Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Anthony: Hi I am Anthony:.
Anthony: And Echo, today we are on the most famous mountain in Sichuan.
Anthony: 峨嵋山 is huge. It rises over 3000 meters and it contains over 70 monasteries.
Anthony: Mountains exist in China for one reason and that’s to build temples on them and when you are at a Buddhist monastery, what can you do?
Anthony: You can worship Buddha.
Anthony: And you can burn incense.
Anthony: And incense comes in all different shapes and sizes and prices. So if you did something really bad, you want to buy the biggest one possible and the whole point of going to a mountain is to get to the top and on the top of this mountain, they have the biggest and baddest temple.
Anthony: The Bodhisattva of Universal Benevolence sitting at the top of three elephants with many heads.
Anthony: And this Bodhisattva apparently is meant to save the souls of the dead.
Anthony: You can catch a beautiful sunrise if you have enough tenacity to brave out the night sleeping on top of the mountain. So for more on Buddhism and anything in China, go to
Anthony: And sign up for your free lifetime subscription. I am Anthony:.
Anthony: Bye bye.
Echo:Bye bye.

