Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Anthony: Hi I am Anthony.
Gayle: 大家好,我是Gayle。
Anthony: And Gayle, if you remember last time, we caught our way up [*] to see this beautiful sunrise in the morning.
Gayle: 对。
Anthony: Unfortunately that was not to be.
Gayle: 啊,下雨了。
Anthony: Rain, fog, all the elements were against us. So I had to run for cover and purchase a pink poncho to keep dry.
Gayle: Oh
Anthony: But I think going down the mountain was a little bit more dangerous than going up the mountain. It was just like a big slip inside going down the mountain. So you know, I was a little upset. I didn’t get to see my sunrise, so I was pouting but then I realized you know, it’s not – my life isn’t that bad. I could have this guy’s job.
Gayle: 对,太辛苦了。
Anthony: Yeah. This guy – Actually you know this job looks bad but the retirement benefits are great and this guy, I mean he looks like a 100 but in reality, he is probably more like 200 years old but you know everybody says, a mountain a day keeps the doctor away. So everybody is trying to get off the mountain. I am one of them and if you look, everybody looks like a bag of skittles. Everybody has got the right idea, get these ponchos and whoever was selling these ponchos made a killing that day. That’s what I am for sure.
Gayle: 这是哪儿?
Anthony: I am taking the shortcut of the mountain. I am taking the
Gayle: 缆车。
Anthony: The cable car and we are descending through the fog. Luckily, I came out all right, got off the mountain in one piece, I didn’t die. My mom will be happy about that. So I had to figure out, okay how do I get back to Beijing. There is only one way to go and that is sleeper bus.
Gayle: 长途汽车。
Anthony: And these guys are smiling because they are kind of be robbing me in the middle of the night, actually that’s a lie. What was cool about this bus was the entertainment if you notice the flat screens, pumping Chinese Siccums all night long which actually had a good effect because it put me right to sleep. I woke up in Beijing the next day happy as a clam. So you should go to chineseclass101.com, sign up for your free lifetime subscription. I am Anthony.
Gayle: 我是Gayle。
Anthony: Bye bye.
Gayle: 再见。

