu wǒ yīgè rén, zěnme shì “all”le!)
DAVID: Yes, so it’s just you. How can it be all? It’s not all. What it means here is it means “already” or “completely”.
Amber: 对,没错, 已经,比如说我都出汗了。(Duì, méi cuò, yǐjīng, bǐrú shuō Wǒ dōu chū hànle.)
DAVID: Right.
Amber: 就是我已经出汗了。(Jiùshì wǒ yǐjīng chū hànle.)
DAVID: Right. “I'm already sweated.”
Amber: 对。(Duì.)
DAVID: And it means almost the same thing here as…
Amber: 已经。(Yǐjīng.)
DAVID: Right. The difference is it’s not only you already done it, you’ve already done it to a great extent.
Amber: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
DAVID: Right. “ I am really sweating.”
Amber: 我都出汗了。(Wǒ dōu chū hànle.)
DAVID: “I'm really tired.”
Amber: 我都累了。(Wǒ dōu lèile.)
DAVID: Right. So 我都累了(Wǒ dū lèile), it’s harder than 我已经累了. (Wǒ yǐjīng lèile.)
Amber: 对,没错。(Duì, méi cuò.)
DAVID: “I'm totally worn out.” For instance, “I’ve run for an hour. I'm totally exhausted.
Amber: 对,我已经跑了一个小时, 我都累了。(Duì, wǒ yǐjīng pǎole yīgè xiǎoshí, Wǒ dōu lèile.)
DAVID: Right. “I’ve already run for an hour. I'm totally exhausted.”
Amber: 我已经跑了一个小时, 我都累了。(Wǒ yǐjīng pǎole yīgè xiǎoshí, Wǒ dōu lèile.)
DAVID: Right. Amber, let’s take a look at another example.
Amber: 好的,比如说已经12点了,我都困了。(Hǎo de, bǐrú shuō yǐjīng 12 diǎnle, wǒ dōu kùnle.)
DAVID: It’s already 12. I'm completely exhausted.
Amber: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
DAVID: Saying “exhausted”, in Chinese it’s different. 困了(Kùnle) means “sleepy”, 累了(Lèile) means “physically tired”.
Amber: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
DAVID: Let’s hear these three sentences one more time.
Amber: 好! 我都出汗了。(Hǎo! Wǒ dōu chū hànle.)
DAVID: I'm sweating all over.
Amber: 我已经跑了一个小时, 我都累了 (Wǒ yǐjīng pǎole yīgè xiǎoshí, wǒ dū lèile)
DAVID: I’ve already been running for an hour, I'm fatigued.
Amber: 已经12点了,我都困了。(Yǐjīng 12 diǎnle, wǒ dōu kùnle.)
DAVID: It’s already 12 o’clock, I'm very sleepy.
Amber: 对。(Duì.)
DAVID: So, remember, in this pattern…
Amber: 都什么什么了。(Dōu shénme shénmeliǎo.)
DAVID: Right, it’s not just 么什么 (Me shénme), we’ve got a verb stuffed in there.
Amber: 对, 一个动词, 对。(Duì, yīgè dòngcí, duì.)
DAVID: We’re not meaning all, we mean already.
Amber: 已经。(Yǐjīng.)
DAVID: And it implies also “completely” and “thoroughly”.
Amber: 没错。(Méi cuò.)


DAVID: As always, we’ve taken this and we’ve put it in our premium transcripts for this lesson. So if you have any questions, if you want to review the vocab, be sure to go to our Premium Learning Center and download the transcripts.
Amber: 没错 (Méi cuò), It’s an easy way to review.
DAVID: Right, and a really convenient one. And if you have any questions, you can leave a note on our site and we will get back to you.
Amber: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
DAVID: For now, though, we’re out of time. Thank you for listening. From Beijing, I'm David.
Amber: 我是安伯。(Wǒ shì ān bó.)
DAVID: And we’ll see you on the site.
Amber: 下次见吧。 (Xià cì jiàn ba.)

