
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to chineseclass101.com. I am David.
Echo: Hi, 大家好,我是Echo. (Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
David: And we are here with upper intermediate, season 1, Lesson 7. The Hundredth Time’s the Charm in China.
Echo: 跟买彩票有关系。(Gēn mǎi cǎipiào yǒu guānxì.)
David: Yes. Buying lottery tickets. So we’ve got a dialogue here that takes place between a husband and a wife.
Echo: 对,是一个夫妻之间的对话,所以非常口语。 (Duì, shì yīgè fūqī zhī jiān de duìhuà, suǒyǐ fēicháng kǒuyǔ.)
David: Yeah. Colloquial as always and of course, standard Mandarin.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: So this is how you should be speaking. So without further adieu, let’s go to the dialogue.
Echo: 好。 (Hǎo.)
A: 你看见我买的彩票了吗? (Nǐ kànjiàn wǒ mǎi de cǎipiào le ma?)
B: 没看见。(Méi kànjiàn.)
A: 我明明就放在窗台儿上了。一张黄色的,涂满黑圈儿的纸? (Wǒ míngmíng jiù fàngzài chuāngtáiér shàng le. Yī zhāng huángsè de, túmǎn hēiquānr de zhǐ?)
B: 没注意。可能是在收拾屋子的时候,当废纸给扔了。 (Mi zhùyì. Kěnéng shì zài shōushi wūzi de shíhou, dāng fèizhǐ gěi rēngle.)
A: 什么?废纸?万一要中了,头等奖可是500万! (Shénme? Fèizhǐ? Wànyī yào zhòng le, tóuděngjiǎng kěshì wǔbǎiwàn!)
B: 你还敢提。这么多年,你赔了多少钱?连个末等奖也没中过呀。 (Nǐ hái gǎn tí. Zhème duō nián, nǐ péi le duō shǎo qián? Lián ge mòděngjiǎng yě méi zhòngguò yā.)
A: 没准儿就是这次了。我有预感。 (Méizhǔnr jiùshì zhècì le. Wǒ yǒu yùgǎn.)
B: 这话我都听腻了。你去垃圾桶里找找吧。 (Zhè huà wǒ dōu tīngnìle. Nǐ qù lājītǒng lǐ zhǎozhao ba.)
David: And now, with the English translation.
A: 你看见我买的彩票了吗? (Nǐ kànjiàn wǒ mǎi de cǎipiào le ma?)
A: Did you see my lottery ticket?
B: 没看见。(Méi kànjiàn.)
B: No.
A: 我明明就放在窗台儿上了。一张黄色的,涂满黑圈儿的纸? (Wǒ míngmíng jiù fàngzài chuāngtáiér shàng le. Yī zhāng huángsè de, túmǎn hēiquānr de zhǐ?)
A: I clearly left it by the window. A piece of yellow paper covered with black circles?
B: 没注意。可能是在收拾屋子的时候,当废纸给扔了。 (Mi zhùyì. Kěnéng shì zài shōushi wūzi de shíhou, dāng fèizhǐ gěi rēngle.)
B: I didn't notice it. It could have been there when I was tidying up the room, I threw it out as a piece of rubbish.
A: 什么?废纸?万一要中了,头等奖可是500万! (Shénme? Fèizhǐ? Wànyī yào zhòng le, tóuděngjiǎng kěshì wǔbǎiwàn!)
A: What? A piece of rubbish? What if I won? The first prize is five million!
B: 你还敢提。这么多年,你赔了多少钱?连个末等奖也没中过呀。 (Nǐ hái gǎn tí. Zhème duō nián, nǐ péi le duō shǎo qián? Lián ge mòděngjiǎng yě méi zhòngguò yā.)
B: You dare to mention it. How much money have you lost over the years? You've never even won the smallest prize.
A: 没准儿就是这次了。我有预感。 (Méizhǔnr jiùshì zhècì le. Wǒ yǒu yùgǎn.)
A: This could be the time. I have a feeling.
B: 这话我都听腻了。你去垃圾桶里找找吧。 (Zhè huà wǒ dōu tīngnìle. Nǐ qù lājītǒng lǐ zhǎozhao ba.)
B: I've heard too much of this. Go to the trash and look for it yourself.
Echo: 所以你买过彩票吗?(Suǒyǐ nǐ mǎiguò cǎipiào ma?)
David: No, no, we don’t buy. Question for you though, speaking of gambling, what about those mahjong dens? We see it throughout the city, those are gambling places.
Echo: 如果是不玩钱的,那不算赌。(Rúguǒ shì bù wán qián de, nà bù suàn dǔ.)
David: Well, I mean, it’s illegal, but people still do it.
Echo: Shhhh.
David: It’s a Chinese classic
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Anyway, let’s take a look at the vocabs for this lesson.
David: The first word we shall see is...
Echo: 彩票 (cǎipiào) [natural native speed]
David: lottery ticket
Echo: 彩票 (cǎipiào) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 彩票 (cǎipiào) [natural native speed]
David: Next
Echo: 头等奖 (tóu děng jiǎng) [natural native speed]
David: first prize
Echo: 头等奖 (tóu děng jiǎng) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 头等奖 (tóu děng jiǎng) [natural native speed]
David: Next
Echo: 没准儿 (méi zhǔn ér) [natural native speed]
David: possibly
Echo: 没准儿 (méi zhǔn ér) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 没准儿 (méi zhǔn ér) [natural native speed]
David: Next
Echo: 腻 (nì) [natural native speed]
David: to be sick of something
Echo: 腻 (nì) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 腻 (nì) [natural native speed]
David: Next
Echo: 开奖 (kāi jiǎng) [natural native speed]
David: to draw the winning numbers
Echo: 开奖 (kāi jiǎng) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 开奖 (kāi jiǎng) [natural native speed]
David: Next
Echo: 预感 (yùgǎn) [natural native speed]
David: foresight
Echo: 预感 (yùgǎn) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 预感 (yùgǎn) [natural native speed]
David: Next
Echo: 大奖 (dàjiǎng) [natural native speed]
David: big prize
Echo: 大奖 (dàjiǎng) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 大奖 (dàjiǎng) [natural native speed]
David: Next
Echo: 废纸 (fèizhǐ) [natural native speed]
David: rubbish paper
Echo: 废纸 (fèizhǐ) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 废纸 (fèizhǐ) [natural native speed]
David: Next
Echo: 涂满 (tú mǎn) [natural native speed]
David: to be covered with
Echo: 涂满 (tú mǎn) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 涂满 (tú mǎn) [natural native speed]
David: And last...
Echo: 赔 (péi) [natural native speed]
David: to have lost money
Echo: 赔 (péi) [slowly - broken down by syllable] 赔 (péi) [natural native speed]
David: Let’s have a closer look at some of these words and phrases. The first one I want to highlight is the verb we used in the dialogue to mean to win a prize.
Echo: 中奖。 (Zhòngjiǎng.)
David: Right.
Echo: 这个地方是四声的, 中, 中奖。 (Zhège dìfāng shì sì shēng de, zhōng, zhòngjiǎng.)
David: Yes. It’s technically the 中 (Zhōng) from 中国 (Zhōngguó) but…
Echo: 对, 中国, 中文。 (Duì, zhōngguó, zhōngwén.)
David: It’s fourth tone.
Echo: 对,这个时候就变成了一个动词, 中,中奖。 (Duì, zhège shíhòu jiù biàn chéngle yīgè dòngcí, zhōng, zhòngjiǎng.)
David: Yeah. Moving on, the next one that caught my eye was first prize.
Echo: 头等奖。 (Tóuděng jiǎng)
David: First prize.
Echo: 头等奖, 也可以说一等奖。 (Tóuděng jiǎng, yě kěyǐ shuō yī děng jiǎng.)
David: Yeah and in both cases, we can swap it but for prize and it’s first class on the boat say.
Echo: 头等舱。 (Tóuděng cāng.)
David: Or on a plane.
Echo: 头等舱。 (Tóuděng cāng.)
David: Right. So that’s the head level or the first level.
Echo: 唔,对,下一个字非常有意思,腻。 (Wú, duì, xià yīgè zì fēicháng yǒuyìsi, nì.)
David: To be tired of.
Echo: 腻, 这个字非常常用。 (Nì, zhège zì fēicháng chángyòng.)
David: Yes it’s a verb complement here. So we put it after verbs to mean that you are sick of doing something.
Echo: 对,比如说 我都听腻了。 (Duì, bǐrú shuō wǒ dū tīng nìle.)
David: Yeah. I’ve heard that to death.
Echo: 唔,你说的太多了, 我都听腻了。 (Wú, nǐ shuō de tài duōle, wǒ dū tīng nìle.)
David: Right. Or maybe it’s a game and you’ve played it to death.
Echo: 对,你可以说我都玩腻了。 (Duì, nǐ kěyǐ shuō wǒ dū wán nìle.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 玩够了,受不了啦! (Wán gòule, shòu bùliǎo la!)
David: I am tired of it, yes.
Echo: 对,太腻了。 (Duì, tài nìle.)
David: Right. Next we have the phrase
Echo: 没准儿。 (Méizhǔn er.)
David: Which we translated as possibly.
Echo: 对,没准儿。 (Duì, méizhǔn er.)
David: Maybe he possibly.
Echo: Uhmm, 对,没准儿, 这是一个非常口语的,就是说 “也许”, “可能”这样的说法。 (Duì, méizhǔn er, zhè shì yīgè fēicháng kǒuyǔ de, jiùshì shuō “yěxǔ”, “kěnéng” zhèyàng de shuōfǎ.)
David: Yes maybe.
Echo: 对,没准儿这一次我真能中大奖。 (Duì, méizhǔn er zhè yīcì wǒ zhēnnéng zhōng dàjiǎng.)
David: Yeah. Maybe this time I am really going to win the big prize.
Echo: 唔,没准儿这一次我要变成百万富翁了。 (Wú, méizhǔn er zhè yīcì wǒ yào biàn chéng bǎi wàn fùwēngle.)
David: Yes. Be a millionaire and don’t forget that “儿”发音. (“Er” fāyīn.)
Echo: 对,没准儿,这个发音是不能省略的, 必需要有,要不然你会听起来特别...特别奇怪。 (Duì, méizhǔn er, zhège fāyīn shì bùnéng shěnglüè de, bì xūyào yǒu, yào bùrán nǐ huì tīng qǐlái tèbié... Tèbié qíguài.)
David: Yes.
Echo: 而且别人不会明白你的意思。 (Érqiě biérén bù huì míngbái nǐ de yìsi.)
David: Yes. You might win the lottery but you will lose the language game. So get that…
Echo: 对, 你就.....你就在中文这个领域失去了头等奖。 (Duì, nǐ jiù..... Nǐ jiù zài zhōngwén zhège lǐngyù shīqùle tóuděng jiǎng.)
David: Yes. So a lot of lottery related vocab, winning prizes, first prize, last prize too.
Echo: 唔,末等奖。 (Wú, mò děng jiǎng.)

Lesson focus

David: Yes. With that said though, let’s get to our grammar point where we’ve got a sentence pattern to review. It’s grammar time. In our grammar point for today, we want to review a simple sentence pattern.
Echo: 连什么什么.....也。(Lián shénme shénme..... Yě.)
David: Right or
Echo: 连什么什么.....都。(Lián shénme shénme..... Dōu.)
David: This is how we communicate the idea of “even” in Chinese.
Echo: 对,没错,在这个对话里这个句子是, “连个末等奖也没中过呀。” (Duì, méi cuò, zài zhège duìhuà li zhège jùzi shì, “lián gè mò děng jiǎng yě méi zhōngguò ya.”)
David: You haven’t even won the least prize.
Echo: 连个末等奖也没中过呀! 所以它有一个延伸的意思, 就是说你连末等奖都没中过, 就更别提别的了。 (Lián gè mò děng jiǎng yě méi zhōngguò ya! Suǒyǐ tā yǒu yīgè yánshēn de yìsi, jiùshì shuō nǐ lián mò děng jiǎng dōu méi zhōngguò, jiù gèng biétí bié dele.)
David: Yeah. Exactly the same as in English. Things to note here is that our subject goes of course right at the beginning.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Here it’s omitted because everyone knows what it is.
Echo: 对, 肯定是 “你”。 (Duì, kěndìng shì “nǐ”.)
David: Yes and the 也 (Yě) here can be swapped out as we said with 都. (Dōu.)
Echo: 是一样的。(Shì yīyàng de.)
David: And it’s the same meaning.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Right and it just – it provides extra emphasis, okay. Echo, you’ve got some examples for us.
Echo: 对,你连一点运气也没有,别买彩票了!(Duì, nǐ lián yīdiǎn yùnqì yě méiyǒu, bié mǎi cǎipiàole!)
David: Don’t buy the lottery. You don’t have the least bit of luck.
Echo: 对,你连一点运气都没有,或者也没有, (Duì, nǐ lián yīdiǎn yùnqì dōu méiyǒu, huòzhě yě méiyǒu,)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 别买彩票了! (Bié mǎi cǎipiàole!)
David: Yeah and we are doing this Chinese inverting in the sentence. We are putting emphasis on this, even the least bit of luck you don’t have because we are saying that part first.
Echo: Okay 我再给你一个例子, 为了买彩票,他连房子都卖了! (Wǒ zài gěi nǐ yīgè lìzi, wèile mǎi cǎipiào, tā lián fángzi dōu màile!)
David: That’s bad news.
Echo: 对,他应该是为了买彩票,对,他应该是买彩票是为了买房子, 但是结果他把房子都赔进去了。 (Duì, tā yīnggāi shì wèile mǎi cǎipiào, duì, tā yīnggāi shì mǎi cǎipiào shì wèile mǎi fángzi, dànshì jiéguǒ tā bǎ fángzi dōu péi jìnqùle.)
David: Yeah and the sentence there is, for the sake of buying lottery tickets, he sold his house.
Echo: 为了买彩票,他连房子都卖了! (Wèile mǎi cǎipiào, tā lián fángzi dōu màile!)
David: Right.
Echo: 或者你可以说他连房子都赔了。 (Huòzhě nǐ kěyǐ shuō tā lián fángzi dōu péile.)
David: Yes. He lost the house. He lost money on that.
Echo: 可惜他这些年连末等将也没得过。 (Kěxí tā zhèxiē nián lián mò děng jiāng yě méi déguò.)
David: Right. Sold his house, didn’t even get the last place prize. That’s the Chinese lottery for you. Even you are not going to win. We’ve got one more sentence for you.
Echo: 没中奖的彩票连废纸都不如。 (Méi zhòngjiǎng de cǎipiào lián fèi zhǐ dōu bùrú.)
David: Non-winning tickets aren’t even useful as scrap paper.
Echo: 对, 没中奖的彩票连废纸都不如。 (Duì, méi zhòngjiǎng de cǎipiào lián fèi zhǐ dōu bùrú.)
David: Right. So a really simple sentence pattern.
Echo: 连.....也 or 连.....都。 (Lián..... Yě or lián..... Dōu.)
David: Right and we are using this and if you want to place extra emphasis on it, put this sub phrase at the front of your sentence.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: It’s called fronting. It’s a way of really stressing that this is important.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)


David: Okay. With that said though, we are done our lesson for today. A tip. If you want to know what the Chinese lottery is like, when you buy food in China, you should ask for your 发票。(Fāpiào.).
Echo: 唔,对。(Wú, duì.)
David: Because on them, they are all scratch and win tickets in restaurants.
Echo: 没错, 有的时候你确实能赢十块二十块, 甚至有人赢过五十。 (Méi cuò, yǒu de shíhòu nǐ quèshí néng yíng shí kuài èrshí kuài, shènzhì yǒurén yíngguò wǔshí.)
David: I’ve won 20 quay once.
Echo: 真的?(Zhēn de?) Wow!
David: But that was about 10 years ago.
Echo: Oh…天呀!(Tiān ya!) Okay.
David: So in 10 years in China eating out, I won once. Good luck to you. And that’s our show for today. From Beijing, thanks for listening. I am David.
Echo: 我是Echo. (Wǒ shì Echo.)
David: And we will see you on the site.
Echo: 我们网上见 (Wǒmen wǎngshàng jiàn), Bye bye.

