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Archive for the 'Chinese Culture' Category

Learn Chinese from the Chinese National Anthem

Just like the Chinese national flag, Chinese national anthems have great symbolic meanings that have a special place in every Chinese person's heart. The Chinese national anthem 《义勇军进行曲》Yìyǒngjūn jìnxíngqǔ is translated to "March of the Volunteers" in English. It's a "fight song" in its essence. Both the tune and the lyrics are uplifting, motivating, and powerful. Keep reading, and you'll get a chance to hear the Chinese national anthem, study the Chinese lyrics and the English lyrics, see the sheet music, and find out the history and some of the "surprising" facts behind the Chinese national anthem! Table of Contents The Tune and the Lyrics The Occasions The Facts The Final Words 1. The Tune and the Lyrics Here is... Show more

Essential Classroom Phrases in Chinese

Imagine you are sitting in a Chinese classroom with Chinese students at a Chinese high school. Would you be able to use proper classroom greetings to greet your teacher and classmates in Mandarin Chinese? Would you be able to understand your Chinese teacher's classroom command phrases? Would you have enough Chinese classroom vocabulary words and phrases to communicate with classmates and teachers? Would you have confidence in your Chinese grammar skills to produce phrases and express yourself accurately and freely?  If any of your answers are "no," you've come to the right place! In this article, you will learn all about Chinese classroom phrases and school-related basic Chinese words and phrases. Our goal is to make your Chinese... Show more

Say “I Love You” in Chinese: 30+ Powerful Love Phrases Love: a beautiful topic that many people enjoy talking about. It seems to be a never-ending subject of discussion among philosophers, and indeed, it’s one of the most important purposes of human life. Most of us can’t live without it.  But having love is not enough. We also have to express it to those who truly deserve it.  "Love" in Chinese is 爱 (ài), and 爱 never comes easy. If you happen to fall for a Chinese girl or guy, the phrases and cultural information in this article will be your trump card.  Today, we’ll be delving into the topic of how to say "I love you," in Chinese. We’ll introduce you to several romantic Mandarin phrases to use with your sweetheart at... Show more

Why learn Chinese? Here are 10 motivating reasons.

Time is precious.  There are a couple dozen other things you could be doing right now, but you’re here reading this article. And of course, we do everything for a reason!  Since you’re here, you probably want to learn Chinese or have recently started doing so. Trust me—it will definitely be one of the most worthwhile investments you'll ever make.   So why learn Chinese?  Learning a language is never as simple as it sounds, and sometimes we need to know deep down why we chose this journey. Be it excellence in academia, opening our eyes to another culture, added convenience when traveling, or gaining a new skill for more career opportunities, there are many potential benefits in learning Chinese. Below, we'll outline the top... Show more

The Top 30 Chinese Proverbs

There’s a good chance you use proverbs every now and then to enrich your daily conversations. Proverbs are classic sayings taken from literature, history, famous people, or even stories. They’re used to offer wisdom or advice in a nutshell, and they can be fun, powerful, or even life-changing if you ponder over them. Chinese proverbs are called 谚语 (yànyŭ) in Chinese. There are many ancient Chinese proverbs from thousands of years ago, encapsulating our ancestors’ life-long lessons. These proverbs express all kinds of philosophies and ideas, so learning a few yourself will help you become more familiar with Chinese culture and society. Who knows? You may even be able to use a couple yourself to lighten a conversation!  Table of... Show more

Beijing Travel Guide: The Top 10 Places to Visit

As a country with thousands of years of history, China has become a treasureland for many travelers. But because China is such a majestically huge place, where should you start? The answer is definitely Beijing, the nation’s capital and one of its greatest cities. From famous historical sites that can tell you stories from thousands of years ago to modern marvels that showcase how much Beijing has developed over time, our Beijing travel guide will cover the most exciting places to visit in Beijing. Each of the places on our list will give you a glimpse of Beijing’s beauty and show you what one of the busiest cities in the world has to offer! Table of Contents Before You Go Must-See Places for a 1-3 Day Trip Highly Recommended... Show more

Most Popular English Words in Chinese

Have you ever been intrigued by how interconnected different languages are? Language is the key to human communication, and despite the vast differences between world countries and their cultures, their people’s languages have always influenced one another. This interconnectivity among languages creates common ground for people all around the world, showing that different languages and cultures are all connected somehow. Because there are so many common English words in Chinese (and Chinese words in English), studying loanwords can pave the way for an easier language learning journey. Now without further ado, let’s jump right into the abundance of popular English loanwords in Chinese and explore the language phenomenon known as... Show more

The Magic of Chinese Culture

China is an old country with thousands of years of history. This rich background has created an enchanting Chinese culture and civilization that attracts nearly 1.5-million tourists in a given year.  You might have heard of such Chinese traditions as Kung Fu and the Chinese opera...but how much do you really know about them? The more you learn about Chinese culture and traditions, the more profound and fascinating they’ll become to you!  Language is always a huge component of a country’s culture, so becoming familiar with the culture of China is crucial in mastering the Chinese language. In this guide, we’ll lift the cultural curtain from one of the greatest countries in the world—and trust us, we won’t fail to amaze you! Table... Show more

The Perfect Gourmet Guide to Chinese Food

Food is a type of magic that human beings both enjoy and depend upon for survival. Food brings loved ones together at the same table, where everyone is able to share life, indulge in conversation, and even burst into laughter together. Every family has its own homemade dish that tastes just like home, touching the softest spot of one’s heart. As a dedicated Chinese learner, I’m sure you’re wondering how authentic Chinese foods taste and about the culture behind them. In this article, we’ll introduce you to several popular Chinese dishes you should try—and we’ll even teach you how to make some easy authentic Chinese food on your own. Make sure you stick around to learn all of the Chinese food secrets you’ve been curious about! Table... Show more

Classic Chinese Quotes You Need to Know

How many times have you used a popular quote to express something? Being able to apply someone else’s words to our own lives is just so convenient! But quotes hold so much more potential when you learn them in another language. Studying Chinese quotes can be an excellent way to improve your language skills, gain cultural insight, and learn to see the world through other people’s eyes. In China, people love to use Chinese quotes and proverbs in their daily conversations. Using one effectively can convey the heart of one’s thoughts, making any conversation a little more meaningful. The Chinese quotes we’ve listed in this article will not only enrich your conversations, but also help you think a little deeper and advise you on your own... Show more