
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to chineseclass101.com. I am David.
Echo: Hi, 大家好, 我是 (Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì.) Echo.
David: And we’ve got upper intermediate, season 1, Lesson 21. Voicing Some Strong Chinese Opinions.
Echo: 对,我们今天的对话是发生在办公室里。 (Duì, wǒmen jīntiān de duìhuà shì fāshēng zài bàngōngshì lǐ.)
David: Yes. It takes place in an office and Echo, this is about – it’s about gossip.
Echo: 对。 (Duì.)
David: Stereotypes.
Echo: 没错,是两个同事在谈论不同地方的人。 (Méi cuò, shì liǎng gè tóngshì zài tánlùn bùtóng dìfāng de rén.)
David: Yes. So we are going to hear what some people in Beijing think about people who are from outside from Beijing.
Echo: 对,外地人。 (Duì, wàidì rén.)
David: Okay. So that’s our dialogue and as always, it’s casual Mandarin.
Echo: 对,让我们来听一下对话吧! (Duì, ràng wǒmen lái tīng yīxià duìhuà ba!)
A 听说那个新来的同事是河南人。 (A Tīngshuō nà ge xīnláide tóngshì shì Hénánrén.)
B 是吧,不太清楚。 (B Shì ba, bùtài qīngchu.)
A 我最不喜欢河南人了。又不讲卫生,人又土。 (A Wǒ zuì bù xǐhuān Hénánrén le. Yòu bù jiǎngwèishēng, rén yòu tǔ.)
A 那东北人呢? (B Nà dōngběirénne?)
B 也好不到哪去,说话办事都太糙。 (A Yě hǎo bù dào nǎ qù, shuōhuà bànshì dōu tài cāo.)
A 上海人心细呀。 (B Shànghǎirén xīn xì ya.)
B 也太细了。尤其是上海女人,太会算计了。还谁都瞧不起。 (A Yě tài xì le. Yóuqí shì shànghǎi nǚrén, tài huì suàn jì le. Hái shéi dōu qiáobuqǐ.)
A 那广东人呢? (B Nā guǎngdōngrén ne?)
B 别提了。说话嗓门大得像是在吵架,没修养! (A Bié tí le. Shuōhuà sǎngmén dà děi xiàng shì zài chǎojià, méi xiūyǎng!)
A 那依你觉得哪儿的人最好? (B Nā yī nǐ juéde nǎr de rén zuìhǎo?)
B 我看也就我们北京人最地道。 (A Wǒ kàn yě jiù wǒmen běijīngrén zuì dìdào.)
A: I hear that new colleague is from Henan.
B: Maybe, I'm not sure.
A: People from Henan are my least favorite people. They are neither hygienic nor fashionable.
B: What about people from Dongbei?
A: They are not much better off. The way they talk and behave is too rough.
B: People from Shanghai pay attention to details.
A: They are too detailed. Especially Shanghai women, they are too calculating. And they look down on everyone.
B: What about people from Guangdong?
A: Don't mention them. When they talk, it's just like they are having a fight. They are so uncultured.
B: So in your opinion who are the best people?
A: I think our Beijing people are the best.
Echo: 这个太有地域歧视性了。 (Zhège tài yǒu dìyù qíshì xìngle.)
David: The stereotypes in here are pretty – are pretty shared nationwide actually.
Echo: 唔,有一点儿, 有一点儿。 (Wú, yǒu yīdiǎn er, yǒu yīdiǎn er.)
David: Everyone outside of Shanghai think Shanghai people are too detail oriented. Everyone outside of Guangdong complains about the way people speak when they speak Cantonese.
Echo: 对,我很奇怪,为什么大家讲的都是不好的特点。 (Duì, wǒ hěn qíguài, wèishéme dàjiā jiǎng de dōu shì bù hǎo de tèdiǎn.)
David: So this dialogue, you could – you are going to hear it nationwide only with the locality there filling in for the last line.
Echo: 没错,今天我们的生词就是跟这些有关系的。 (Méi cuò, jīntiān wǒmen de shēngcí jiùshì gēn zhèxiē yǒu guānxì de.)
David: Yeah. Anyway, let’s get to our new vocab.
Echo: 糙。 (cāo.)
David: Rough.
Echo: 糙, 糙, 心细。 (cāo, cāo, xīn xì.)
David: Detail oriented.
Echo: 心 细, 心细, 算计。 (xīn xì, xīn xì, suànjì.)
David: To calculate.
Echo: 算 计, 算计, 瞧不起。 (suàn jì, suànjì, qiáobuqǐ.)
David: To look down on.
Echo: 瞧 不 起, 瞧不起, 嗓门。 (qiáo bu qǐ, ,qiáobuqǐ, sǎngmén.)
David: Speaking volume.
Echo: 嗓 门, 嗓门, 修养。 (sǎng mén, sǎngmén, xiūyǎng.)
David: To be cultured.
Echo: 修 养, 修养, 地道。 (xiū yǎng, xiūyǎng, dìdào.)
David: Authentic.
Echo: 地 道, 地道, 大方。 (dì dào, dìdào, dàfān.)
David: Generous.
Echo: 大 方, 大方。 (dà fāng, dàfāng.)
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words and phrases. Our first word is rough.
Echo: 糙。 (Cāo.)
David: Rough.
Echo: 糙, 这个字主要是从 “粗糙” 的 “糙” 里面来的。 (Cāo, zhège zì zhǔyào shi cóng “cūcāo” de “cāo” lǐmiàn lái de.)
David: Yeah. And everyone thinks that northerners are rough.
Echo: 大家都觉得北方人有点粗。 (Dàjiā dōu juédé běifāng rén yǒudiǎn cū.)
David: Yes. Northerners are rough and northerners, they look down on the south and they think, what a refined cultured too.
Echo: 对。 (Duì.)
David: So maybe it’s the cold or the snow on the desert.
Echo: 有可能。 (Yǒu kěnéng.)
David: The next word we wanted to point out is the word to look down on.
Echo: 瞧不起。 (Qiáobùqǐ.)
David: To look down on.
Echo: 瞧不起。 (Qiáobùqǐ.)
David: And this is the same as
Echo: 看不起。 (Kànbùqǐ.)
David: We are just using a different word for looking.
Echo: 瞧。 (Qiáo.)
David: Which means to look briefly.
Echo: 对,就是很快的看。 (Duì, jiùshì hěn kuài de kàn.)
David: Right. So if you are pointing something out to someone, you could also say hey, take a look.
Echo: 你瞧瞧。 (Nǐ qiáo qiáo.)
David: Right.
Echo: 比如说 他把工作拿过来,让我瞧一下。 (Bǐrú shuō tā bǎ gōngzuò ná guòlái, ràng wǒ qiáo yīxià.)
David: Right. He brought his work over for me to glance 一下 (Yīxià) .
Echo: 对。 (Duì.)
David: Right. So in this case,
Echo: 瞧不起。 (Qiáobùqǐ.)
David: It’s exactly the same as
Echo: 看不起。 (Kànbùqǐ.)
David: Right. Our dialogue has another word that means generous.
Echo: 大方。 (Dàfāng.)
David: Beijingers consider themselves generous.
Echo: 对,我们觉得自己非常的大方。 (Duì, wǒmen juédé zìjǐ fēicháng de dàfāng.)
David: Right regardless of whether that’s true.
Echo: 当然是真的了。 (Dāngrán shì zhēn dele.)
David: The other stereotype you will run into is the people in the north do tend to consider southerners more miserly or stingy.
Echo: 小气。 (Xiǎoqì.)
David: And these words are opposite. Generous,
Echo: 大方。 (Dàfāng.)
David: Stingy.
Echo: 小气, 比如说他为人很大方,一点儿也不小气。 (Xiǎoqì, bǐrú shuō tā wéirén hěn dàfāng, yīdiǎn er yě bù xiǎoqì.)
David: Yes. He is not the least stingy, he is
Echo: 很大方。 (Hěn dàfāng.)
David: Very generous. Right, in my experience actually southerners are very generous as well.
Echo: 是吗? (Shì ma?)
David: Sometimes a lot more than people in the north but maybe…
Echo: 啊?真的? (A? Zhēn de?)
David: Yeah, yeah maybe just my experience.
Echo: 难以相信。 (Nányǐ xiāngxìn.)
David: Anyway, our grammar point today is
Echo: 尤其。 (Yóuqí.)

Lesson focus

David: Let’s get to that now. It’s grammar time. Okay our grammar point today is especially useful.
Echo: 对,就是这个 especially, 尤其。 (Duì, jiùshì zhège especially, yóuqí.)
David: Two second tones.
Echo: 尤其, 在对话里我们看到的这个句子是, “尤其是上海女人。” (Yóuqí, zài duìhuà li wǒmen kàn dào de zhège jùzi shì, “yóuqí shì shànghǎi nǚrén.”)
David: Especially Shanghainese women.
Echo: 对, 尤其是上海女人。 (Duì, yóuqí shì shànghǎi nǚrén.)
David: Right. So when you are expressing prejudice about another group of people, you can use this word too.
Echo: 对。 (Duì.)
David: For instance,
Echo: 比如说 中国菜很好吃,尤其是广东菜。 (Bǐrú shuō zhōngguó cài hěn hào chī, yóuqí shì guǎngdōng cài.)
David: Right. So Guangdong food is the best of China especially Guangdong food.
Echo: 对, 中国菜很好吃,尤其是广东菜, 其实东北菜也不错,尤其是饺子。 (Duì, zhōngguó cài hěn hào chī, yóuqí shì guǎngdōng cài, qíshí dōngběi cài yě bùcuò, yóuqí shì jiǎozi.)
David: Yes. Northern food is excellent. Maybe this is why people think northerners are rough because in the south, you have all of these really exquisite dishes and when you go to north, you know it’s pasta 饺子。(Jiǎozi.)
Echo: 对,在东北都是,而且是比较大盘的这种。 (Duì, zài dōngběi dōu shì, érqiě shì bǐjiào dàpán de zhè zhǒng.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 所以我们可以说东北的菜份量尤其大。 (Suǒyǐ wǒmen kěyǐ shuō dōngběi de cài fènliàng yóuqí dà.)
David: Yes. The portions in the north are extremely large.
Echo: 对,东北菜份量尤其大。在课文里我们也提到了上海女人很心细,所以这个地方我们可以说上海女人尤其心细。 (Duì, dōngběi cài fènliàng yóuqí dà. Zài kèwén lǐ wǒmen yě tí dàole shànghǎi nǚrén hěn xīnxì, suǒyǐ zhège dìfāng wǒmen kěyǐ shuō shànghǎi nǚrén yóuqí xīnxì.)
David: Right and that’s not a negative word.
Echo: No.
David: Is it? It just means attention oriented.
Echo: 对, 心细就是很在乎细节。 (Duì, xīnxì jiùshì hěn zàihū xìjié.)
David: Right. To pay particular attention to details.
Echo: 对,尤其在乎别人的看法,尤其在乎细节。 (Duì, yóuqí zàihū biérén de kànfǎ, yóuqí zàihū xìjié.)
David: Right. Now something that’s interesting to note is that in most of the examples you gave us Echo, 尤其 (Yóuqí) was being used immediately before an adjective. In our dialogue though, it was being used at the start of the sentence.
Echo: 对,尤其是上海女人,这个尤其其实非常灵活,你可以把它放在任何地方。 (Duì, yóuqí shì shànghǎi nǚrén, zhège yóuqí qíshí fēicháng línghuó, nǐ kěyǐ bǎ tā fàng zài rènhé dìfāng.)
David: So you can say both
Echo: 尤其是..... 什么什么...... , 或者也可以不用 “是”, 尤其........ 什么。 (Yóuqí shì..... Shénme shénme...... , Huòzhě yě kěyǐ bùyòng “shì”, yóuqí........ Shénme.)
David: Right. So our grammar point today is about a particular word but it’s a very useful one and a very flexible one.
Echo: 没错, 尤其。 (Méi cuò, yóuqí.)


David: As always, if you have any questions, we encourage you to grab our premium transcripts.
Echo: 对。 (Duì.)
David: They are available online at
Echo: Chineseclass101.com
David: Right and if you have any questions, just leave a note on the site and we will get back to you.
Echo: 对。 (Duì.)
David: From Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是 (Wǒ shì) Echo.
David: Thanks for listening and we will see you on the site.
Echo: 我们网上见 (Wǒmen wǎngshàng jiàn) , Bye bye.

