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Learn Chinese from the Chinese National Anthem


Just like the Chinese national flag, Chinese national anthems have great symbolic meanings that have a special place in every Chinese person’s heart. The Chinese national anthem 《义勇军进行曲》Yìyǒngjūn jìnxíngqǔ is translated to “March of the Volunteers” in English. It’s a “fight song” in its essence. Both the tune and the lyrics are uplifting, motivating, and powerful. Keep reading, and you’ll get a chance to hear the Chinese national anthem, study the Chinese lyrics and the English lyrics, see the sheet music, and find out the history and some of the “surprising” facts behind the Chinese national anthem!

Chinese Patriotic Illustration with Soldiers and Tiananmen Building

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Chinese Table of Contents
  1. The Tune and the Lyrics
  2. The Occasions
  3. The Facts
  4. The Final Words

1. The Tune and the Lyrics

Here is the Chinese anthem 《义勇军进行曲》Yìyǒngjūn jìnxíngqǔ “March of the Volunteers”, the official music video released by the Chinese government:

Below are the lyrics in Chinese and English.


起来(1)!不愿做奴隶的人们!Qǐlái (1) ! Bú yuàn zuò núlì de rénmen! 

把我们的血肉,筑成我们新的长城! Bǎ wǒmen de xuèròu, zhù chéng wǒmen xīn de chángchéng! 

中华民族 (3) 到了最危险的时候,Zhōnghuá mínzú (3) dàole zuì wēixiǎn de shíhòu,

每个人被迫 (5) 着发出最后的吼声。Měi gè rén bèi pò zhe fāchū zuìhòu de hǒushēng. 

起来!起来!起来!Qǐlái! Qǐlái! Qǐlái! 

我们万众一心 (4),Wǒmen wànzhòng-yīxīn (4), 

冒着 (6) 敌人的炮火,前进 (2)  Màozhe (6) dírén de pàohuǒ, qiánjìn (2)

冒着敌人的炮火,前进! Màozhe dírén de pàohuǒ, qiánjìn! 

前进!前进!进! Qiánjìn! Qiánjìn! Jìn!


Stand up! Those who refuse to be slaves!

With our flesh and blood, let’s build our newest Great Wall!

The Chinese Nation is at its greatest peril,

Each one is forced to let out one last roar.

Stand up! Stand up! Stand up!

We are billions of one heart,

Braving the enemies’ fire, March on!

Braving the enemies’ fire, March on!

March on! March on! On!

Now let’s be good Chinese learners and study some of the keywords from the Chinese national anthem lyrics.

  1. 起来 qǐlái “to rise, to get up” [HSK 3 equivalent]

This is the first word in the anthem and is repeated multiple times throughout the song. It means “to get up” or “to rise.” In the national anthem, it’s calling for the people who are 不愿做奴隶 bú yuàn zuò núlì (“not willing to be slaves”) to rise up and fight. 

This is a frequently used word in everyday life, used to mean “to get up (from bed).” For example:

起来了吗?qǐlái le ma?
“Are you up yet?”

你几点起来的?Nǐ jǐ diǎn qǐlái de?
“What time did you get up?”

It’s also commonly used as a verb complement. It’s attached to the end of a verb, describing an action that has the “upward” motion or “starting to get [verb].” Let look at these two examples:

你坐着看不见,站起来。Nǐ zuòzhe kàn bù jiàn, jiù zhàn qǐlái ba.
“You won’t be able to see when sitting down, you’d better stand up.”

天晴了,我的心情也好起来了。Tiān qíng le, wǒ de xīnqíng yě hǎo qǐlái le.
“It’s getting sunny. My mood is also getting better.”

  1. 前进 qiánjìn “march on, move forward”  [HSK 6 equivalent]

This word also appears multiple times in the lyrics. 前 qián means “front, forward,” and 进 jìn means “to enter, to advance.” This is a formal word that’s often used as a military command, asking the troop to “move forward” or “march on.” 

This word is not used as commonly in everyday conversations but in formal reports and literature. Here’s an example:

我们在前进的道路上不断成长。Wǒmen zài qiánjìn de dàolù shàng bùduàn chéngzhǎng.
“We continue to grow along the way (moving forward). “

他突然没有了前进的动力。Tā túrán méiyǒu le qiánjìn de dònglì.
“He suddenly lost the momentum to keep going.”

  1. 中华民族 Zhōnghuá Mínzú “Chinese people/nation” [HSK 4]

You may have heard this word on the CCTV (Chinese Central Television)’s Spring Festival Gala. 中华 Zhōnghuá is a poetically patriotic way to refer to China, with a focus on the people. For example, 华人 huárén is used to refer to people of Chinese origin, especially those who live overseas. 中华 Zhōnghuá  often goes with 民族 mínzú, which means “ethnic group.”

尊老爱幼是中华民族的传统美德。 Zūn lǎo ài yòu shì Zhōnghuá Mínzú de chuántǒng měidé.
“Respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue of the Chinese people.”

中华民族有着很长的历史。Zhōnghuá Mínzú yǒuzhe hěn cháng de lìshǐ.
“The Chinese nation boasts a long history.”

  1. 万众一心 wànzhòng-yìxīn [HSK 6 equivalent] 

This four-character idiom is often used to boost morale and promote patriotism. 万众 wànzhòng literally means “ten thousand people” and figuratively “millions of people.” 一心 yìxīn means “one heart.” Together 万众一心  wànzhòng-yìxīn is used to describe all the people united with a common goal or belief. 

我们万众一心,齐心协力,共度难关。Wǒmen wànzhòng-yìxīn, qíxīn-xiélì, gòngdù nánguān.
“We are all united, working together to get through this difficult time.”

万众一心是通向胜利的第一步。Wànzhòng-yīxīn shì tōng xiàng shènglì de dì yī bù.
“Unity is the first step to victory.”

  1. 被迫 bèi pò “be forced” [HSK 5 equivalent]

The word starts with 被 bèi, indicating a passive voice. 迫 means “to force, to compel.” In the lyrics, the Chinese people are forced to 发出最后的吼声 fāchū zuìhòu de hǒushēng “let out one last roar.”  

In everyday situations, it can be used in sentences like:

由于天气原因,比赛被迫中止。Yóuyú tiānqì yuányīn, bǐsài bèi pò zhōngzhǐ.
“Due to inclement weather, the game was put to a stop.”

被迫上交了自己的手机。 bèi pò shàng jiāo le zìjǐ de shǒujī.
“He was forced to hand over his cell phone.”

  1. 冒着 mào zhe “to brave” “to face dangers” [HSK 4 equivalent]

冒着 mào zhe is a verb that means  “to brave” or “to face dangers” in this context. In the lyrics, it’s asking the Chinese people to brave the enemies’ bombs and bullets and march on – 冒着敌人的炮火,前进! Mào zhe dírén de pàohuǒ, qiánjìn! 

This verb in everyday life is often paired with 雨 “rain.” Such as:

她是冒着雨来的。Tā shì mào zhe yǔ lái de.
“She came in the rain” (showing her determination to come here despite the rain)

Besides the above Chinese words, if you’re also interested in playing this tune, copyrighted sheet music can be found on this Chinese government website. 

2. The Occasions

As the solemn symbols of the country, the Chinese national anthem《义勇军进行曲》Yìyǒngjūn jìnxíngqǔ and the Chinese flag 五星红旗 Wǔxīng-Hóngqí “the five-star red flag” often go together in formal ceremonies. In Chinese, this procedure is called 升国旗,奏国歌 Shēng guóqí, zòu guógē. “Raise the national flag, and play the national anthem.” People are encouraged to sing along with the music.

Globally, the national anthem is played with the flag being raised at international sporting events such as the Olympics 奥运会Àoyùnhuì.

3 Men at an Award Ceremony

Nationally, the national anthem is played when the flag is being raised at the Beijing Tiananmen Square daily precisely at sunrise, performed by the PLA (People’s Liberation of Army). You can find the daily flag-raising ceremony timetable on this website.

Tiananmen, Beijing

At higher administrative levels in China, the anthem is played at political occasions, such as on the 国庆节 Guóqìng jié “National Day” celebration, 人大会议 rén dà huìyì National People’s Congress meeting, etc.

Chinese Congress Building with Chinese Flags

In primary and secondary public schools and some government organizations, there is a weekly 升旗仪式 shēng qí yíshì “flag-raising ceremony” where the national anthem is played while the flag is being raised on the pole while the students or employees sign the national anthem. 

3. The Facts

  • The Chinese national anthem was initially created for a movie.

In 1934, 田汉 Tián Hàn “Tian Han” wrote a poem that was intended for part of a script for the movie 风云儿女 Fēngyún érnǚ Children of the Troubled Times,” a movie about a Chinese intellectual fighting the Japanese occupation of the northeast part of China. 

In 1935, 聂耳 Niè Ěr “Nie Er” composed music for the words, which was eventually recorded as a song for the movie.

In 1949, the song “March of the Volunteers” was used as the Chinese national anthem for the first time at the World Peace Council, and was finally chosen to be the official anthem by the Communist party a few months before the foundation of the People’s Republic of China in October 1949.

A Photograph of the Composer and Lyricist of the Chinese Anthem
  • “The March of Volunteers” was performed in Chinese by an American artist.

In 1940, Paul Robeson, a college-educated polyglot and artist, started performing “March of Volunteers” in Chinese at a large concert in New York City. Together with the lyricist Tian Han, they translated the Chinese into English, and recorded the song as 起来 Qǐlái “Chee Lai,” which was performed multiple times at major international events.

In 1966, the song 东方红 Dōngfāng hóng “The East is Red” replaced “March of Volunteers” as the chairman 毛泽东 Máozédōng Mao Zedong‘s effort to promote his image and idealizes himself. The song was later adapted to a movie with the same title, “The East is Red.” It wasn’t until 1970 that “March of Volunteers” became the national anthem again. 

  • The law protects the Chinese national anthem and flag.

In 2017, the Chinese national anthem law was passed, stating on what occasions the national anthem should be played, how the official recordings provided by the government (see linked site above) are the only ones allowed to be played, and what the consequences of insulting the national anthem, such as altering the lyrics or singing it in a distorted way, were. 

The law remains controversial, especially in Hong Kong. You can read more about it here.  

4. The Final Words

It’s amazing how much you can learn about a language and its culture from a national anthem, isn’t it? Next time you hear the Chinese national anthem, try translating the lyrics and see if you can remember the words discussed in this article! 

Don’t forget whenever you need a little extra help, is always here! Explore the abundant vocabulary lists, practice with audio recordings and speak with more confidence. It’s never too late to join!  

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Essential Classroom Phrases in Chinese


Imagine you are sitting in a Chinese classroom with Chinese students at a Chinese high school. Would you be able to use proper classroom greetings to greet your teacher and classmates in Mandarin Chinese? Would you be able to understand your Chinese teacher’s classroom command phrases? Would you have enough Chinese classroom vocabulary words and phrases to communicate with classmates and teachers? Would you have confidence in your Chinese grammar skills to produce phrases and express yourself accurately and freely? 

If any of your answers are “no,” you’ve come to the right place! In this article, you will learn all about Chinese classroom phrases and school-related basic Chinese words and phrases. Our goal is to make your Chinese language learning easy, fun, and meaningful!

Empty Classroom

No time to read the whole article? No problem. Check out our Back to School cheat sheet for Chinese basic phrases and vocabulary with a school and classroom theme for a quick reference!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Chinese Table of Contents
  1. Use Classroom Greetings
  2. Understand Instructions from Teachers
  3. Comments and Feedback
  4. Ask Questions to Teachers and Classmates
  5. Talk about Favorite Subjects
  6. Check for School Supplies
  7. Last But Not Least

1. Use Classroom Greetings

1 – Formal Greetings in a Classroom

Traditionally in Chinese primary schools and secondary schools, students and teachers greet each other formally at the beginning and end of a class. As soon as the teacher enters the classroom, a student whose role is 班长 (bānzhǎng) “class leader” orders the whole class to stand up and greet the teacher in chorus. Although it might not be this formal in your Mandarin Chinese class, it’s good to know what these phrases mean! 

Usually, the greetings at the beginning of the class go in the order below:

    ➢ 老师: 上课!Lǎoshī: Shàngkè!
    “Teacher: Class begins!”
  • 班长:起立!Bānzhǎng: Qǐlì!
    “Class leader: Stand up!”
    ➢ 老师:同学们好!Lǎoshī: Tóngxuémen hǎo!
    “Teacher: Hello, students!”
  • 全班同学:老师好!Quán bān tóngxué: Lǎoshī hǎo!
    “Whole class: Hello, teacher! ”

At the end of a class, the greetings are similar:

    ➢ 老师: 下课!
    Lǎoshī: Xiàkè!
    “Teacher: Class ends!”
  • 班长:起立!Bānzhǎng: Qǐlì!
    “Class leader: Stand up!”
    ➢ 老师:同学们再见!Lǎoshī: Tóngxuémen zàijiàn!
    “Teacher: Goodbye, students!”
  • 全班同学:老师再见!Quán bān tóngxué: Lǎoshī zàijiàn!
    “Whole class: Goodbye, teacher! “

Note: in this article 
marks teacher phrases
marks student phrases 

2 – Informal Greetings on Campus

Nowadays, more and more schools choose not to adopt the rigid formal classroom greetings shown above. Instead, the teacher gets right to teaching without greetings or very informal greetings. However, outside a classroom on the school campus, students are still expected to greet their teachers to show respect. When it comes to students greeting each other, it gets casual. 

Here are some scenarios of informal greetings between a student and a teacher, and between two students.

Scenario #1: 夏雨 (Xià Yǔ) “Yu Xia,” a student sees his teacher 刘老师 (Liú lǎoshī) “Teacher Liu” in the hallway before the first bell rings.

  • 夏雨: 刘老师好!Xià Yǔ: Liú lǎoshī hǎo!
    “Yu Xia: Hello, Mr. Liu.”
    ➢ 刘老师: 早!Liú lǎoshī: Zǎo!
    “Teacher Liu: Morning!”

Scenario #2: 夏雨 (Xià Yǔ) Yu Xia sees his teacher 刘老师 (Liú lǎoshī) Mr. Liu while waiting on the bus to go home.

  • 夏雨: 刘老师再见!Xià Yǔ: Xú lǎoshī zàijiàn!
    “Yu Xia: Goodbye, Mr. Liu”
    ➢ 刘老师: 再见!Liú lǎoshī: Zàijiàn!
    “Teacher Liu: Goodbye!”

Scenario #3: 夏雨 (Xià Yǔ) “Yu Xia” walks in the classroom while her friend and classmate 王明一 (Wáng Míngyī) “Mingyi Wang” is finishing up his homework.

Boy Frustrated with Homework
  • 夏雨: 早啊!赶作业呢?Xià Yǔ: Zǎo a! Gǎn zuòyè ne?
    “Yu Xia: Morning! Still working on your homework?”
  • 王明一: 嗯。还有一页。Wáng Míngyī: En. Háiyǒu yí yè.
    “Mingyi Wang: Yeah. One more page to go.”

Scenario #4: 夏雨 (Xià Yǔ) “Yu Xia” says goodbye to 王明一 (Wáng Míngyī) “Mingyi Wang” as she gets off the bus.

  • 夏雨: 我走了。明天见。Xià yǔ: Wǒ zǒule. Míngtiān jiàn.
    “Yu Xia: I’m leaving now. See you tomorrow.”
  • 王明一: 拜拜!Wáng Míngyī: Báibái!
    “Mingyi Wang: Byebye!”
    Linguistic Iinsight

Greetings好 (hǎo) “good”Time + 好 (hǎo)
Title + 好 (hǎo) 
早上Zǎoshang hǎo.
“Good morning.” (lit. “Morning good.”)
老师好。Lǎoshī hǎo.
“Hello, teacher.” (lit. “Teacher good.”)
Parting Expressions见 (jiàn) “to see” Time + 见 (jiàn)
Place + 见 (jiàn)
明天Míngtiān jiàn.
“See you tomorrow.
“学校Xuéxiào jiàn.
“See you at school.” 

2. Understand Instructions from Teachers

Teachers play a key role in learning. Knowledge and skills are delivered by teachers through their instructions. There is nothing more important than understanding the teacher and following his or her instructions. In this section, we’ll take a close look at command phrases teachers are most likely to use in a class.

Female Asian Teacher

1 – Instructions and Commands

    ➢ 请拿出课本。Qǐng ná chū kèběn.
    “Please take out your textbook.”
    ➢ 请翻到第五十页。Qǐng fān dào dì wǔshí yè.
    “Please turn to page fifty. “
    ➢ 请看黑板。Qǐng kàn hēibǎn.
    “Please look at the blackboard.”
    ➢ 请跟我读。Qǐng gēn wǒ dú.
    “Please read after me.”
    ➢ 请仔细听。Qǐng zǐxì tīng.
    “Please listen carefully.”
    ➢ 不要说话。Búyào shuōhuà.
    “Do not talk.”
    ➢ 举手回答。Jǔ shǒu huídá.
    “Raise your hand to answer (the question).”
    ➢ 小组讨论一下。Xiǎozǔ tǎolùn yíxià.
    “Discuss within your group.”
    ➢ 把作业交上来。Bǎ zuòyè jiāo shànglái.
    “Hand in your homework.”
    ❖ Cultural note: 请 (qǐng) makes a polite command. But since teachers are higher on the social hierarchy, they don’t always use 请 (qǐng) with their students. 

2 – Questions and Check-ins

    ➢ 懂了吗?Dǒngle ma?
    “Understand now?”
    ➢ 听明白了吗?Tīng míngbái le ma?
    “Did you understand what I said?”
    ➢ 有没有问题?Yǒu méiyǒu wèntí?
    “Questions? “
    ➢ 你同意吗?Nǐ tóngyì ma?
    “Do you agree?”
    ➢ 确定吗?Quèdìng ma?
    “Are you sure?”
    ➢ 谁想来试试?Shéi xiǎnglái shì shi?
    “Who wants to give it a try?”

3 – Comments and Feedback

    ➢ 不错。Búcuò.
    “Not bad.”
    ➢ 非常好。Fēicháng hǎo. 
    ➢ 很棒。Hěn bàng.
    ➢ 很有新意。Hěn yǒu xīnyì.
    “Very creative.”
    ➢ 不完全对。Bù wánquán duì.
    “Not entirely true.”
    ➢ 不准确。Bú zhǔnquè.
    “Not accurate.”
    ➢ 你再想想。Nǐ zài xiǎng xiǎng.
    “Think about it more.”
    ❖ Cultural note: Teachers from older generations tend to be more harsh and direct with negative comments, while younger teachers tend to use more gentle approaches when offering feedback. If you’re going to attend school in China, especially for those of you with prior education from the West, be aware of and prepared for the cultural differences. Read this article to learn more about the schooling differences between China and America. 

3. Ask Questions to Teachers and Classmates

It’s okay to not understand Chinese classroom phrases, all you have to do is to ask! Here are some useful phrases to ask questions to your Chinese teachers and classmates.

Students Raising Hands

1 – Asking Teachers for Clarification

  • 老师,能再说一遍吗? Lǎoshī, néng zài shuō yí biàn ma?
    “Teacher, can you say it again?”
  • 老师,能说慢一点吗?Lǎoshī, néng shuō màn yì diǎn ma?
    “Teacher, can you say it slower?”
  • 老师,我有一个问题。Lǎoshī, wǒ yǒu yí gè wèntí.
    “Teacher, I have a question.”
  • 老师,我没听懂。Lǎoshī, wǒ méi tīng dǒng.
    “Teacher, I didn’t understand.”
  • 老师,[WORD] 是什么意思?Lǎoshī, [WORD] shì shénme yìsi?
    “Teacher, what does [WORD] mean?”

2 – Asking Classmates for Help

  • 老师说了什么?Lǎoshī shuō le shénme?
    “What did the teacher say?”
  • 老师让我们干什么?Lǎoshī ràng wǒmen gàn shénme?
    “What did the teacher want us to do?”
  • [X] 字怎么写?[X] zì zěnme xiě?
    “How do you write [X]?”
  • 这个怎么读?Zhège zěnme dú?
    “How do you read this?”
  • 你能教我一下吗?Nǐ néng jiào wǒ yíxià ma?
    “Can you teach me?”
  • 今天的家庭作业是什么?Jīntiān de jiātíng zuòyè shì shénme?
    “What’s the homework for today?”

4. Ask for Leave of Absence and Explain Tardiness

Students are expected to report their absence to the teacher at least one day ahead of time. When arriving late, they are supposed to explain the reason for their tardiness. Here are some phrases for your reference to prepare you for these situations.

For Absence 

  • 明天我得请假。Míngtiān wǒ děi qǐngjià.
    “I have to ask for a leave of absence tomorrow.”
  • 我不舒服,明天想请假。Wǒ bù shūfú, míngtiān xiǎng qǐngjià.
    “I don’t feel well. I’d like to ask for a leave of absence tomorrow.”
  • 老师,我能跟您请个假吗?Lǎoshī, wǒ néng gēn nín qǐng gè jiǎ ma?
    “Teacher, may I ask for a leave of absence?”

For Tardiness

  • 抱歉。我迟到了。Bàoqiàn. Wǒ chídào le.
    “Sorry I’m late.”
  • 不好意思,我迟到了。我能进来吗?Bù hǎoyìsi, wǒ chídàole. Wǒ néng jìnlái ma?
    “Sorry I’m late. May I come in?”
  • 老师对不起,我起晚了。Lǎoshī duìbùqǐ, wǒ qǐ wǎn le.
    “Sorry, teacher. I got up late.”
  • 路上堵车, 所以我来晚了。Lùshàng dǔchē, suǒyǐ wǒ lái wǎn le.
    “The traffic was bad, that’s why I arrived late.”

5. Talk about Favorite Subjects

Chinese elementary and secondary schools rotate between 6-8 subjects every day, focusing heavily on academics. Since subjects in universities and colleges vary to a great extent depending on the major, let’s take a look at some middle and high school subjects

语文 yǔwénChinese
英语 yīngyǔEnglish
数学 shùxuéMath
体育 tǐyùPhysical Education
音乐 yīnyuèMusic
物理 wùlǐPhysics
生物 shēngwùBiology
化学 huàxuéChemistry
历史 lìshǐHistory
地理 dìlǐGeography
政治 zhèngzhìPolitics 

Here are some sentence patterns to talk about school subjects.

  • 我最喜欢 [SUBJECT]。Wǒ zuì xǐhuān [SUBJECT].
    “I like [SUBJECT] the best”
  • 我 [SUBJECT] 不好。 Wǒ [SUBJECT] bù hǎo.
    “I’m good at [SUBJECT].”
  • 明天有 [SUBJECT] 课。 Míngtiān yǒu [SUBJECT] kè.
    “Tomorrow we have [SUBJECT].”
  • 后天有 [SUBJECT] 考试。Hòutiān yǒu [SUBJECT] kǎoshì.
    “The day after tomorrow, we have a [SUBJECT] test.”
  • 下节课是 [SUBJECT]。Xià jié kè shì [SUBJECT].
    “Next class is [SUBJECT].”
  • 你的 [SUBJECT] 老师是谁?Nǐ de [SUBJECT] lǎoshī shì shéi?
    “Who is your [SUBJECT] teacher?”

6. Check for School Supplies 

You can’t go to school without any school supplies! They are must-know words if you are going to school in China. Let’s learn all the essential school and classroom supplies in Chinese.

Colorful School Supplies

书包 shūbāobackpack
笔记本 bǐjìběnnotebook
铅笔 qiānbǐpencil
马克笔 mǎkèbǐmarker
圆珠笔 yuánzhūbǐballpoint pen
橡皮 xiàngpíeraser
笔袋 bǐdàipencil bag
卷笔刀 juànbǐdāopencil sharpener
剪刀 jiǎndāoscissors
水壶 shuǐhúwater bottle
饭盒 fànhélunch box

Here are some sentence patterns to talk about school supplies.

  • 你带[SUPPLY] 了吗?Nǐ dài [SUPPLY] le ma?
    “Did you bring [SUPPLY]?”
  • 我的[SUPPLY] 不见了。Wǒ de [SUPPLY] bújiàn le.
    “My [SUPPLY] is missing.”
  • 能借我用一下你的[SUPPLY] 吗?Néng jiè wǒ yòng yīxià nǐ de [SUPPLY] ma?
    “Can I borrow your [SUPPLY] ?”
  • 你的[SUPPLY] 哪儿买的?真好用。Nǐ de [SUPPLY] nǎ’er mǎi de? Zhēn hǎo yòng.
    “Where did you buy your [SUPPLY]? It’s so good.”

7. Last But Not Least 

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Say “I Love You” in Chinese: 30+ Powerful Love Phrases

Love: a beautiful topic that many people enjoy talking about. It seems to be a never-ending subject of discussion among philosophers, and indeed, it’s one of the most important purposes of human life. Most of us can’t live without it. 

But having love is not enough. We also have to express it to those who truly deserve it. 

“Love” in Chinese is 爱 (ài), and 爱 never comes easy. If you happen to fall for a Chinese girl or guy, the phrases and cultural information in this article will be your trump card. 

Today, we’ll be delving into the topic of how to say “I love you,” in Chinese. We’ll introduce you to several romantic Mandarin phrases to use with your sweetheart at every stage of your relationship, from first contact to a second date and even proposing marriage! Near the end of this article, we’ll show you some sweet Chinese words for love and go over a few popular love quotes as well. 

These are some of the sweetest love phrases in Chinese you’ll ever hear. They cannot wait to be mastered and said out loud to the person of your dreams!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Chinese Table of Contents
  1. Confess Your Affection: Pick-Up Lines and More
  2. Fall in Deeper: “I Love You,” and More
  3. Take it One Step Further: “Will You Marry Me?” and More
  4. Endearment Terms
  5. Must-Know Love Quotes
  6. Conclusion

1. Confess Your Affection: Pick-Up Lines and More

I know you’re rushing to learn how to say “I love you,” in Chinese, but let’s wait a second. Before you spit that out, make sure you don’t frighten the other person by being too forward right away. It’s probably better to take it slowly at this point.

In this section, we’ll first go over how to express your feelings before officially starting a relationship. This is usually done by asking the person out, showing your interest, or simply telling them your feelings, so we’ll give you useful phrases for these different scenarios. This is an important stage that will pave the way for your future relationship, so trust me, you don’t want to mess this up.

A Man and Woman on a Date at a Nice Restaurant

Maybe start pursuing your love by taking them on a date!

In Chinese: 我可以约你出去吗?
Pinyin: Wǒ kě yǐ yuē nǐ chū qù ma? 
In English: “Can I ask you out?”

In Chinese: 我暗恋你很久了。
Pinyin: Wǒ àn liàn nǐ hěn jiǔ le. 
In English: “I have been secretly in love with you for a long time.”

In Chinese: 你有男朋友/女朋友了吗?
Pinyin: Nǐ yǒu nán péng yǒu / nǚ péng yǒu le ma? 
In English: “Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend?”

In Chinese: 我想跟你在一起。
Pinyin: Wǒ xiǎng gēn nǐ zài yī qǐ.
In English: “I want to be with you.”

In Chinese: 我们注定要在一起。
Pinyin: Wǒ men zhù dìng yào zài yī qǐ.
In English: “We are meant to be together.”

In Chinese: 你就是对的那个人。
Pinyin: Nǐ jiù shì duì de nà gè rén. 
In English: “You are the one.”

In Chinese: 给我一个机会照顾你吧。
Pinyin: Gěi wǒ yī gè jī huì zhào gù nǐ ba. 
In English: “Give me a chance to take care of you.”

In Chinese: 我可以晚上请你吃个饭吗?
Pinyin: Wǒ kě yǐ wǎn shàng qǐng nǐ chī gè fàn ma? 
In English: “Can I buy you dinner tonight?”

In Chinese: 你就是我这辈子一直在等的那个人。
Pinyin: Nǐ jiù shì wǒ zhè bèi zi yī zhí zài děng de nà gè rén. 
In English: “You are the person I have been waiting for my whole life.”

2. Fall in Deeper: “I Love You,” and More

A Man Whispering Something in His Girlfriend’s Ear

Now that you’re together, it’s time to tell the person what he/she wants to hear.

Congratulations! If you find yourself needing to use these sweet Chinese love phrases, you must have successfully captured someone’s heart. Now it’s time to simply express your love each and every day to keep your relationship going smoothly.

In Chinese: 我爱你。
Pinyin: Wǒ ài nǐ. 
In English: “I love you.”

In Chinese: 我喜欢你。
Pinyin: Wǒ xǐ huān nǐ. 
In English: “I like you.”

In Chinese: 我很想你。
Pinyin: Wǒ hěn xiǎng nǐ.
In English: “I miss you very much.”

In Chinese: 情人节快乐。
Pinyin: Qíng rén jié kuài lè. 
In English: “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

In Chinese: 我就是喜欢这样的你
Pinyin: Wǒ jiù shì xǐ huān zhè yàng de nǐ. 
In English: “I just like the way you are.”

In Chinese: 我脑海里都是你。
Pinyin: Wǒ nǎo hǎi lǐ dōu shì nǐ. 
In English: “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

In Chinese: 没有你我活不下去。
Pinyin: Méi yǒu nǐ wǒ huó bú xià qù. 
In English: “I can’t live without you.”

3. Take it One Step Further: “Will You Marry Me?” and More

A Mother Holding and Kissing Her Baby on the Cheek

Are you ready to grow your relationship into a family?

Wow! If you’re reading this, then you’re about to take a huge step in your relationship. Here are some useful phrases to help you get ready for this new chapter of your life together.

In Chinese: 我们结婚吧。
Pinyin: Wǒ men jié hūn ba. 
In English: “Let’s get married.”

In Chinese: 我想和你同居。
Pinyin: Wǒ xiǎng hé nǐ tóng jū. 
In English: “I’d like to move in with you.”

In Chinese: 余生请多指教。
Pinyin: Yú shēng qǐng duō zhǐ jiào.
In English: “Let’s grow and learn together for the rest of our lives.”

In Chinese: 你愿意嫁给我吗? / 你愿意娶我吗?
Pinyin: Nǐ yuàn yì jià gěi wǒ ma? / Nǐ yuàn yì qǔ wǒ ma?
In English: “Do you want to marry me?”
Additional notes: In Chinese, the word for “marry” is different depending on the gender. When it’s the male asking the female, 嫁 (jià) is used; 娶() is the correct word to use if the female is asking the male.

In Chinese: 我们是时候要孩子了。
Pinyin: Wǒ men shì shí hòu yào hái zi le. 
In English: “It’s time for us to have a baby.”

In Chinese: 你想见见我父母吗?
Pinyin: Nǐ xiǎng jiàn jiàn wǒ fù mǔ ma? 
In English: “Do you want to meet my parents?”
Additional notes: In a Chinese relationship, it’s a big deal to see each other’s parents.

4. Endearment Terms

A Man with Arms Around His Wife as They Stand in a Park During Autumn

You know a cute nickname is essential for any relationship!

Maybe it’s time to use a fun endearment term for your partner! Here are some cute nicknames you should consider: 

In Chinese: 亲爱的
Pinyin: qīn ài de
In English: “Darling”

In Chinese: 老公 / 老婆
Pinyin: lǎo gōng / lǎo pó 
In English: “Husband” / “Wifey”

In Chinese: 宝贝 / 宝宝
Pinyin: bǎo bèi / bǎo bao
In English: “Baby” / “Babe”

In Chinese: 小傻瓜 / 笨蛋
Pinyin: xiǎo shǎ guā / bèn dàn
In English: “Little Fool”

In Chinese: 夫君 / 夫人
Pinyin: fū jūn / fū rén
In English: “Husband” / “Wife”
Additional notes: This is the ancient way of saying “husband” and “wife.” Today, these terms are used as fun expressions of endearment between married couples.

5. Must-Know Love Quotes

An Envelope with a Heart on It

Say something sweet everyday to make the person with you feel that she/he is well-loved!

Now that you’ve settled down with your other half, it’s time to start showing your love in more depth! Even a stable relationship needs to be consistently nurtured, and hopefully these quotes and love phrases in Chinese can help you with that.

In Chinese: 你让我想成为更好的人。
Pinyin: Nǐ ràng wǒ xiǎng chéng wéi gèng hǎo de rén. 
In English: “I want to be a better person for you.”

In Chinese: 愿得一人心,白首不相离。
Pinyin: Yuàn dé yī rén xīn, bái shǒu bù xiàng lí. 
In English: “To have one’s heart and never be apart even when the hair turns silver.”

In Chinese: 和你在一起的每一天都是情人节。
Pinyin: Hé nǐ zài yī qǐ de měi yī tiān dōu shì qíng rén jié.
In English: “Being with you, I think every day is Valentine’s Day.”

In Chinese: 在我眼里你是最美的。
Pinyin: Zài wǒ yǎn lǐ nǐ shì zuì měi de. 
In English: “You are the most beautiful person to my eyes.”

In Chinese: 爱你,是我做过的最好的事。
Pinyin: Ài nǐ, shì wǒ zuò guò de zuì hǎo de shì. 
In English: “Loving you is the best thing I’ve done.”

In Chinese: 你就是我的全世界。
Pinyin: Nǐ jiù shì wǒ de quán shì jiè. 
In English: “You are my whole world.”

In Chinese: 你只属于我。
Pinyin: Nǐ zhǐ shǔ yú wǒ. 
In English: “You only belong to me.”

In Chinese: 我的心里只有你。
Pinyin: Wǒ de xīn lǐ zhǐ yǒu nǐ. 
In English: “You are the only one in my heart.”

In Chinese: 我们一起变老吧。
Pinyin: Wǒ men yī qǐ biàn lǎo ba. 
In English: “Let’s grow old together.”

In Chinese: 执子之手,与子偕老
Pinyin: Zhí zǐ zhī shǒu, yǔ zǐ xié lǎo. 
In English: “I promise to hold your hands and grow old with you.

6. Conclusion

So, what’s your favorite way to say “I love you” in Chinese? Now that you’ve mastered some basic Chinese love phrases, you might consider writing a love letter or something more.

As you may already know, it’s never easy to pursue love, and it can get even more difficult when you’re doing it in another language or with a foreigner who doesn’t speak your native language. But don’t worry yet—ChineseClass101 is here to give you a hand!

ChineseClass101 will guide you to fluency with numerous lessons about the Chinese culture, grammar, vocabulary, and so much more. All of this is customized for different levels and different learning preferences. Create your free lifetime account today in order to gain access to these world-class teaching materials.

Now, get out there and win over that good-looking Chinese guy or gal!

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Why learn Chinese? Here are 10 motivating reasons.


Time is precious. 

There are a couple dozen other things you could be doing right now, but you’re here reading this article. And of course, we do everything for a reason! 

Since you’re here, you probably want to learn Chinese or have recently started doing so. Trust me—it will definitely be one of the most worthwhile investments you’ll ever make.  

So why learn Chinese? 

Learning a language is never as simple as it sounds, and sometimes we need to know deep down why we chose this journey. Be it excellence in academia, opening our eyes to another culture, added convenience when traveling, or gaining a new skill for more career opportunities, there are many potential benefits in learning Chinese.

Below, we’ll outline the top 10 reasons to learn Chinese. Feel free to return to this list next time you’re feeling discouraged or uncertain of your language learning journey!

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  1. Chinese is the world’s most spoken language.
  2. It’s perfect for travelers who plan to visit China.
  3. China has a fascinating culture.
  4. You’ll really get to know the delicious Chinese food.
  5. You can boost your brain power.
  6. You’ll be able to connect with Chinese people and make more friends.
  7. China’s booming economy brings great career opportunities.
  8. The Chinese language isn’t as hard as you think.
  9. Learning Chinese can be a great new hobby.
  10. It’s even more fun when there’s something new to learn!
  11. Conclusion

1. Chinese is the world’s most spoken language.

In case you don’t know already, one-fifth of the world population speaks Chinese and over 1.28 billion people reside in China. That makes it the most popular language on Earth. Keeping this in view, you know you’ll inspire admiration once you master this language!

2. It’s perfect for travelers who plan to visit China.

You’ll find Chinese speakers in a number of countries: China (of course), Singapore, Vietnam, and other Asian nations. China, in particular, is a large country that’s home to a variety of landscapes that are sure to amaze you.

If you ever plan to travel to these places, you’re sure to nail your trip if you learn the language in advance. Knowing the Chinese language will make it so much easier to ask locals for help and will help you connect with locals at a deeper level!

3. China has a fascinating culture.

Someone Playing a Traditional Chinese Instrument

China’s culture has been cultivated over thousands of years; you won’t regret learning more about it.

Accumulating over 5000 years of rich history and culture, China is one of the most ancient and culturally influential countries in the world. Whether it’s the world-famous Chinese ceramics, calligraphy, opera, poetry, or the unique philosophy and religions, you’re sure to find something that’s just your cup of tea.

Disney even made the movie Mulan based on real Chinese history! If you’re interested, go check it out. Watching movies can be an amazing way to get to know the Chinese culture and to become more familiar with the language.

Whether you’re passionate about urbanized cities with advanced technology and bustling streets, an enthusiast about the natural wonders, or a history buff who’s interested in unique local culture, China has it all for you! 

4. You’ll really get to know the delicious Chinese food.

There are plenty of reasons to learn Mandarin, but none are as tantalizing as the variety of traditional Chinese dishes you’ll get to learn more about. Have you ever heard of these famous Chinese staples? 

  • Dumplings
  • Hot pot
  • Mapo Tofu
  • Kung Pao chicken 

What? Just hearing these makes your mouth water? Then you’ll be even more amazed when you start learning more about Chinese food in the native language! 

If you’re a foodie, learning Chinese could be quite a treat! 

China has a wide spectrum of food, including not only the traditional Chinese food dating back thousands of years, but also all kinds of fusion food tailored to local people’s taste with innovative deliciousness that will be waiting for you! If you ever visit China, speaking Chinese would allow you to order whatever you want on the menu.

5. You can boost your brain power.

According to many studies, learning languages is a great way to boost your brain power at any age. Languages as comprehensive as Chinese are sure to help your brain adapt to a whole new linguistic system, sharpen your motor skills over time, and make it easier for you to learn a third or fourth language later on!

6. You’ll be able to connect with Chinese people and make more friends.

Four Friends Chatting with Coffee

Wouldn’t it be amazing to meet people from different cultures?

Language is the basic tool of communication for humans. We rely on it to express ourselves and to share our thoughts in daily life. When you learn another language, you’re doing so much more than exposing yourself to the culture—you’ll soon realize it’s all about the people.

Why learn Chinese? The ultimate reason is simple: communication. Chinese is a language to be utilized, rather than pursued as only a skill or an interest. Only when you integrate the Chinese language into your daily life will you be able to truly master it. 

People from different countries have different perspectives on life, and making friends with such people will definitely add some color to your life! Chinese people have their unique traits. To name a few, they are hospitable, hardworking, and sincere. 

Don’t be shy. Once you know some basic Chinese, get out there and try to make some local Chinese friends either online or offline. They’ll be a great addition to your circle of friends! 

7. China’s booming economy brings great career opportunities.

A Businessman Shaking Hands with a Woman in a Job Interview

Explore your business opportunities with the Chinese language!

Now that we’ve talked about the “soft” reasons why learning Chinese is important, here’s a very practical one: The Chinese language can bring you great career opportunities that lead to a bright future!

China’s economy is booming year after year. As a large trading partner with countries all over the world, China is getting economically stronger. (I’m sure you’ve seen, for example, the “Made in China” tag on different products you’ve purchased.) This economic growth means that there are more and more career opportunities, both in China and outside of China where there are international Chinese businesses. This is because businesses that have dealings in multiple countries often prefer to hire people who speak more than one language.

Moreover, as more and more Chinese people are relocating to countries around the globe, you’ll have more opportunities to network with many successful Chinese professionals if you know the language. This, in turn, will allow you to expand your business horizons and explore even more future career opportunities.

Last but not least, as China is gaining more partnerships with businesses abroad, Chinese people are passionate about learning English and other second languages. If you’re able to master Chinese and have strong proficiency in your native language, you could consider becoming a second-language teacher in China (or even online, with our amazing modern technology) to earn some extra income. 

8. The Chinese language isn’t as hard as you think.

A Man Studying a Textbook with Coffee Late at Night

As long as you work hard, nothing can get in your way.

You may have heard some rumors about how difficult it is to learn Chinese and gotten cold feet. But did you know that Chinese really isn’t that much harder to learn than other languages? In fact, all languages around the world share some similar traits as they are all used to establish communication. Once you become familiar with the ways in which a language is similar and different from your own, you can establish a systematic way of learning that best fits you and master the language in no time! 

Here are some things about Chinese that are relatively easy for English speakers to pick up on: 


The basic sentence structure is exactly the same as that used in English: Subject – Verb – Object. This means that you can still express things in the same manner you’re used to, just in another language.


Chinese has very flexible and casual rules for grammar, far less strict than those of English or other Western languages. The grammar may be confusing at first, but once you get used to it, you’ll find that there are many ways you can utilize it to your benefit.


Unlike other languages, Chinese has no verb conjugations. In other words, you don’t have to spend a large amount of time memorizing an excruciating number of verb tenses! Instead, all tenses are either implied through the context or indicated by adding “time words.”


In Chinese, it’s very simple to make a noun plural. All you need to do is put 们 (men) right after the noun.


Finally, Chinese has very few prepositions compared to English. These Chinese prepositions are fairly easy to memorize and can be applied to many different contexts. All you have to do is master certain sets of prepositions, learn when to use them, and you’re good to go! 

9. Learning Chinese can be a great new hobby.

Discovering a new language can be a beyond-excruciating learning process, but it can become meaningful and fun when you look at it with a new mindset. Yes, it can even become a hobby that helps you grow everyday as a person. For every obstacle you meet along the way, you’ll find a solution and be proud of your achievement. Over time, you’ll realize that you’re actually more than what you expect yourself to be.

10. It’s even more fun when there’s something new to learn!

Three Business People Running to a Finish Line

The harder something is, the prouder you are when you’re finally able to achieve it!

Now that we’ve talked about the similarities you’ll find between Chinese and English, it’s time to check out the unique traits of the Chinese language that make it even more fun to learn! Just accept the challenge and start embracing the new perspectives!


Chinese is a tonal language. There are four different tones for each word in general, and the pronunciation changes the meaning of a given word. 


Based on the unique Chinese culture, the language has some untranslatable words whose concepts may be hard to comprehend for people who are accustomed to another culture. To learn these words, you’ll need to stay patient and try your hardest to immerse yourself in Chinese culture. This will help you understand why such words were invented and what they’re trying to convey.


The Chinese writing system is incredibly hard to memorize for someone who is used to an alphabet language. The Chinese writing system evolved from the complicated drawings of real-world objects, which is how our Chinese ancestors were taught to memorize things. However, as long as one has the willpower, one can overcome the difficulty of learning these eventually. Sometimes, it’s the challenge that makes things interesting.


The Chinese language has some unique particles that are typically used at the end of a sentence. These particles include: 吗 (ma), 呢 (ne), 了(le) and 呀 (ya). Although they don’t possess a specific meaning of their own, using them can still result in dramatic changes in how the sentence is perceived. There are general guidelines on how to use them, but their usage can be very flexible depending on the context. All in all, practice makes perfect! I believe that, over time, your intuition will guide you through the complication as you begin to use and comprehend them little by little in daily conversations.

After getting to know the challenges that you may face when learning Chinese, are you getting excited about your learning journey with tons of courage? Or are you getting cold feet? In either case, ChineseClass101 has got your back! 

11. Conclusion

Now, ask yourself again: Why learn the Mandarin Chinese language? Do you have an answer yet? By now, you’re probably aware of all kinds of amazing payoffs associated with learning Chinese, and it’s truly a reward of a lifetime no matter your reason for learning it.

Learning a new language may be challenging, but now you know that there are lots of fun and rewarding benefits awaiting you! Think about it: Why do you learn Chinese? Make sure of the reasons in your heart and always reflect on them whenever you feel stuck in your Chinese-learning journey.

If you’re determined enough to start, it’s time to gain some new perspectives with ChineseClass101 today!

ChineseClass101 can help you learn the language more effectively with thousands of fun and engaging lessons. Whatever your current proficiency level or language learning goals, we promise to satisfy all of your needs here. Sign up today and start learning one of the best languages in the world!

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The Top 30 Chinese Proverbs


There’s a good chance you use proverbs every now and then to enrich your daily conversations. Proverbs are classic sayings taken from literature, history, famous people, or even stories. They’re used to offer wisdom or advice in a nutshell, and they can be fun, powerful, or even life-changing if you ponder over them.

Chinese proverbs are called 谚语 (yànyŭ) in Chinese. There are many ancient Chinese proverbs from thousands of years ago, encapsulating our ancestors’ life-long lessons. These proverbs express all kinds of philosophies and ideas, so learning a few yourself will help you become more familiar with Chinese culture and society. Who knows? You may even be able to use a couple yourself to lighten a conversation

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  1. Education
  2. Life & Philosophy
  3. Success
  4. Friends
  5. Other Chinese Proverbs
  6. Conclusion

1. Education

A Man Studying on a Library

Learning is a life-long journey.

What better way to begin our list than with a few Chinese proverbs about learning and education? 


Chinese: 学如逆水行舟,不进则退。

Pinyin: Xué rú nì shuǐ xíng zhōu, bú jìn zé tuì. 

Literal Translation: “Learning is just like sailing against the current; if you don’t advance, you will be driven back.”

Meaning: We should never stop learning.

Usage in Context: You used to be very good at playing basketball, but you’ve been lazy and haven’t practiced it in a long time. At some point, you realize “学如逆水行舟,不进则退” and decide to start practicing again. 


Chinese: 世上无难事,只怕有心人。

Pinyin: Shì shàng wú nán shì, zhǐ pà yǒu xīn rén. 

Literal Translation: “Nothing in the world is difficult for one who is determined enough to achieve it.”

Close English Proverb: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Meaning: We can overcome any difficulty as long as we put our heart into it.

Usage in Context: You’re trying to learn how to code, but you’ve become upset because it seems very hard. Your friend sees your frustration and encourages you by saying: “世上无难事,只怕有心人。” 


Chinese: 活到老,学到老。

Pinyin: Huó dào lǎo, xué dào lǎo. 

Literal Translation: “Learn no matter how old you grow.”

Close English Proverb: “Live and learn.”

Meaning: We should continue learning new things for the rest of our lives.

Usage in Context: Your dad stays at home and kills time all day; he has lost interest in growing a hobby or learning something new. You try to motivate him to do so by saying: “活到老,学到老。”

2. Life & Philosophy

A Man Thinking Something

Philosophy comes from our daily lives.

We all experience and perceive life differently, but there are some universal words of wisdom we can all use to guide us or to express our feelings. With that in mind, here are a few Chinese proverbs about life and philosophy!


Chinese: 光阴似箭,日月如梭。

Pinyin: Guāng yīn sì jiàn, rì yuè rú suō.

Literal Translation: “Light travels like an arrow, and time like a shuttle.”

Close English Proverb: “Time flies.”

Meaning: We need to cherish the time we have since it goes by so fast.

Usage in Context: You’ve just had your twenty-first birthday and your parents feel like you’ve grown up overnight, so they say “光阴似箭,日月如梭” to describe their feelings.


Chinese:  强扭的瓜不甜。

Pinyin: Qiáng niǔ de guā bù tián. 

Literal Translation: “When you force a melon from the vines, it won’t be sweet. “

Meaning: It’s not productive to force something to be done.

Usage in Context: You know that someone you like doesn’t like you back, so you try really hard to win his/her heart. Your friend advises you to give it up by saying: “强扭的瓜不甜。”


Chinese: 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

Pinyin: Zhòng guā dé guā, zhòng dòu dé dòu. 

Literal Translation: “A man who plants melons will harvest melons, and a man who plants beans will harvest beans.”

Close English Proverb: “What goes around comes around.” / “You reap what you sow.”

Meaning: You’ll always get what you’ve worked for.

Usage in Context: Your friend has worked very hard and received a good grade on a test; on the contrary, you have been slacking off and received a bad grade. You would then describe the situation by saying: ” 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。” 


Chinese: 赠人玫瑰,手有余香。

Pinyin: Zèng rén méi guī, shǒu yǒu yú xiāng. 

Literal Translation: “Fragrance will be lingering over your hands when you give out flowers.”

Meaning: If you help others, they will greatly appreciate you.

Usage in Context: You gave a beggar a sandwich; he seemed very touched by the gesture and thanked you for it. You feel very good about the situation and want to describe the happiness of helping others with the phrase: “赠人玫瑰,手有余香。” 


Chinese: 饮水思源。

Pinyin: Yǐn shuǐ sī yuán. 

Literal Translation: “When you drink the water, remember the spring as the source of the water.”

Meaning: We need to appreciate the ones who originally gave us what we have.

Usage in Context: You have a very decent life and never need to worry about anything. You’ve never thought about why you have so much to enjoy, until you remember the proverb “饮水思源” and realize it’s because your parents worked hard for it. 


Chinese: 机不可失,失不再来。

Pinyin: Jī bù kě shī, shī bú zài lái. 

Literal Translation: “Don’t let an opportunity slip, it won’t come again.”

Close English Proverb: “Opportunity seldom knocks twice.”

Meaning: We need to cherish every single opportunity we have, otherwise we may lose it forever.

Usage in Context: You saw that your dream company is hiring, and you’ve worked hard to revise your resume because you’re aware that ” 机不可失,失不再来。”


Chinese: 不怕一万,就怕万一。

Pinyin: Bú pà yī wàn, jiù pà wàn yī. 

Literal Translation: “We are not scared of ‘ten thousand,’ we are scared of the ‘just in case’.”

Meaning: We need to have a second plan, just in case.

Language Note: In Chinese, “ten thousand” is the reverse of “just in case.”

Usage in Context: The weather is cloudy but it says it won’t rain today. You decide to bring your umbrella just in case. You could describe this situation as: “不怕一万,就怕万一。”


Chinese: 吃一堑,长一智。  

Pinyin: Chī yī qiàn, zhǎng yī zhì. 

Literal Translation: “Every time you fail, you grow wiser.”

Close English Proverb: “A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.”

Meaning: Learn from your mistakes.

Usage in Context: You fell for a scam and lost money, so you say “吃一堑,长一智。” to show that you have learned your lesson and will be more cautious next time.


Chinese: 姜还是老的辣。

Pinyin: Jiāng hái shì lǎo de là. 

Literal Translation: “Aged ginger is more powerful and spicy.” 

Meaning: The older you grow, the wiser and stronger you get.

Usage in Context: You tried to trick your dad with a prank and failed. Your dad laughs and tells you: “姜还是老的辣。”


Chinese: 物以类聚,人以群分。

Pinyin: Wù yǐ lèi jù, rén yǐ qún fēn. 

Literal Translation: “Objects are categorized with those that are alike, humans are grouped together with those who are similar.”

Close English Proverb: “Birds of a feather flock together.”

Meaning: People who have similar traits or interests get along with each other.

Usage in Context: You often see a group of teenagers bully people at school. You could use “物以类聚,人以群分” to describe the situation.


Chinese: 滴水之恩定当涌泉相报。

Pinyin: Dī shuǐ zhī ēn dìng dāng yǒng quán xiāng bào. 

Literal Translation: “The favor of a drip of water should be reciprocated by a gushing spring.”

Meaning: We should return small favors with much larger ones, and be grateful for even the smallest amount of help. 

Usage in Context: Your friend lends you a pencil to take a test when you don’t have one. It seems like a small favor, but later on, you return the favor by lending him lots of money when he needs it. You could describe this situation as: “滴水之恩定当涌泉相报。”

3. Success

Success Is Never Easy, But It’s Always Worth It.

Success is never easy, but it’s always worth it.

We all want to achieve success, whether it be professionally or in our personal lives. To motivate and inspire you, here are some Chinese proverbs about success. You can always write them down on sticky notes and place them around your home or workspace! 


Chinese: 实践出真知。

Pinyin: Shí jiàn chū zhēn zhī. 

Literal Translation: “Knowledge is tested from practice.”

Close English Proverb: “Practice makes perfect.”

Meaning: We can learn from experimenting and practicing.

Usage in Context: After college, you begin working as an intern at a company. After some time on the job, you realize how important it is to apply what you learned in class to the real world. You could describe this lesson as: “实践出真知。”


Chinese: 良好的开端是成功的一半。

Pinyin: Liáng hǎo de kāi duān shì chéng gōng de yī bàn. 

Literal Translation: “A good beginning is half of the success.”

Close English Proverb: “Well begun is half done.”

Meaning: A strong beginning is crucial to later success.

Usage in Context: You just went to your very first drawing class and you feel very confident about it. You’re proud of what you’ve done for a good beginning and further motivate yourself by saying: “良好的开端是成功的一半。” 


Chinese: 失败乃成功之母。

Pinyin: Shī bài nǎi chéng gōng zhī mǔ. 

Literal Translation: “Failure is the mother of success.”

Meaning: We can always learn from failures to eventually succeed.

Usage in Context: You’ve tried so many times to bake a cake and have failed for different reasons every time. You eventually succeed by recognizing all of the mistakes from your failures, because “失败乃成功之母。”


Chinese: 有志者,事竟成。

Pinyin: Yǒu zhì zhě, shì jìng chéng. 

Literal Translation: “You will be able to achieve your goals as long as you have determination and ambition.”

Close English Proverb: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Meaning: “People who are ambitious and determined enough will be able to succeed.”

Usage in Context: You have a dream of becoming a ballet dancer, and your friend encourages you to pursue it by saying: “有志者,事竟成。”


Chinese: 绳锯木断,水滴石穿。

Pinyin: Shéng jù mù duàn, shuǐ dī shí chuān. 

Literal Translation: “Constant dripping wears away a stone.”

Meaning: Willpower will make the impossible possible.

Usage in Context: You used to be very overweight and no one believed you could ever get in shape. However, after five years of constant healthy diet and exercise, you now have a perfect body shape. You knew you could achieve this because: “绳锯木断,水滴石穿。”


Chinese: 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。

Pinyin: Bīng dòng sān chǐ, fēi yī rì zhī hán. 

Literal Translation: “It takes more than one cold day for the river to freeze three feet deep.”

Meaning: Excellence comes from the accumulation of consistent, day-to-day hard work.

Usage in Context: You want to play the piano as well as your piano teacher does, but you’ve practiced only a week and feel like you can never achieve your teacher’s level. Your teacher then tells you, “冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。” to imply the years of hard work he’s dedicated to playing the piano.

4. Friends

A Group of Friends

Do you have friends that you want to cherish for a lifetime?

Friends are some of the dearest people in our lives, and there’s much to be said about them. Following are a few Chinese proverbs about friendship that offer useful wisdom and insight on the topic. 


Chinese: 有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相逢。

Pinyin: Yǒu yuán qiān lǐ lái xiàng huì, wú yuán duì miàn bù xiàng féng. 

Literal Translation: “You will meet people who are thousands of miles away if it’s meant to be, otherwise you will never meet each other although you live just next door.”

Meaning: Fate brings people together no matter how far apart they may be.

Usage in Context: You made a friend during a trip abroad and never got his contact information. Incredibly, you met him again when you came back to your country. You could describe this situation as: “有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相逢。”


Chinese: 千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重。

Pinyin: Qiān lǐ sòng é máo, lǐ qīng qíng yì zhòng.

Literal Translation: “Travel a thousand miles to bestow a goose feather; the gift may be small, but it’s a token of a profound friendship.”

Meaning: Gifts given from the heart are priceless.

Usage in Context: You have a friend who is very poor, and she wants to thank you for helping her out financially before. She then uses the best ingredient she has to make a meal to treat you; although it’s not a fancy meal, you feel her gratitude toward you and say “千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重。” to describe how grateful you feel for such a wonderful meal.


Chinese: 患难见真情。

Pinyin: Huàn nàn jiàn zhēn qíng. 

Literal Translation: “Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends.”

Meaning: True friends will be there for you through a difficult time.

Usage in Context: Your luggage was stolen when you were abroad by yourself. You called many friends to ask for help, and only your best friend immediately transferred you some emergency money. You’re very touched and would like to say “患难见真情。” to describe how you feel about your friendship.


Chinese: 有福同享,有难同当。

Pinyin: Yǒu fú tóng xiǎng, yǒu nàn tóng dāng.

Literal Translation: “To enjoy blessings and endure misfortune together.”

Meaning: True friends share not only the good times, but also the hard times.

Usage in Context: You used to earn lots of money and would always support your friends who were in need of it, but one day you went broke. Your friend is now in a better situation than you are, so he tries to help you out although his life is difficult as well. You could use “有福同享,有难同当。” to describe this friendship.


Chinese: 路遥知马力,日久见人心。

Pinyin: Lù yáo zhī mǎ lì, rì jiǔ jiàn rén xīn.

Literal Translation: “Just as distance tests a horse’s strength, time can reveal a person’s heart.”

Meaning: Time will reveal the true nature of humans.

Usage in Context: You have been best friends with Jack for ten years, and every time you need help he will be there for you; many of your other friends have grown distant with time. You realize how great your friendship with Jack is and use “路遥知马力,日久见人心。” to describe your feelings.

A Woman Reading Something while Standing on a Train

It may take some time to integrate proverbs into your heart.

5. Other Chinese Proverbs

Here are just a few more Chinese sayings and proverbs you may want to memorize! 


Chinese: 说曹操曹操到。

Pinyin: Shuō Cáo Cāo Cáo Cāo dào.

Literal Translation: “Every time when you speak of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here.”

Close English Proverb: “Speak of the devil.”

Meaning: The person whom you were speaking about happens to come along.

Language Note: Cao Cao was a Chinese poet and warlord, and he was made a character in the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. This proverb is from the novel.

Usage in Context: You were just complaining about someone’s bad behavior to your friends, and the person you were complaining about happens to pass by. You tell your friends: “说曹操曹操到。”


Chinese: 你敬我一尺,我敬你一丈。

Pinyin: Nǐ jìng wǒ yī chǐ, wǒ jìng nǐ yī zhàng. 

Literal Translation: “You give me one foot of respect and I will return you ten times.”

Meaning: We should return even more respect and kindness than what we’ve received.

Usage in Context: You’re in a business meeting, and your potential partner seems to respect you a lot and has shown much courtesy. He left a good impression by doing so, and you decide to be even more respectful to him. You could describe this situation as: “你敬我一尺,我敬你一丈。”


Chinese: 百闻不如一见。

Pinyin: Bǎi wén bù rú yī jiàn. 

Literal Translation: “Seeing for oneself is a hundred times better than hearing from others.”

Meaning: Seeing something with your own eyes can be more effective than only hearing about it.

Usage in Context: My grandmother has never seen the beach in her life, and she has always heard that it’s pretty. When we took her to the actual beach, she was stunned by the beauty of the beach and couldn’t help using “百闻不如一见。” to describe her feelings.


Chinese: 恨铁不成钢。

Pinyin: Hèn tiě bù chéng gāng. 

Literal Translation: “Wish iron could turn into steel once.”

Meaning: To wish that someone could reach one’s own expectations.

Usage in Context: You’ve failed your test again and your parents are disappointed in you, so they use “恨铁不成钢” to describe their feelings.


Chinese: 瑞雪兆丰年。

Pinyin: Ruì xuě zhào fēng nián.

Literal Translation: “Snowing indicates a good harvest.”

Language Note: This is from a traditional Chinese belief that a time-appropriate snow implies a good harvest for the next year.

Usage in Context: A farmer sees snow not long before the harvest time, so he says “瑞雪兆丰年。” to express hope for a great upcoming harvest.

6. Conclusion

Now, how many Chinese proverbs can you remember? 

Chinese proverbs are worth pondering over as they comprise many people’s experiences and lend us useful wisdom for our day-to-day lives. They’re always simple to say, but hard to apply. That said, we should still try to learn from them! 

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Beijing Travel Guide: The Top 10 Places to Visit


As a country with thousands of years of history, China has become a treasureland for many travelers. But because China is such a majestically huge place, where should you start? The answer is definitely Beijing, the nation’s capital and one of its greatest cities.

From famous historical sites that can tell you stories from thousands of years ago to modern marvels that showcase how much Beijing has developed over time, our Beijing travel guide will cover the most exciting places to visit in Beijing. Each of the places on our list will give you a glimpse of Beijing’s beauty and show you what one of the busiest cities in the world has to offer!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Chinese Table of Contents
  1. Before You Go
  2. Must-See Places for a 1-3 Day Trip
  3. Highly Recommended Places for a 4-7 Day Trip (or Longer)
  4. Survival Chinese Phrases for Travelers
  5. Conclusion

1. Before You Go

A Map with China Magnified Under a Magnifying Glass

Make Beijing your very first destination in China!

A Brief Overview

Beijing: the old yet charming capital city of China that attracts an abundance of tourists every year. Beijing also has the second-largest population of any city in China. As such, it’s always full of life and people are constantly bustling to and from the small hutongs and streets. Beijing has become one of the best-developed cities in China both economically and culturally, and this prosperity will only continue to grow.

When to Visit and What to Bring

The best time to visit Beijing weather-wise would be during the fall (September-November) or spring (March-May). Summer and winter weather in Beijing can be extreme, with hot temperatures and high humidity in the summer and ice or heavy rain during the winter. If you’re not used to such extreme weather, make sure to bring lots of warm clothes for the winter and sunscreen for the summer, as well as an umbrella and bug spray. Lastly, remember to bring some toilet paper with you, because public restrooms in China rarely provide this amenity.


Due to the huge population of Beijing, your best option may be to take a bus or subway. If you rent a car, the traffic will probably torment you, especially considering the different complicated driving rules. Most importantly, if you plan to stay in Beijing for a while, be sure to create a Wechat account and put some money into the Wallet on Wechat. This will be incredibly convenient for you because so many people in China are using their QR code on Wechat to pay for everything, including to rent public bikes and pay for taxis.

Average Cost of Food and Lodging

A common concern among travelers is how expensive their upcoming trip will be. To give you an idea:

A standard hotel room with decent furniture will cost only around 180-250 yuan. 

Dining can be even cheaper depending on what you want to eat. Generally speaking, 100 yuan can easily provide a decent meal for a single person in a restaurant; if you’re sharing dishes as a party, you could spend even less while having a variety of dishes to consume. But don’t be discouraged if you’re traveling by yourself—how about enjoying some simple but delicious street food? Or a bowl of beef soup noodles from a small restaurant in a hutong? It will probably cost less than 30 yuan, and you’ll be surprised at how delicious the homemade-style of the dish is!

2. Must-See Places for a 1-3 Day Trip

Beijing is a huge city with tons of things to see and do, but you can still enjoy yourself during a shorter one-to-three day visit. Here are some of the top attractions in Beijing you need to see if you’ll be here for a very limited time. 

The Great Wall – 长城 (cháng chéng)

The Great Wall is one of the most iconic symbols of China. Want to know why it’s so significant and has such a majestic name? Because it was used in the past to protect the territories of Chinese states as well as the empires. The frontier walls were built throughout different dynasties, which makes the Great Wall a collective effort on the part of many generations and the result of many people’s blood, sweat, and tears. Today, Chinese people often appreciate the majestic Great Wall by exercising on it and challenging themselves to walk the entire road (which is 13,171 miles long!). 

Forbidden City – 故宫 (gù gōng)

If you’re familiar with Chinese culture and history, you’ve probably heard of the famous Forbidden City, an old Chinese imperial palace that was in use from the Ming dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty. Now, are you wondering how Chinese emperors used to live? The Forbidden City will answer all your questions! During your trip to the Forbidden City, don’t forget to get a tour guide (for around 20 yuan) to tell you the wonderful historical stories along the way.

Temple of Heaven – 天坛 (tiān tán)

The Temple of Heaven in Beijing, China

The heavenly creature is waving at you and welcoming you to visit it!

If you’re a fan of Chinese history, the Temple of Heaven is another gem you’ll love to embrace. The Temple of Heaven consists of religious buildings that were used to administer heavenly activities for the emperors, who were regarded as the Son of Heaven. Important ceremonies were often conducted here, so be prepared to show some respect while walking through the buildings. For instance, emperors used to come here in order to worship the Chinese God and ask for the safety and prosperity of their citizens. 

Highlights of the Temple of Heaven include: 

  • 祈年殿 (qí nián diàn) – The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests 
  • 皇穹宇 (huáng qióng yǔ) – The Imperial Vault of Heaven 
  • 圜丘坛 (huán qiū tán) – The Circular Mound Altar 

Tiananmen Square – 天安门广场 (tiān ān mén guǎng chǎng)

Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China

I bet you can’t wait to sightsee all the gems in Beijing.

Tiananmen Square is a place of great significance, having witnessed the moment when Mao Zedong proclaimed that the People’s Republic of China was thereby established. It’s located near the Forbidden City, but they were separated. This is a budget-friendly place to visit and is not to be missed if you’re in the area. Local Chinese people have great respect for it due to its historical and cultural importance. 

Here, you’ll be able to see several incredible sights:

Today, many locals like to just take a walk here or fly a kite to embrace this historical gem.

Summer Palace – 颐和园 (yí hé yuán)

The Summer Palace in Beijing, China

Go experience the traditional Chinese culture inside the stunning Summer Palace!

The Summer Palace, which once served as a Qing dynasty imperial garden, is today a beautiful and vast collection of gardens, bridges, palaces, and lakes. The place was honorably included on the World Heritage List by UNESCO as the aesthetic epitome of Ancient Chinese architecture. In a nutshell, the Summer Palace is truly an art piece that has been carefully protected throughout the years. Stop hesitating, and go view its beauty before it’s too late!

While you’re there, be sure to stop by its major sights. We recommend: 

  • 万寿山 (Wàn shòu Shān) – Longevity Hill 
  • 昆明湖 (kūn míng ) – Kunming Lake 

3. Highly Recommended Places for a 4-7 Day Trip (or Longer)

Are you planning a longer trip? Great! That will give you much more time to experience Beijing. Here are our recommendations for what to visit in Beijing, China during a longer stay.  Wangfujing Street – 王府井 (wáng fǔ jǐng)

An Asian Man Shopping for Clothes

If you want, go to Wangfujing and let your wallet release a little pressure this one time!

Wangfujing is a popular shopping street in Beijing located in Dongcheng District. It serves up to 280 shops, and this area has been active and prosperous ever since the Ming dynasty. The highlights of the Wangfujing malls include:

  • APM购物中心 (gòu wù zhōng xīn) – Beijing APM 
  • 北京百货大楼 (běi jīng bǎi huò dà lóu) – Beijing Department Store 
  • 东方广场 (dōng fāng guǎng chǎng) – Malls at Oriental Plaza 

There’s also a Wangfujing snack street called 王府井小吃街 (wáng fǔ jǐng xiǎo chī jiē) where you can enjoy a variety of small local Chinese meals and spend some time in the bars.

Xidan – 西单 (xī dān)

Xidan is a commercial district that has almost anything you could think of for modern entertainment. Two popular locations include: 

  • 西单大悦城 (xī dān dà yuè chéng) – Xidan Mall
  • 西单图书大厦 (xī dān tú shū dà shà) – Beijing Book Building

Together, these fun locations host a range of entertainment options, including movie theaters, all kinds of restaurants and stores, escape rooms, and arcades. You can also find snack streets, Karaoke bars, and salons in the area! 

You’ll see people bustling everywhere in Xidan and you won’t believe how alive the whole area feels. If you wanted to, you could probably spend a whole day in the Xidan Mall, which has more than ten floors. The cost of shopping in the Xidan area is also cheaper than that of shopping in Wangfujing.

798 Art Zone – 798艺术区 (qī jiǔ bā yì shù qū)

The 798 Art Zone is a unique gem in Beijing, created by transforming old military factories into the fine piece of art it is today. It boasts a wide spectrum of contemporary art galleries such as the 798 Photo Gallery and Ullens Center. 

If you’re an artist, you’ll be lingering here for hours, stunned by the different Chinese art styles—whether it be quirky, fashionable, or spontaneous, there’s going to be a style that resonates with you. Even if you’re not an artist, you can view this location as being a nice photogenic spot for you to create memories of your time spent in Beijing. 

National Stadium – 鸟巢 (niǎo cháo)

Due to the unique design of its architecture, the National Stadium in Beijing is called the “bird’s nest” in direct translation, and it can hold up to 91,000 people. If you happen to be a fan of a Chinese singer or sports player, there’s a good chance that their concerts or matches will be held here. It’s just such a marvelous place to enjoy fancy events like that. 

Nanluoguxiang – 南锣鼓巷 (nán luó gǔ xiàng)

Nanluoguxiang is a narrow alley that consists of many 胡同 (hú tóng), which are traditional small and narrow alleys. The entire alley extends all the way from East Gulou Street in the north to Di’anmen East Street in the south of Beijing, and is about 800m long—a nice bit of exercise if you could walk the entire thing! If you ask any Beijing local, you’ll find that 胡同 is one of the most iconic things in Beijing. 

You can find many old-fashioned stores alongside some newly emerging ones, selling goods and snacks at an affordable price. If you’re thinking about buying a souvenir, this will be the perfect shopping destination. 

Beijing Zoo – 北京动物园 (Běi jīng dòng wù yuán)

The Beijing Zoo, the oldest zoo in China, is located in the suburban area of Beijing and was founded during the late Qing dynasty. It’s home to up to 450 species of land animals and more than 500 species of marine animals. The zoo serves as a beautiful escape from Beijing locals’ busy modern life, featuring an incredible natural landscape with flowers and rivers and serving as a home to up to 14,500 animals. Last but not least, you know that you’ll get to see the treasure of China here: the Chinese pandas!

4. Survival Chinese Phrases for Travelers 

While you can find English speakers in the most touristic areas of Beijing, it’s always a good idea to pick up some Chinese travel phrases to use in a pinch. Here are ten of the most useful phrases you should learn:


In Chinese: 你好。
Pinyin: Nǐ hǎo. 
In English: “Hello.”


In Chinese: 谢谢。
Pinyin: Xiè xie. 
In English: “Thank you.”


In Chinese: 再见。
Pinyin: Zài jiàn.
In English: “Goodbye.”


In Chinese: 抱歉。
Pinyin: Bào qiàn.
In English: “Sorry.”


In Chinese: 太好了。
Pinyin: Tài hǎo le. 
In English: “It’s good.”


In Chinese: 我不太懂你的意思。
Pinyin: Wǒ bú tài dǒng nǐ de yì si.
In English: “I don’t understand you.”

(Used to tell locals you don’t speak the language


In Chinese: 请问厕所在哪里?
Pinyin: Qǐng wèn cè suǒ zài nǎ lǐ.
In English: “Where is the restroom?”


In Chinese: 这个多少钱?
Pinyin: Zhè gè duō shǎo qián? 
In English: “How much is this?”


In Chinese: 我想要这个。
Pinyin: Wǒ xiǎng yào zhè gè. 
In English: “I want this.”

(Used to tell locals you don’t speak the language


In Chinese: 求助! 
Pinyin: Qiú zhù!
In English: “Help!”


After reading our Beijing travel guide, are you ready to embark on your Beijing adventure? Traveling is a great way to learn about and experience different cultures and lifestyles, and your visit to Beijing will also give you a deeper understanding of the language. What better way to learn a language than through firsthand experience with native speakers? 

Let your adventure begin with! Learning Chinese is a fun and magical experience in itself; when you study with us, it takes that experience and amplifies it! Not sure where to start? If you’re a passionate traveler, then you’ll definitely be pleased to learn about the beauty of other stunning cities in China, many of which we talk about in our lessons. 

Happy learning and safe travels!

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Most Popular English Words in Chinese


Have you ever been intrigued by how interconnected different languages are? Language is the key to human communication, and despite the vast differences between world countries and their cultures, their people’s languages have always influenced one another. This interconnectivity among languages creates common ground for people all around the world, showing that different languages and cultures are all connected somehow.

Because there are so many common English words in Chinese (and Chinese words in English), studying loanwords can pave the way for an easier language learning journey. Now without further ado, let’s jump right into the abundance of popular English loanwords in Chinese and explore the language phenomenon known as Chinglish.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Chinese Table of Contents
  1. Introduction to Chinglish
  2. Chinglish Examples
  3. List of Chinese Loanwords
  4. List of Food-Related Chinese Loanwords
  5. How to Say These Names in Chinese
  6. English Words Derived from Chinese
  7. List of English Words Derived from Chinese Food
  8. Conclusion

1. Introduction to Chinglish

Chinglish is a slang term that refers to spoken or written English as used by the Chinese. Due to the differences between the two languages, something that makes sense in Chinese may sound odd when directly translated in English. This is how Chinglish has become such a prevalent occurrence in China.

As the English language becomes more and more popular around the globe, Chinese people have started to integrate English into not only their education system but also their daily lives. For example, Chinese people love using Chinese words that have a similar pronunciation to English words, creating unofficial English-sounding slang terms (some of which we’ll introduce later).

2. Chinglish Examples

Here are some of the most popular Chinglish phrases and vocabulary. You’ll find these words extremely useful as you continue forward in your Chinese studies! 


In Chinese: 拜拜 
Pinyin: bái bái 


In Chinese: 哈喽
Pinyin: hā lou


In Chinese: 嗨
Pinyin: hāi


In Chinese: 妈咪
Pinyin: mā mi


In Chinese: 爹地
Pinyin: diē di

“Good morning”

In Chinese: 古德猫宁
Pinyin: gǔ dé māo níng

“You can you up, no can you BB”

In Chinese: 你行你上,不行别BB。
Pinyin: Nǐ xíng nǐ shàng, bù xíng bié bī bi.
Actual meaning in English: “Put up or shut up.”
Usage in context: When someone is complaining that they cannot achieve something, this phrase tells them to take positive action or stop complaining.

“Good good study, day day up”

In Chinese: 好好学习,天天向上。
Pinyin: Hǎo hǎo xué xí, tiān tiān xiàng shàng.
Actual meaning in English: “Study hard and make progress every day.”
Usage in context: This Chinglish slang term can be used to encourage your friends to study hard.

“No zuo no die”

In Chinese: 不作死就不会死。
Pinyin: Bù zuò sǐ jiù bú huì sǐ. 
Actual meaning in English: “If you don’t ask for it, you won’t be punished for it.”
Usage in context: You could use this when your friend doesn’t know how to swim and still walks into the water on a beach.

“Add oil”

In Chinese: 加油
Pinyin: jiā yóu 
Actual meaning in English: “Go for it.”
Usage in context: You could say this to try encouraging your friend to have faith for a competition.

“People mountain people sea”

In Chinese: 人山人海
Pinyin: rén shān rén hǎi 
Actual meaning in English: It describes a situation where there are lots of people.
Usage in context: You could say this when there are a lot of people at a tourist attraction.

3. List of Chinese Loanwords

In addition to the Chinglish jargon we saw above, there are several English loanwords in the Chinese language. Loanwords differ from Chinglish in that a loanword is adapted into the Chinese language while preserving its original English meaning. Here are some useful examples for you, along with their usage in a sentence.

“Bully” – 霸凌 (bà líng

In Chinese: 这个学校高年级的学生总是霸凌比自己年龄小的孩子。
Pinyin: Zhè gè xué xiào gāo nián jí de xué shēng zǒng shì bà líng bǐ zì jǐ nián líng xiǎo de hái zi.
In English: “The students who are in a higher grade always bully kids who are younger than them.”

“Cool” – 酷 ()

In Chinese: 他打篮球的样子很酷。
Pinyin: Tā dǎ lán qiú de yàng zi hěn kù. 
In English: “The way he plays basketball looks so cool.”

“Calories” – 卡路里 (kǎ lù lǐ)

In Chinese: 为了减肥,我很少吃卡路里高的食物。
Pinyin: Wèi le jiǎn féi, wǒ hěn shǎo chī kǎ lù lǐ gāo de shí wù. 
In English: “I hardly eat food with high calories since I am trying to lose weight.”

“Cartoon” – 卡通 (kǎ tōng)

In Chinese: 小的时候我很喜欢看卡通片。
Pinyin: Xiǎo de shí hou wǒ hěn xǐ huan kàn kǎ tōng piān.
In English: “I loved watching cartoons when I was little.”

“Sofa” – 沙发 (shā fā)

In Chinese: 这个沙发真舒服。
Pinyin: Zhè gè shā fā zhēn shū fu.
In English: “This sofa feels so comfortable.”

“Guitar” – 吉他 (jí ta)

In Chinese: 我曾经学了五年的吉他。
Pinyin: Wǒ céng jīng xué le wǔ nián de jí tā. 
In English: “I learned to play the guitar for five years.”

“Ballet” – 芭蕾 (bā léi)

In Chinese: 芭蕾是一项文雅的爱好。
Pinyin: Bā lěi shì yī xiàng wén yǎ de ài hǎo. 
In English: “Ballet is an elegant hobby.”

“Party” – 派对 (pài duì)

In Chinese: 我们全家人都很喜欢参加派对。
Pinyin: Wǒ men quán jiā rén dōu hěn xǐ huan cān jiā pài duì. 
In English: “My whole family loves going to parties.”

“Mexico” – 墨西哥 (Mò xī gē)

In Chinese: 我曾经去墨西哥旅游过。
Pinyin: Wǒ céng jīng qù Mò xī gē lǚ yóu guo. 
In English: “I went to Mexico for a trip.”

“Tank” – 坦克 (tǎn kè)

In Chinese: 坦克是一项伟大的发明。
Pinyin: Tǎn kè shì yī xiàng wěi dà de fā míng. 
In English: “The invention of the tank is great.”

4. List of Food-Related Chinese Loanwords

A Woman Eating a Slice of Pizza

If you happen to love food as much as I do, you gotta learn these!

Food is what makes the world go round, so it should come as no surprise that some of the most popular English words used in Chinese are those related to food. Take a look:

  • “Chocolate” – 巧克力 (qiǎo kè lì)
  • “Coffee” – 咖啡 (kā fēi)
  • “Cheese” – 芝士 (zhī shì)
  • “Pizza” – 比萨 (bǐ sà)
  • “Curry” – 咖喱 (gā li)
  • “Bacon” – 培根 (péi gēn
  • “Hamburger” – 汉堡包 (hàn bǎo bāo)
  • “Vitamin” – 维他命 (wéi tā mìng)
  • “Pudding” – 布丁 (bù dīng)
  • “Salad” – 沙拉 (shā lā)

5. How to Say These Names in Chinese

There are a number of Chinese words ‘borrowed’ from world-famous brand, celebrity, and movie names. How do you pronounce them in Chinese? 

Global Brand Names

Swedish Meatballs

Have you ever tried the famous Swedish meatballs from IKEA?

  • “Sephora” – 丝芙兰 (sī fú lán)
  • “Coca Cola” – 可口可乐 (kě kǒu kě lè)
  • “Disney” – 迪士尼 (dí shì ní)
  • “Kentucky Fried Chicken / KFC” – 肯德基 (kěn dé jī)
  • “Adidas” – 阿迪达斯 (ā dí dá sī)
  • “Häagen-Dazs” – 哈根达斯 (hā gēn dá sī)
  • “Starbucks” – 星巴克 (xīng bā kè)
  • “Marvel” – 漫威 (màn wēi)

Celebrities/English Names

A Crowd Cheering and Taking Photos

I’m sure you have a favorite celebrity. Learn how to write his/her name in Chinese!

  • “Justin Bieber” – 贾斯汀·比伯 (jiǎ sī tīng·bǐ bó)
  • “Taylor Swift” – 泰勒·斯威夫特 (tài lè·sī wēi fū tè)
  • “Emma Watson” – 艾玛·沃特森 (ài mǎ · wò tè sēn)
  • “Ed Sheeran” – 艾德·希兰 (ài dé · xī lán)
  • “Bruno Mars” – 布鲁诺·马尔斯 (bù lǔ nuò ·mǎ ěr sī)
  • “Michael Jackson” – 迈克尔·杰克逊 (mài kè ěr · jié kè xùn)
  • “Leonardo DiCaprio” – 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 (lái áng nà duō · dí kǎ pǔ lǐ ào)
  • “Kobe Bryant” – 科比·布莱恩特 (kē bǐ ·bù lái ēn tè)

Popular Movie Names

A Couple Watching a Movie Together in a Theater

How can one survive without the entertainment from movies?

  • “Harry Potter” – 哈利波特 (hā lì bō tè)
  • “Titanic” – 泰坦尼克号 (tài tǎn ní kè hào)
  • “Kung Fu Panda” – 功夫熊猫 (gōng fu xióng māo)
  • “Mulan” – 木兰 (mù lán)
  • “Sherlock” – 神探夏洛克 (shén tàn xià luò kè)
  • “Avatar” – 阿凡达 (ā fán dá)
  • “Schindler’s List” – 辛德勒的名单 (xīn dé lè de míng dān)
  • “Edward Scissorhands” – 剪刀手爱德华 (jiǎn dāo shǒu ài dé huá)
  • “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” – 本杰明·巴顿奇事 (běn jié míng · bā dùn qí shì)
  • “Mickey Mouse” – 米奇老鼠 (mǐ qí lǎo shǔ)

6. English Words Derived from Chinese

This language exchange goes both directions, and there are plenty of English words from Chinese. How many of these do you hear, see, or use each day?

“Kung Fu”

In Chinese: 功夫
Pinyin: gōng fu
What it is: Traditional Chinese martial art.

Usage in a sentence:

In Chinese: 他可真是功夫了得啊。
Pinyin: Tā kě zhēn shì gōng fu liǎo dé a.
In English: “His Kung Fu is excellent.”

“Yin & Yang”

The Yin & Yang Symbol

It’s fascinating to see how Yin and Yang complement each other. Do you have a partner who is like Yin and Yang with you?

In Chinese: 阴 &(和) 阳
Pinyin: yīn & (hé) yáng 
What it is: An ancient Chinese philosophy that perceives dualism as opposites that are complementary to each other.

Usage in a sentence:

In Chinese: 我们两个的性格就像是阴和阳,可以互补。
Pinyin: Wǒ men liǎng gè de xìng gé jiù xiàng shì yīn hé yáng, kě yǐ hù bǔ.
In English: “Our personalities are just like Yin & Yang, which can complete each other.”

“Chop chop”

In Chinese: 快点快点
Pinyin: kuài diǎn kuài diǎn 
What it is: Deriving from Cantonese, it means “hurry” and is of the same origin as the word “chopstick.”

Usage in a sentence:

In Chinese: 快点快点,我们要迟到了。
Pinyin: kuài diǎn kuài diǎn, wǒ men yào chí dào le. 
In English: “Chop chop! We are going to be late.”

“Ping pong”

In Chinese: 乒乓
Pinyin: pīng pāng 
What it is: A Chinese sport that is like table tennis, where two players hit a lightweight ball on a table back and forth.

Usage in a sentence:

In Chinese: 乒乓球是我最喜欢的运动之一。
Pinyin: Pīng pāng qiú shì wǒ zuì xǐ huan de yùn dòng zhī yī.
In English: “Ping pong is one of my favorite sports.”

“Long time, no see.”

In Chinese: 好久不见
Pinyin: hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn 
Actual meaning in English: “It’s been a long time.”

Usage in a sentence:

In Chinese: 好久不见,你又长高了。
Pinyin: Hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn, nǐ yòu zhǎng gāo le. 
In English: “Long time no see, you are getting taller again.”

“Lose face”

In Chinese: 丢脸
Pinyin: diū liǎn 
What it is: To suffer humiliation because of a certain behavior, especially in public.

Usage in a sentence:

In Chinese: 那个小偷的父母一定会为自己的孩子感到丢脸的。
Pinyin: Nà gè xiǎo tōu de fù mǔ yī dìng huì wèi zì jǐ de hái zi gǎn dào diū liǎn de. 
In English: “The parents of that thief must have felt like they had lost face because of their children.”


In Chinese: 洗脑
Pinyin: xǐ nǎo 
What it is: To make someone adopt a mentality by imbuing it forcibly.

Usage in a sentence:

In Chinese: 这首歌天天都在商场里播,听得我都被洗脑了。
Pinyin: Zhè shǒu gē tiān tiān dōu zài shāng chǎng lǐ bō, tīng de wǒ dōu bèi xǐ nǎo le. 
In English: “This song has been played in the mall over and over again to the point I am almost brainwashed with it.”

7. List of English Words Derived from Chinese Food

As can be expected, some of the most popular Chinese words in English are related to food. Here are just a few examples for you:

  • “Ketchup” – 番茄酱 (fān qié jiàng)
  • “Wonton” – 云吞 (yún tūn)
  • “Tofu” – 豆腐 (dòu fu)
  • “Bok Choy” – 小白菜 (xiǎo bái cài)
  • “Chow Mein” – 炒面 (chǎo miàn)
  • “Dim Sum” – 点心 (diǎn xīn)
  • “Hoisin” – 海鲜 (hǎi xiān)
  • “Soy” – 酱油 (jiàng yóu)
  • “Tea” – 茶 (chá)

8. Conclusion

Isn’t it marvelous how we can draw such similarities between different languages and see that people around the world share so much in common? Now that you’ve learned so many English words in the Chinese language, try to embrace the similarities between the two languages. These similarities are a good place for beginners to start for easy memorization. 

If you enjoyed this article, we encourage you to learn more Chinese with other fun materials like this on! We will guide you throughout your Chinese learning journey, acting as a beacon and providing you with best-in-class teaching services. 

Happy learning!

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The Magic of Chinese Culture


China is an old country with thousands of years of history. This rich background has created an enchanting Chinese culture and civilization that attracts nearly 1.5-million tourists in a given year. 

You might have heard of such Chinese traditions as Kung Fu and the Chinese opera…but how much do you really know about them? The more you learn about Chinese culture and traditions, the more profound and fascinating they’ll become to you! 

Language is always a huge component of a country’s culture, so becoming familiar with the culture of China is crucial in mastering the Chinese language. In this guide, we’ll lift the cultural curtain from one of the greatest countries in the world—and trust us, we won’t fail to amaze you!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Chinese Table of Contents
  1. Values
  2. Philosophies and Religions
  3. Family and Work
  4. Art
  5. Chinese Food
  6. Traditional Holidays
  7. Conclusion

A Chinese Woman Playing a Traditional Chinese Instrument

Let’s learn about all the fun of Chinese culture!

1. Values

Before we dive deeper into the Chinese culture, let’s look at some prominent Chinese cultural values. 

Collectivism is the embodiment of Chinese culture, a pillar around which society functions. The Chinese are also extremely patriotic. Other values the Chinese hold dear are courtesy, modesty, harmony, righteousness, and filial piety. These traditional values can be traced back to Ancient Chinese culture, thousands of years ago. 

For example, you’ll notice that Chinese people never accept compliments directly. While Westerners are more likely to reply with a “thank you,” the Chinese are more likely to express the fact that they don’t deserve such compliments. However, values like these are two sides of the same coin. While they do have their positive aspects, they can potentially prevent individual critical thinking and decrease the effectiveness of communication.

2. Philosophies and Religions

There are as many as 56 ethnic groups in China, with the Han group being the largest. Each group has distinctive traditions and beliefs, especially minority groups such as the Miao. In addition to different cultural beliefs, people may also identify with different religions. The three major religions in China are Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism. However, many Chinese people are not accustomed to having a religion. Unlike in many Western countries, it’s not a necessary part of daily life in China. 

Confucianism is the most important philosophy in Chinese culture. It’s integrated into many areas of Chinese life, especially in the field of education. Many Chinese children learn of the founder of Confucianism, 孔子 (Kǒng zǐ), at a young age from the textbooks in school. Confucianism sheds light on ethical and socio-political teachings that help improve personal and governmental morality.

If you’ve watched any Chinese dramas, you may have heard of the term 神仙 (shén xiān). This refers to gods who live above the sky and are in charge of human lives. Different gods have different roles, such as being in charge of dreams, relationships, deaths, the weather, and so much more. This concept is from Daoism, which stresses the importance of all beings co-existing in harmony. 

3. Family and Work

A Mother and Her Two Children Walking Down a Hill Together

No matter how busy you are from work, always try to make some time for family!

Due to the high respect the Chinese have for collectivism, family has always been prioritized over personal needs in China. It’s very common for married couples to live with the husband’s parents under the same roof, which also shows an imbalance in how the Chinese perceive males versus females. 

In China, families are typically small with a maximum of three or four people. This is due to the restrictions set in place regarding birth, under which most families only have one child and some may have two. Traditional Chinese family structures are strictly based on hierarchy, so many children’s lives are arranged under the total control of their parents. Nevertheless, as people are getting more open-minded in modern Chinese society, this phenomenon is gradually improving. 

Filial piety is another paramount trait for a Chinese person to have. This has made many young men—who rarely work far away from their parents—committed to all the responsibilities at home. 

In the Chinese business world, people often mention connections, which are called 关系 (guān xi) in Chinese. This means that networking well is the key to making your business successful in China. People always like to treat their business partners to a meal and discuss business while eating.

4. Art 

Another fascinating aspect of Chinese culture, art serves as a window into the long history of China as well as its modern-day society. Take a look at the most prominent and unique forms of Chinese art with us!

A- Calligraphy – 书法 (shū fǎ)

Chinese Calligraphy Written with Black Ink

Even our daily writing can be a form of art!

Chinese calligraphy refers to a visual art form that emphasizes the writing of Chinese characters using traditional ink brushes. Chinese people typically use a special type of paper called 宣纸 (xuān zhǐ), which is particularly good for use with an ink brush. There are several standardized styles of Chinese calligraphy, and one can also create their own style of writing. If you’re interested, why not grab a sheet of Xuan paper and an ink brush, write some Chinese characters down, and let your imagination go wild?

B- Chinese Opera – 京剧 (jīng jù)

Unlike any other form of theater art, Chinese opera includes a wide variety of other art forms such as acrobatics, martial arts, and makeup arts. Styles can also vary depending on the region, though there are five major types of operas: Beijing, Yue, Huangmei, Cantonese, and Henan. In Chinese operas, the musical and singing styles are often exaggerated and the costumes are extremely expressive. 

C- Martial Arts – 武术 (wǔ shù)

Chinese martial arts are popularly known as Kung Fu, which is 功夫 (gōng fu) in Chinese. You’ve probably seen crazy fighting scenes in Asian movies with all kinds of fighting styles based on religion. However, the ones you often see on screen are way more dramatic than the authentic Kung Fu today in the real world.

D- Ceramics – 陶瓷 (táo cí)

Everyone knows that the word “China” refers not only to the country itself but also to the famous Chinese ceramics. Because porcelain was originally found in China, Chinese ceramics has a long-established history dating back to the Paleolithic era. The art was later perfected during the Ming Dynasty. The most classic Chinese-style ceramics feature a blue and white willow pattern and are often coupled with some kind of dragon design, which is another iconic representation of China.

E- Ancient Poetry – 古诗 (gǔ shī)

Ancient Chinese poetry played an important role in shaping Chinese literature, and more broadly, Chinese culture. Many Chinese people have a habit of expressing their feelings with verses from Ancient Chinese poetry, showing that these poems have integrated into modern Chinese society. 

This old poetry style is also called classic Chinese poetry, which differs from modern poetry which requires less of a rhythm. Back in the old days, poetry was one of the most powerful influences on people’s view of the world. The deep emotions and strong messages conveyed through this poetry could transform one’s view on both personal matters and political matters—an impressive feat for a time when technological media was not an option.

5. Chinese Food

Chinese Buns with Red Stamps on Them

Have you ever tried authentic Chinese food?

The history of Chinese food culture can be traced back to thousands of years ago and has taken different shapes depending on local preferences. Under the profound influence of Chinese history, Chinese people naturally enjoy sharing dishes. Contrary to many other cultures where everyone gets their own dish, the Chinese share large dishes with everyone around the table. Classic Chinese dishes such as hot pot and dim sum are a great representation of this habit. The most common eating utensil is chopsticks.

There are vast differences between Chinese food culture in the northern regions and the southern regions. The eight major Chinese cuisines are:

  • Sichuan
  • Jiangsu
  • Shandong
  • Zhejiang
  • Anhui
  • Cantonese
  • Fujian
  • Hunan

Ginger, garlic, and green onions are staples across all Chinese cuisines. Star anise and chili are also added to certain dishes. Unlike many Western cuisines where the entree is usually meat, the main component of a Chinese meal is always grain-based (rice, noodles, and steam buns). However, meat is also a star in Chinese food culture as Chinese people eat a variety of meats ranging from fish to ducks, rabbits, and goose.

Aside from main meals, tea is also a big part of Chinese people’s diet. In China, tea is more than just a drink: it is what brings people together and inspires conversations. People love to have a cup of tea and just appreciate the complexity of its lingering taste while having in-depth conversations. This is how the Chinese, especially old people, want to spend their relaxing afternoon. Tea is also widely used in Chinese cuisines and medicines.

6. Traditional Holidays 

Each country has unique holidays that represent the country’s traditions and values. In Chinese culture, holidays tend to revolve around family and loved ones. While we can’t cover all of the major holidays here, we will introduce the most important ones.

A- Chinese New Year – 春节 / 新年 (chūn jié / xīn nián)

Firecracker Debris after Chinese New Year

You know what people usually do for the new year: fireworks!

Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival or 春节 (chūn jié), is just as important in China as Christmas is in Western countries. On Chinese New Year, everyone is reunited with their families to celebrate the beginning of the new year, based on the traditional Chinese lunar calendar. 

Families hold a reunion dinner, called 年夜饭 (nián yè fàn), on Chinese New Year’s Eve. Dumplings are usually the staple food for this meal. Traditionally, elders need to give children 红包 (hóng bāo), or red envelopes containing money. Other activities during the Chinese New Year include setting off fireworks, going to temple fairs, and watching the traditional TV show made just for the New Year called 春晚 (chūn wǎn).  

B- Mid-Autumn Festival – 中秋节 (zhōng qiū jié)

The Mid-Autumn Festival, called 中秋节 (zhōng qiū jié) in Chinese, is another important holiday in China. It usually takes place on August 15 (according to the lunar calendar) when the full moon occurs. Mooncakes are a traditional rich pastry served during this holiday, as their appearance is a perfect reflection of the full moon. They’re usually filled with sweet red-bean paste or lotus-seed paste.

C- QingMing Festival – 清明节 (qīng míng jié)

The QingMing Festival, or 清明节 (qīng míng jié), is a unique holiday from Ancient Chinese culture, observed for the purpose of reminiscing the dead. It takes place in April, on the fifteenth day after the Spring Equinox. During the holiday, Chinese families will visit and sweep the tombs of their deceased family members, serve ritual offerings, or even burn joss paper in the hope of providing them a better life in the other world.

D- Dragon Boat Festival – 端午节 (duān wǔ jié)

The Dragon Boat Festival is known as 端午节 (duān wǔ jié) in Chinese, and it’s held on May 5 of the traditional Chinese calendar every year. The festival originated from the death of the heroic poet and minister named Qu Yuan, who committed suicide in the Miluo River due to the shame he felt after the emperor decided to become allies with Qin. Today, in remembrance of Qu Yuan, people have dragon boat races and eat 粽子 (zòng zi), a traditional dish made with sticky rice filling wrapped in bamboo leaves.

7. Conclusion

How many Chinese culture facts have you learned now? Hopefully a ton! The profound and ancient Chinese culture, though, is far deeper than what we’ve introduced here. You’ll need to really immerse yourself to get a real taste of it. 

If you want to experience Chinese culture in a more systematic way, is here to provide you with a wide spectrum of materials taught by professional teachers. Our lesson structures are designed to create a fun and natural Chinese learning experience for you. Why not create your free account today and give it a try?

Happy learning!

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The Perfect Gourmet Guide to Chinese Food


Food is a type of magic that human beings both enjoy and depend upon for survival. Food brings loved ones together at the same table, where everyone is able to share life, indulge in conversation, and even burst into laughter together. Every family has its own homemade dish that tastes just like home, touching the softest spot of one’s heart.

As a dedicated Chinese learner, I’m sure you’re wondering how authentic Chinese foods taste and about the culture behind them. In this article, we’ll introduce you to several popular Chinese dishes you should try—and we’ll even teach you how to make some easy authentic Chinese food on your own. Make sure you stick around to learn all of the Chinese food secrets you’ve been curious about!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Let's Cook in Chinese Table of Contents
  1. Must-Try Dishes in Chinese Restaurants
  2. Authentic Chinese Food vs. Overseas Chinese Food
  3. Unique Chinese Foods
  4. Food-Related Vocabulary
  5. Bonus: Simple Recipes to Make Authentic Chinese Food at Home
  6. Conclusion

Chinese Buns with Red Stamps on Top

Chinese food can be fascinating—like these Chinese buns with a red stamp on top!

1. Must-Try Dishes in Chinese Restaurants

Here’s a brief list of Chinese foods you need to try next time you’re at an authentic Chinese restaurant. Warning: You’ll be hungry by the time you finish reading about these delicious dishes!

A- Hot Pot – 火锅 (huǒ guō)

Hot Pot is a Chinese food staple that represents the culture of eating together. Everyone sits around a pot prepared with a simmering soup stock, in which people can boil a variety of meats and veggies they have on hand. This is one of the best Chinese comfort foods, especially on a chilly day.

B- Dumplings – 饺子 (jiǎo zi)

You’re probably familiar with dumplings, as cuisines from many regions of the world feature some kind of dumpling. Chinese dumplings are another staple of homemade Chinese food—they’re so important that they’re usually served as the entree for Chinese New Year. In general, dumplings are made with dough wrapped around a filling of minced meat.

C- Mapo Tofu – 麻婆豆腐 (má pó dòu fu)

Mapo Tofu is a famous spicy dish that originated from Sichuan cuisine. You’ve probably heard of it before, as it’s a popular dish overseas. The word 麻 () almost indicates a taste of numbness, which is a unique taste produced by the Sichuan peppercorn, combining perfectly with its spiciness.

D- Dim Sum – 早茶 (zǎo chá)

Several Chinese Dishes

Does it make your mouth water when there is a variety of delicious foods to choose from?

A unique facet of Chinese cuisine, Dim Sum is not a dish; rather, it’s a style of serving food that originated in Canton. In Dim Sum, a variety of bite-sized food portions—ranging from meat and veggies to dessert items—is usually served with tea. Servers usually push a table of these foods around to ask which one you would like to try. Dim Sum is a great (and cost-effective) choice if you want a variety of food that you can share with many people.

E- Congee – 粥 (zhōu)

Congee is one of the most popular Chinese comfort foods, and it can be either sweet or savory. Serving as the base of this dish are grains that have been boiled down and simmered into a dense soup. People sometimes like to add meat and veggies to make it savory, or some sugar to make it a sweet treat. This is also a very healthy Chinese food as boiled grain is easy to digest and warm for your stomach.

2. Authentic Chinese Food vs. Overseas Chinese Food

Chinese Spring Rolls

The famous overseas Chinese spring roll may not be that famous in China!

If you’re ever looking for your hometown food in another country, I bet there will come a point when you’re dumbfounded with the localized food there and cry internally, with pride: “This is not what my home tastes like!”

Similarly, Chinese cuisine dishes that have reached other countries are far from being authentic. 

Here are just a few Chinese foods that are not typical in China:

  • Orange chicken
  • Chow mein
  • Honey walnut shrimp
  • Spring rolls
  • Broccoli-and-beef 

Some native Chinese people may have never even heard of these overseas dishes.

To be fair, there are still a few famous authentic Chinese dishes overseas, such as: 

  • Mapo Tofu
  • Dumplings
  • Sweet and sour soup
  • Kung Pao chicken

However, it’s likely that they’re made differently to suit foreigners’ taste buds. For example, meat that is supposed to be pan-fried in China is deep-fried overseas. In addition, some other dishes may not be as spicy as they are in China, and are more likely to be sweet. 

It’s interesting to see how much food can change culturally and how people’s perception of another country’s cuisine is rather limited.

3. Unique Chinese Foods

Some foods can only be found in one country, and these foods are closely connected to the regional cultures. As a language learner, it’s important for you to be familiar with these dishes because it will show how well you know the native culture! Here are a few unique Chinese cuisine staples that you should know about.

A- Coke-Braised Chicken Wings – 可乐鸡翅 (kě lè jī chì)

This is a unique finger-licking Chinese dish, taking advantage of Coke’s sweetness and using soy sauce to turn it into a savory-sweet BBQ-style sauce. A true reinvented foreign Chinese food! If you ever get the chance to try this dish, don’t miss it! It possesses a unique deliciousness that you’ll never get to try anywhere else. 

B- Fish-Fragrant Eggplant – 鱼香茄子 (yú xiāng qié zi)

Although this dish has “fish” in the name, there’s no fish at all in the ingredients! ‘Fish-fragrant’ is a unique Chinese spice from Sichuan cuisine that offers a good combination of spicy, sweet, and sour flavors. The famous Doubanjiang, a typical Sichuan spicy sauce made from fermented soybeans, is the essence of this whole dish. It will definitely bring your taste buds to another level of spiciness!

C- Mooncake – 月饼 (yuè bǐng)

A Yellow-Colored Mooncake

Mooncakes are shaped just like how they’re named—a moon, indeed!

Mooncake is a traditional Chinese dessert that’s usually eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival. This is when the moon is in full shape, symbolizing united families. 

Mooncakes have a soft pastry on the outside and some sort of sweet paste on the inside. They’re named after the moon because of their shape. The typical fillings for mooncakes are red bean paste, lotus seed paste, and taro paste, though there are many more depending on the region.

D- Malatang – 麻辣烫 (má là tàng)

Malatang is a famous Chinese street food that many people consider to be a part of their childhood memories. If you were to ask any Chinese adult if they regularly ate Malatang during their school years, the answer would probably be yes. Malatang is a mixture of different meats and veggies that’s cooked quickly in a spicy sauce; some regions serve this dish with sesame paste in it.

E- Youtiao – 油条 (yóu tiáo)

Youtiao is a deep-fried stick of dough. It’s crispy on the outside with a golden crust, but soft and chewy on the inside. This has been one of the most popular Chinese breakfast dishes for decades, and Chinese people love to couple Youtiao with a bowl of fresh soy milk. It’s as if they were made for each other.

F- Sweet Rice Dessert Dumplings – 汤圆 (tāng yuán)

Sweet rice dessert dumplings are made with glutinous rice flour on the outside, which makes the texture incredibly soft and chewy with a natural sweetness. The filling can vary, though the most common ones are black sesame paste and red bean paste.

4. Food-Related Vocabulary

Now that we’ve whetted your appetite, it’s time to look at some Chinese cuisine vocabulary. We’ll show you the most important words for food and cooking, and give you some practical phrases for ordering food in a restaurant. 

A- Food and Utensils

Food食物 (shí wù)
Rice米饭 (mǐ fàn)
Noodles面条 (miàn tiáo)
Chopsticks筷子 (kuài zi)
Bowl碗 (wǎn)
Spoon勺子 (sháo zi)
Cook做饭 (zuò fàn)
Ingredients食材 (shí cái)

B- Common Phrases for Ordering and Cooking

  • In Chinese: 开饭了。
    Pinyin: Kāi fàn le. 
    In English: “The meal is ready to serve.”
  • In Chinese: 这道菜实在是太好吃了。
    Pinyin: Zhè dào cài shí zài shì tài hǎo chī le. 
    In English: “This dish is truly delicious.”
  • In Chinese: 这道菜可真是色香味俱全啊。
    Pinyin: Zhè dào cài kě zhēn shì sè xiāng wèi jù quán a.
    In English: “This dish has it all: a nice appearance, delicious smell, and taste.”
  • In Chinese: 这道菜可以不放辣吗?
    Pinyin: Zhè dào cài kě yǐ bú fàng là ma? 
    In English: “Can you please not make this dish spicy?”
  • In Chinese: 我今天打算做一些家常菜。
    Pinyin: Wǒ jīn tiān dǎ suàn zuò yī xiē jiā cháng cài. 
    In English: “I am going to make some regular homemade dishes.”
  • In Chinese: 我们可以分开付吗?
    Pinyin: Wǒ men kě yǐ fèn kāi fù ma? 
    In English: “Can we pay separately?”
  • In Chinese: 我可以看一下菜单吗?
    Pinyin: Wǒ kě yǐ kàn yī xià cài dān ma? 
    In English: “May I see the menu?”

5. Bonus: Simple Recipes to Make Authentic Chinese Food at Home

Now, let me share with you the secret Chinese food recipes for two classic dishes. These are comfort food dishes that every single Chinese family just has to cook once in a while. They’re easy and quick to make, and most importantly, they offer the deliciousness of an authentic home-cooked meal! Trust me, if you ask any native Chinese person, these dishes are the taste of home.

A- Authentic Chinese Recipe #1: Stir-Fried Tomatoes and Eggs:  西红柿炒鸡蛋 (xī hóng shì chǎo jī dàn)


  • 6 eggs
  • 4 tablespoons oil
  • 1 teaspoon minced ginger
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons ketchup
  • Sliced green onions or cilantro for garnish
  • Salt
  • Steamed rice or noodles, for serving

Step 1

Beat the eggs well with salt, mixing the yolks and whites perfectly. Pour oil into the pan, heat it up, and pour the eggs in smoothly. Once the eggs have taken a solid shape, quickly stir-fry them into pieces and take them out of the pan.

Step 2

Cut an X into the tomatoes’ skin and boil them in hot water until the skin can be taken off (a process called blanching). It’s also fine to leave the skin on if desired. Then cut the tomatoes into slices.

Step 3

Add ginger into the pan and stir-fry it a little with the oil left in the pan. Use the same pan to stir-fry the tomatoes for about 3-5 minutes until aromatic and the liquid has evaporated a little. Add ketchup, soy sauce, and sugar.

Step 4

Add eggs into the stir-fried tomatoes and stir them occasionally for the tomato juice to be absorbed into the eggs. This should take about a minute.

Step 5

Add some salt to taste. Top with the sliced green onion or cilantro, and serve with steamed rice or noodles.

A Bowl of White Rice with Chopsticks In It

Find a recipe that can perfectly marry that bowl of rice of yours!

B- Authentic Chinese Recipe #2: Chinese Stir-Fried Shredded Potatoes: 炝炒土豆丝 (qiàng chǎo tǔ dòu sī)


  • 3 russet potatoes
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • 3 tablespoons chili oil (or vegetable oil)
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon any type of vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • 1 tablespoon minced ginger
  • 1 teaspoon Sichuan peppercorns
  • A pinch of red pepper flakes
  • Sugar to taste
  • Salt to taste

Step 1

Shred the potatoes and put them in a bowl of cold water. Soak them for at least 20 minutes to get rid of starch (the longer, the crunchier).

Step 2

Cut the carrot and bell pepper into thinly shredded slices, just like the potatoes.

Step 3

Remove the potatoes from water and heat the chili oil in a pan on medium-high heat. Add the Sichuan peppercorn and stir-fry it until very aromatic. Drain the Sichuan-peppercorn-flavored oil in a bowl and remove the peppercorns from the pan.

Step 4

Add the Sichuan-peppercorn-flavored oil back into the pan and add the minced garlic, ginger, and red pepper flakes. Stir-fry them altogether until aromatic. 

Step 5

Add the shredded potatoes, carrot, and bell pepper and cook for about 2 minutes over high heat until all ingredients are cooked but crispy on the outside.

Step 6

Add the soy sauce and vinegar and mix well. Lastly, add some sugar and salt to taste.

6. Conclusion

Are you still hanging in there? Or has your stomach started growling and your mouth watering? If you’re craving some great Chinese food right now, make sure you check the authenticity of any Chinese restaurant you plan on visiting. You want only the best! 

Food represents a country’s culture, so make sure you get familiar with these typical Chinese dishes. Whether you’re a conscientious foodie or a hardworking Chinese learner, is always honored to open the magical gate to the Chinese language and culture for you. 

Here, you’ll be presented with fun and professional resources to help you learn the Chinese language. Our lessons, taught by native Chinese speakers, are designed to make you feel as though you were walking right into China! Why not create your free account today to give it a try?

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Classic Chinese Quotes You Need to Know


How many times have you used a popular quote to express something? Being able to apply someone else’s words to our own lives is just so convenient!

But quotes hold so much more potential when you learn them in another language. Studying Chinese quotes can be an excellent way to improve your language skills, gain cultural insight, and learn to see the world through other people’s eyes.

In China, people love to use Chinese quotes and proverbs in their daily conversations. Using one effectively can convey the heart of one’s thoughts, making any conversation a little more meaningful. The Chinese quotes we’ve listed in this article will not only enrich your conversations, but also help you think a little deeper and advise you on your own path in life—they are the epitome of human wisdom, after all. 

Let’s dive right into these classic Chinese quotes. To learn them for a lifetime, remember to keep them in your heart rather than in your brain!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Chinese Table of Contents
  1. Quotes About Success
  2. Quotes About Life
  3. Quotes About Time
  4. Quotes About Love
  5. Quotes About Family
  6. Quotes About Friendship
  7. Quotes About Food
  8. Quotes About Health
  9. Quotes About Language Learning
  10. Quotes About Studying
  11. Conclusion

1. Quotes About Success

Do you have big plans for the future, or maybe an upcoming project you’re concerned about? Read through these Chinese quotes on success for an extra jolt of motivation!

A Man Jumping on a Cliff

Success never comes easily.


Pinyin: Liáng hǎo de kāi duān, děng yú chéng gōng de yī bàn.

Literal translation in English: “Well begun is half done.”

Meaning: A successful beginning is a significant step toward ultimate success.

Source: This quote is from the famous Athenian philosopher, Plato.


Pinyin: Yào zuò de shì qing zǒng zhǎo de chū shí jiān hé jī huì; bú yuàn yì zuò de shì qing yě zǒng néng zhǎo de chū jiè kǒu. 

Literal translation in English: “You will always find the time and opportunities for the things you truly want to achieve; you can always make excuses for things you don’t want to do.”

Meaning: If you truly want to do something, you will always manage to achieve it, with no excuses. 

Source: Unknown.


Pinyin: Méi yǒu zuì hǎo, zhǐ yǒu gèng hǎo. 

Literal translation in English: “There is no such thing called ‘being the best,’ there is only ‘to be better’.”

Meaning: We should always seek to improve ourselves, no matter how much we achieve.

Source: Unknown.

2. Quotes About Life

Life can be peaceful, exciting, wonderful, or quite difficult—and sometimes all of those things at once! Wherever you are in your life journey, we think you’ll be inspired by these Chinese quotes about life.


Pinyin: Shēng huó jiù xiàng yī miàn jìng zi, nǐ duì tā xiào, tā jiù duì nǐ xiào; nǐ duì tā kū, tā yě duì nǐ kū.

Literal translation in English: “Life is just like a mirror: he will smile back to you if you smile, he will cry back if you cry first.”

Meaning: Our attitude determines the way our life goes. 

Source: This quote is originally from the famous British novelist, William Makepeace Thackeray.


Pinyin: Shēng huó bú shì yī chǎng sài pǎo, shēng huó shì yī chǎng lǚ xíng, yào dǒng dé hǎo hǎo xīn shǎng měi yī duàn de fēng jǐng. 

Literal translation in English: “Life is not a race; life is a journey, and you need to appreciate every piece of the scenery.”

Meaning: We need to appreciate every chapter of our life. 

Source: Unknown.

3. Quotes About Time

Time is what binds us to our own mortality, and there are several Chinese language quotes on the topic. Take a look!


Pinyin: Zhǒng shù zuì hǎo de shí jī shì èr shí nián qián, qí cì jiù shì xiàn zài.

Literal translation in English: “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now.”

Source: This quote is translated from the book Dead Aid, written by Dambisa Moyo.


Pinyin: Wǒ bǎ bié rén hē kā fēi de shí jiān yòng lái gōng zuò shang. 

Literal translation in English: “When other people are drinking coffee, I am working.”

Meaning: We have to use our time effectively, even when others are relaxing.

Source: This quote is originally from the famous Chinese writer, poet, and literary critic, Lu Xun.


Pinyin: Shí jiān jiù xiàng hǎi mián lǐ de shuǐ, zhǐ yào yuàn jǐ, zǒng hái shì yǒu de.

Literal translation in English: “Time is just like the water in a sponge; it will come out as long as you make the effort to squeeze it.”

Meaning: Time can always be saved as long as you try hard enough.

Source: This quote is originally from the famous Chinese writer, poet, and literary critic, Lu Xun.

4. Quotes About Love

Are you in love? Or maybe you’re a hopeless romantic? Either way, we think you’ll enjoy reading these Chinese quotes on love.

Men and Women Forming Hearts with Their Hands

Cherish the love you have.


Pinyin: Ài zhī shēn, zé zhī qiè. 

Literal translation in English: “The deeper the love is, the harsher the reproaches are.”

Meaning: Love makes people care so much that they’re willing to hurt the other person’s feelings if it’s for their own good.

Source: This quote is originally from part of the ancient Chinese text called Strategies of the Warring States.


Pinyin: Liǎng qíng ruò shì cháng jiǔ shí, yòu qǐ zài zhāo zhāo mù mù. 

Literal translation in English: “Durable love keeps without living together day and night.”

Meaning: True love can withstand long distances.

Source: This quote is from the famous Chinese poet, Qin Guan, from the Song dynasty.


Pinyin: Xǐ huān shì fàng sì, ài shì kè zhì. 

Literal translation in English: “Liking someone is to be free, loving someone is to control yourself.”

Meaning: True love needs restriction and sacrifice.

Source: Unknown.


Pinyin: Rú guǒ nǐ xiǎng yào bèi ài, jiù yào qù ài, bìng yào ràng zì jǐ zhí dé bèi ài. 

Literal translation in English: “If you would be loved, love, and be loveable.” 

Meaning: Only when we deserve love are we able to be loved.

Source: This quote is originally from Benjamin Franklin.

5. Quotes About Family

Family is one of the most important aspects of life, even if they can be hard to get along with sometimes. Read these Chinese quotes about family to gain some cultural insight on family in Chinese culture.

Family Going to Watch Movies

Remember to always have some quality family time no matter how busy you are.


Pinyin: Jiā yǒng yuǎn shì wǒ men wēn nuǎn de bì fēng gǎng. 

Literal translation in English: “Our home will always be the warmest harbor.”

Meaning: Families are always there to support us.

Source: Unknown.


Pinyin: Rén shēng jiù shì lǚ tú, bù guǎn wǒ men piāo dào nǎ, zuì zhōng hái shì huì huí dào jiā. 

Literal translation in English: “Life is a journey; no matter how far we go, we will eventually return to home.”

Meaning: We will always miss our home no matter where we go.

Source: Unknown.

6. Quotes About Friendship

True friends are one of life’s greatest joys and necessities. Can you relate to these Chinese quotes on friendship?

Four Women Standing with Each Other

True friends will always be there for you.


Pinyin: Shí jiān huì tì nǐ shāi xuǎn chū nà xiē zhēn zhèng shǔ yú nǐ shēn biān de rén. 

Literal translation in English: “Time will help you screen the friends who really belong to you.”

Meaning: True friends will always stand by you, no matter what happens. 

Source: Unknown.


Pinyin: Yǒu fú tóng xiǎng, yǒu nàn tóng dāng. 

Literal translation in English: “Share the happiness together, go through the hardship together.”

Meaning: Friends go through everything together, both the good and the bad. 

Source: This quote is originally from a Chinese novel from the Qing dynasty, called Officialdom Unmasked

7. Quotes About Food

Who doesn’t love to enjoy some good food? Here are a couple of Chinese sayings and quotes about food we think you’ll relate to!

Foods on the Table
We can never live without delicious food, can we?


Pinyin: Rén shì tiě, fàn shì gāng, yī dùn bù chī è de huāng. 

Literal translation in English: “Humans are iron, food is steel, you have to eat to stay away from hunger.”

Meaning: Meals give strength and nourishment to the human body and therefore cannot be skipped.

Source: Unknown.


Pinyin: Hǎo chī bú guò jiǎo zi.

Literal translation in English: “Nothing is more delicious than dumplings.”

Meaning: Chinese people dearly enjoy dumplings as their traditional food.

Source: Unknown.

8. Quotes About Health

Staying in good health should be the top priority in one’s life, because it allows you to fulfill other goals! These Chinese health quotes express the importance of maintaining good health. 

    → Of course, even our best efforts can fail when it comes to health. See our vocabulary list of Common Health Concerns and be prepared for the next time you’re not feeling well.
A Patient and a Doctor
Without health, we can’t really do anything else!


Pinyin: Shēn tǐ shì gé mìng de běn qián. 

Literal translation in English: “Your health is the necessity of the revolution.”

Meaning: Health always comes first.

Source: This quote is originally from Chairman Mao


Pinyin: Jiàn kāng shì yī gè rén zuì dà de cái fù.

Literal translation in English: “The greatest wealth is health.”

Meaning: Health is the most valuable thing.

Source: This quote is originally from the Roman poet Virgil, who proposed that one’s well-being is essential to human happiness.

9. Quotes About Language Learning

Have you reached a plateau in your language learning and need some inspiration? You’re in the right place!


Pinyin: Zhǎng wò lìng yī zhǒng yǔ yán jiù shì yōng yǒu dì èr gè líng hún.

Literal translation in English: “To have another language is to possess a second soul.”

Meaning: Learning another language allows you to see the world through new eyes and makes you a more open-minded person. In a sense, it adds depth to who you are.

Source: This is originally from Charlemagne, who was also Emperor of the Romans and united the majority of Western and Central Europe.


Pinyin: Yǔ yán shì zhè shì jiè shang zuì qiáng dà de wǔ qì.

Literal translation in English: “Languages are the most powerful weapon in the world.”

Meaning: Languages can become powerful if used correctly.

Source: Unknown.

10. Quotes About Studying

It can be really hard to sit down and study, we know! Hopefully the following quotes will help you see studying as something beautiful, and not something to be dreaded.

A Woman Reading Book while Standing on a Train

Study hard whenever you can.


Pinyin: Dú shū yào yǎn dào, kǒu dào, xīn dào, shǒu dào, nǎo dào.

Literal translation in English: “While reading a book, it is important to use your eyes, mouth, heart, hands, and brain.”

Meaning: When we read books, it is better to read, speak out loud, understand it with our heart, look up references and make notes, and think about it all at the same time. 

Source: This quote is originally from the famous Chinese writer, poet, and literary critic, Lu Xun.


Pinyin: Hǎo hǎo xué xí, tiān tiān xiàng shàng. 

Literal translation in English: “Study hard and move up everyday.”

Meaning: Study hard and try to improve.

Source: This quote is originally from Chairman Mao. 

11. Conclusion

We hope you enjoyed discovering some insightful philosophical ideas from these classic Chinese quotes. Now, contemplate on them; soon enough, you’ll be able to integrate them into your daily Chinese conversations. Whether you warm your loved one’s heart with Chinese love quotes or use Chinese quotes about language learning to motivate yourself, these words of wisdom are sure to benefit your life. 

Of course, always has more resources than you know. The quotes we outlined in this article are only the basics; by exploring our website and clicking on the links provided throughout the article, you can learn so much more Chinese! 

ChineseClass101 will always serve as your beacon during your Chinese language learning journey!

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