
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to chineseclass101.com, I am David.
Echo: Hi, 大家好, 我是 (Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì) Echo.
David: And we are here today with upper intermediate season 1, Lesson 17. The Difference between Theory and Practice in China.
Echo: 现实和理论的区别。 (Xiànshí hé lǐlùn de qūbié.)
David: Right. So Echo, we’ve got a dialogue. Where does it take place?
Echo: 应该是在路上,在一个汽车里面。 (Yīnggāi shì zài lùshàng, zài yīgè qìchē lǐmiàn.)
David: Yes and we have the driver and a passenger. We are not sure if it’s a cab or not.
Echo: 唔, 说不好。 (Wú, shuō bu hǎo.)
David: Yes but we are going to hear driving tips. So if you drive in China, this lesson is for you.
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.)
David: With that, let’s get to our dialogue. You’ve got a driving license in China.
A 师傅,您是不是新手呀。 (A Shīfu, nín shì bù shì xīnshǒu ya.)
B 您怎么知道? 我上礼拜刚拿的本儿。 (B Nín zěnme zhīdào? Wǒ shàng lǐbài gāng ná de běner.)
A 看出来的。您这还系着安全带,还一个劲儿的给行人让道。 (A Kānchūlái de. Nín zhè hái xìzhe ānquándài, hái yīgèjìner de gěi xíngrén ràngdào.)
B 可这交规上是这么说的呀。 (B Kě zhè jiāoguīshàng shì zhème shuō de ya.)
A 交规是用来应付考试的。真正在马路上开起来就不能用驾校里那一套了。 (A Jiāoguī shì yònglái yìngfu kǎoshì de. Zhēnzhèng zài mǎlù shàng kāi qǐlai jiù bù néngyòng jiàxiào lǐ nàyītào le.)
B 哦,有道理。您是做什么工作的? (B ò, yǒu dàolǐ. Nín shì zuò shénme gōngzuò de?)
A 我嘛,车场教练。 (A Wǒ ma, chēchǎng jiàoliàn.)
A: Sir, are you a new driver?
B: How do you know? I just got my license last week.
A: I could tell since you've got your seat belt fastened and keep giving way to pedestrians.
B: But this is what the traffic rules say.
A: The traffic rules are for exams. When it comes to driving on real roads, you can't rely on what you learned at driving school.
B: Oh, that sounds reasonable. What work do you do?
A: Me? Driving school coach.
Echo: 对,但是我从来没在中国开过车。 (Duì, dànshì wǒ cónglái méi zài zhōngguó kāiguò chē.)
David: What! It was just a book-based exam?
Echo: No, no, no 我说我从来没在现实生活中开过车, 我在驾校里开过车。 (Wǒ shuō wǒ cónglái méi zài xiànshí shēnghuó zhōng kāiguò chē, wǒ zài jiàxiào lǐ kāiguò chē.)
David: Okay.
Echo: 我怕被路上的人杀死。 (Wǒ pà bèi lùshàng de rén shā sǐ.)
David: Yeah. So anyway, it is a bit of a difference between theory and practice. Driving on roads in Beijing anyway is a nightmare.
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 非常恐怖。 (Fēicháng kǒngbù.)
David: Anyway, our vocab for today is car and driving related.
Echo: Uhmm, 我们听一下吧!新手。 (Wǒmen tīng yīxià ba! Xīnshǒu.)
David: Newcomer.
Echo: 新 手, 新手, 系。 (xīn shǒu, xīnshǒu, jì.)
David: To tie.
Echo: 系, 系, 安全带。 (jì, jì, ānquándài.)
David: Seatbelt.
Echo: 安 全 带, 安全带, 让道。 (ān quán dài, ānquándài, ràng dào.)
David: To give way.
Echo: 让 道, 让道, 交规。 (ràng dào, ràng dào, jiāoguī.)
David: Traffic rules.
Echo: 交 规, 交规, 车场教练。 (jiāo guī, jiāoguī, chēchǎngjiàoliàn.)
David: Driving coach.
Echo: 车 场 教 练, 车场教练, 一个劲儿。 (chē chǎng jiào liàn, chēchǎngjiàoliàn, yīgèjìner.)
David: Continuously.
Echo: 一 个 劲 儿, 一个劲儿, 驾校。 (yī gè jìn er, yīgèjìner, jiàxiào.)
David: Driving school.
Echo: 驾 校, 驾校, 那一套。 (jià xiào, jiàxiào, nà yī tào.)
David: That kind of stuff.
Echo: 那 一 套, 那一套。 (nà yī tào, nà yī tào.)
David: Let’s have a closer look at some of these words and phrases. Our first word is a newcomer or a new hand at something.
Echo: 唔, 新手, 一般我们有一个 “儿” 字在后面。 (Wú, xīnshǒu, yībān wǒmen yǒu yīgè “er” zì zài hòumiàn.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 新手。 (Xīnshǒu.)
David: Right.
Echo: 比如说 这个对话里的司机是一个新手。 (Bǐrú shuō zhège duìhuà li de sījī shì yīgè xīnshǒu.)
David: Right and this is just one of these words that ends with 手 (Shǒu) in Chinese along with
Echo: 老手, 水手 or 把手。 (Lǎoshǒu, shuǐshǒu or bǎshǒu.)
David: Right. Moving along, we know the driver is new because he’s fastened his seatbelt.
Echo: 对, 他系着安全带。 (Duì, tā xìzhe ānquán dài.)
David: To fasten.
Echo: 系。 (Xì.)
David: You can also fasten shoelaces.
Echo: 对,你可以系鞋带,也可以系皮带。 (Duì, nǐ kěyǐ xì xié dài, yě kěyǐ xì pídài.)
David: Right. A belt.
Echo: 唔,在中国一般大家开车的时候都不系安全带。 (Wú, zài zhōngguó yībān dàjiā kāichē de shíhòu dōu bù xì ānquán dài.)
David: Yes. However a lot of the time, the car is not moving fast enough for it to be that dangerous. Anyway, moving on, our next word means to give way.
Echo: 让道。 (Ràng dào.)
David: To give way.
Echo: 让道。 (Ràng dào.)
David: This is not just letting a pedestrian cross.
Echo: 对,如果你和一个人一齐走路,然后呢有人从你后面过来,你也可以给他让道。 (Duì, rúguǒ nǐ hé yīgè rén yīqí zǒulù, ránhòu ne yǒurén cóng nǐ hòumiàn guòlái, nǐ yě kěyǐ gěi tā ràng dào.)
David: Yeah. To let someone get past you.
Echo: 对。 (Duì.)
David: Right. It’s literally just to give the road.
Echo: 对。 (Duì.)
David: We translated our next word as continuously.
Echo: 一个劲儿。 (Yī ge jìn er.)
David: Continuously.
Echo: 一个劲儿。 (Yī ge jìn er.)
David: Don’t try to break this down. It’s one 劲 (Jìn). It doesn’t make any sense but when we use it, we use it to mean continuously.
Echo: Ah…… 其实跟 “一直” 差不多。 (Qíshí gēn “yīzhí” chàbùduō.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 一个劲儿, 比如说他 一个劲儿的说自己是新手,让我有点紧张。 (Yī ge jìn er, bǐrú shuō tā yī ge jìn er de shuō zìjǐ shì xīnshǒu, ràng wǒ yǒudiǎn jǐnzhāng.)
David: Yeah. He kept saying that he was a newcomer. He was a new hand.
Echo: 对, 就让人很紧张。 (Duì, jiù ràng rén hěn jǐnzhāng.)
David: Yeah. So one more time
Echo: 一个劲儿, 他一个劲儿的说自己是新手,让我很紧张。 (Yī ge jìn er, tā yī ge jìn er de shuō zìjǐ shì xīnshǒu, ràng wǒ hěn jǐnzhāng.)
David: Yeah. Finally, our last word is the phrase.
Echo: 那一套。 (Nà yī tào.)
David: We translated it as that kind of stuff.
Echo: 那一套, 一般这有儿点贬义,有点儿 (Nà yī tào, yībān zhè yǒu er diǎn biǎnyì, yǒudiǎn er) negative.
David: Yeah it’s definitely – it’s definitely negative. It’s like 套 (Tào) is like it’s a set phrase or set of associations that everyone knows.
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.)
David: Right. It’s old and it’s tiresome.
Echo: 对。 (Duì.)
David: It’s like just a set of assumptions.
Echo: 对,比如说 没人吃你那一套。 (Duì, bǐrú shuō méi rén chī nǐ nà yī tào.)
David: Yeah. No one is buying what you are saying.
Echo: 没人吃你那一套。 (Méi rén chī nǐ nà yī tào.)
David: Which is cute. It’s no one’s eating that stuff of yours. Anyway, our grammar section today is a review of something we’ve covered before that we see surfacing yet again in this lesson. It’s grammar time. Okay Echo, what are we learning today?

Lesson focus

Echo: 今天的文法点我们是要复习 “是.......的” 结构。 (Jīntiān de wénfǎ diǎn wǒmen shì yào fùxí “shì....... De” jiégòu.)
David: Right. It’s the
Echo: 是.......的。 (Shì....... De.)
David: Pattern. And our subject goes in the front followed by
Echo: 是....... (Shì.......)
David: And how do we use this?
Echo: 唔,我们一般就是先有一个主语, 然后是 “是”, 然后是你想强调的部份,之后是 “的”。 (Wú, wǒmen yībān jiùshì xiān yǒu yīgè zhǔyǔ, ránhòu shì “shì”, ránhòu shì nǐ xiǎng qiángdiào de bù fèn, zhīhòu shì “de”.)
David: Okay. So Echo, can you give us some examples.
Echo: 唔,我们先听听我们课文里的两个句子, “可这交规上是这么说的呀。” (Wú, wǒmen xiān tīng tīng wǒmen kèwén lǐ de liǎng gè jùzi, “kě zhè jiāoguī shàng shì zhème shuō de ya.”)
David: But this is what the traffic rules say.
Echo: 您是做什么工作的? (Nín shì zuò shénme gōngzuò de?)
David: What is it that you do?
Echo: 对, 所以这个 “是.......的” 中间的这个两个部份, 一个是这么说的,一个是做什么工作的?这两个部份是被强调的。 (Duì, suǒyǐ zhège “shì....... De” zhōngjiān de zhège liǎng gè bù fèn, yīgè shì zhème shuō de, yīgè shì zuò shénme gōngzuò de? Zhè liǎng gè bù fèn shì bèi qiángdiào de.)
David: Right. So we are providing a special emphasis on parts of the sentence. We’ve got a couple more sample sentences just to illustrate this. Echo,
Echo: 新手是最害怕上路的了。 (Xīnshǒu shì zuì hàipà shànglù dele.)
David: New drivers are the ones most afraid of getting on the road.
Echo: 新手是最害怕上路的了, 比如我。 (Xīnshǒu shì zuì hàipà shànglù dele, bǐrú wǒ.)
David: Yeah. Or maybe that’s newcomers to Beijing…
Echo: 哈哈哈! 对, 差不多, 和新手可以对比的呢, 就是比如说车场的教练, 车场教练是最不遵守交通规则的。 (Hāhā hā! Duì, chàbùduō, hé xīnshǒu kěyǐ duìbǐ de ne, jiùshì bǐrú shuō chēchǎng de jiàoliàn, chēchǎng jiàoliàn shì zuì bù zūnshǒu jiāotōng guīzé de.)
David: Driving instructors are the ones who pay the least attention to driving rules.
Echo: 对, 至少在中国是这样的, 车场教练是最不遵守交通规则的。 (Duì, zhìshǎo zài zhōngguó shì zhèyàng de, chēchǎng jiàoliàn shì zuì bù zūnshǒu jiāotōng guīzé de.)
David: Yeah. It’s driving instruction with the Chinese characteristics.
Echo: 唔, 或者比如说我们最先说过在中国很多人都不系安全带, 所以可以说 在中国安全带是修饰的。 (Wú, huòzhě bǐrú shuō wǒmen zuì xiān shuōguò zài zhōngguó hěnduō rén dōu bù xì ānquán dài, suǒyǐ kěyǐ shuō zài zhōngguó ānquán dài shì xiūshì de.)
David: In China, seatbelts are – are optional we will say.
Echo: 对。 (Duì.)
David: So in those sentences, what is being emphasized by this pattern?
Echo: 主要 “ 是.......的” 中间的哪个部份, 例如说 是最害怕上路的。 (Zhǔyào “shì....... De” zhōngjiān de nǎge bù fèn, lìrú shuō shì zuì hàipà shànglù de.)
David: The most afraid of getting on the road.
Echo: 对, 或者 是最不遵守交通规则的。 (Duì, huòzhě shì zuì bù zūnshǒu jiāotōng guīzé de.)
David: Right. The least respectful of traffic rules.
Echo: 你也可以把 “是” 都去掉,但是就没有了这个强调的意思。 (Nǐ yě kěyǐ bǎ “shì” dōu qùdiào, dànshì jiù méiyǒule zhège qiángdiào de yìsi.)
David: Yeah. So we’ve run into this before but we see it surface twice in this lesson both times serving the same point.
Echo: 对。 (Duì.)
David: So we just wanted to quickly remind you what’s going on.
Echo: Uhmm, 而且以前我们告诉大家的是你可以在 “是.......的” 中间放一些比较短的词, 一些短的形容词。 (Érqiě yǐqián wǒmen gàosù dàjiā de shì nǐ kěyǐ zài “shì....... De” zhōngjiān fàng yīxiē bǐjiào duǎn de cí, yīxiē duǎn de xíngróngcí.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 但现在呢 我们告诉大家你可以在 “是.......的” 中间放一些很长的部份。 (Dàn xiànzài ne wǒmen gàosù dàjiā nǐ kěyǐ zài “shì....... De” zhōngjiān fàng yīxiē hěn zhǎng de bù fèn.)


David: Yeah. It’s getting – they are getting longer and longer. So with that, that’s our lesson for today. From Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是 (Wǒ shì) Echo. 咱们下次再见。 (Zánmen xià cì zàijiàn.)
David: Thanks a lot for listening and we will see you on the site.
Echo: Bye bye.

